Eight Thousand Iron Buddha at the Start, Please Make Concessions to the First Emperor!

Chapter 210 The amazing effect of the hand cranked whetst1!

Chapter 210


With Zhao Tuo slowly shaking the handle of the hand-cranked whetstone, the whole piece of whetstone that was rounded into a circle began to spin rapidly.

"Sure enough... the large gear disc drives the small gear... The same structural principle as the later generations. 35

"Well... although the friction coefficient of wooden roller bearings is much higher than that of metal bearings, the problem of precision also reduces the smoothness.

"But... it's better than connecting directly with a wooden shaft - how much!"

The handle in Zhao Tuo's hand is turning faster and faster, and the sharpening stone has also been humming at a high speed!

"General Wang, bring your saber. 99

Hearing Zhao Tuo's order, Wang Ben quickly handed out his sword.

His sword, which was originally used by Zhao Tuo to test the hardness of the cement wall, has been damaged in many places.

"Come on, you shake. 35

Zhao Tuo took the sword and stood up to give up his position.

Wang Ben was also enthusiastically learning Zhao Tuo to shake the hand-cranked whetstone.

At first hand, he discovered the details that he hadn't paid attention to before, and at the same time, he was even more surprised.

Why is it that the wheel is turning forward when it is clearly rocking backwards?

It's obvious that he didn't shake it very fast, but the wheel turned like it was going to fly out?

Without waiting for Wang Ben to think about it, Zhao Tuo also took action.

A basin of water was poured on the whetstone, and then the blade was pressed against...


The high-speed rotating sharpener rubbed the blade, making a harsh sound.

But at this time, no one present felt harsh.

Instead, they all widened their eyes, which were full of horror.

After just a few breaths, Zhao Tuo picked up the sword again before everyone could regain their senses.

Taking a brief look, Zhao Tuo nodded in satisfaction.

"Well... it's polished, and the effect is good. 35

The whole courtyard was silent.

Ying Zheng and the others looked at the hand-cranked whetstone that slowly stopped, and they were even more astonished.

How old is this?

Just a few breaths, right?

Is this polished?

Although it is unbelievable in my heart, my reason tells everyone.

If sharpening a knife at this speed, it is entirely possible in such a short time.


Before again, no one could do this at all!

At this time, Wang Ben suddenly looked at Zhao Tuo with a burning gaze and said, "Your Majesty, this thing is of great use to our Qin army! 35

Hearing Wang Ben's voice, the others also came to their senses.

"Yes, Your Majesty, although I don't know why it can spin so fast, please make sure to promote it!"

"If this thing is expensive and laborious to manufacture, my Meng family is willing to open the vault and undertake the manufacture of this hand-cranked whetstone!

"The minister suggested that this item should also be listed in the arsenal.


"Your Majesty, the minister petitions to suspend the tax cut, and instead vigorously manufacture a batch of hand-cranked whetstones!"

Seeing how excited everyone was, the corners of Zhao Tuo's mouth raised slightly.

He could fully understand what everyone was thinking at this time.

Today's Daqin is the age of cold weapons.

And cold weapons, fighting with blades.

Whether it is during manufacture or post-war maintenance, it is inevitable to spend a lot of time and energy to sharpen the cutting edge to ensure combat effectiveness.

Mass production of weapons, precisely because of this grinding step, is so inefficient!

And once you have this hand-cranked whetstone, this most thorny problem will be completely overcome!

"How can you exaggerate as you say, it's just a whetstone, and it's still used in your Meng family's treasury?"

Zhao Tuo smiled and shook his head.

Even if he doesn't know the specific structure of this whetstone now, it doesn't hinder his cognition.

With the help of Xiangli Yang, the wooden casing of the whetstone opened.

as predicted.

This seemingly magical whetstone contains only five main components.

A disc-shaped whetstone, a large gear with a handle, a small gear attached to the whetstone, and two wooden bearings.

"did you see it?"

Zhao Tuo stepped aside and exposed the inner structure of the hand-cranked whetstone to everyone's eyes.

......・・・・Seeking flowers・0

Even if people are not experts in this area.

But it can also be seen.

This whole hand-cranked whetstone is made, except for two wooden bearings that look a little evil, there is no technical content at all.

Metal gears can be mass-produced by direct mold casting.

If you even need to speed up production, you can even get rid of the wooden cover on the outside.

Just make a gear rack!

"Good stuff! Really good stuff!" Ying Zheng rubbed his hands together in excitement.

Xiangli Yang also did not take the credit alone, and said with a smile: "This is also thanks to His Majesty's explanation of the principles of gear sets and bearings for the minister, so that the minister can make this hand-cranked whetstone.

"Don't worry, you are the one who deserves the credit for this.

Zhao Tuo smiled and immediately looked at the other two items.

And Xiangli Yang, who was successfully guessed a creation, seemed a little unconvinced.

Pointing to one of the items, he looked at Zhao Tuo with a smile and asked, "Can you guess what it is?"


Everyone, look at me, I look at you, and immediately looked at the thing in front of him curiously.

Speaking of structure, it looks very similar to the hand-cranked whetstone.

There's a handle at the back for rocking, the only difference being that the whetstone is replaced by three sloping boards.

And the position of the gear is a bit wider.


"can not tell.

"The whetstone can be turned to sharpen a knife, what can these three pieces of wood do when turned?

"No clue..."

For a time, everyone shook their heads.

Obviously, it is impossible to guess the function of this thing at all.

In the end, everyone turned their attention to Zhao Tuo, who was smiling and not speaking.

Don't think about it.

It can be seen from this expression.

Your Majesty should have guessed what this thing is used for.

Zhao Tuo did not disappoint everyone, and said directly: "If my guess is correct.

"This is supposed to be a hand fan?" +.

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