Chapter 211


Everyone looked at Zhao Tuo with a puzzled look.

In their impression, the fan used to fan the wind doesn't even touch the edges of this shape?

And how does this thing fan?

Just turn it around?

Zhao Tuo didn't explain too much to the crowd, but gave Wang Ben and Meng Yi a look and let them experience it.

Having the experience of being the primary whetstone, Wang Ben consciously shook the handle of the hand-cranked fan.

Immediately, driven by the central axis, the three fan blades spun rapidly.

The special oblique insertion structure quickly stirs the airflow.


Meng Yi's hair and beard suddenly floated backwards.

In his eyes, he was even more surprised by "eight seven seven".

"Wind! Really windy!""

"General Wang, hurry up!"

"Okay! Luo

Wang Ben received Meng Yi's words, and his hands became more energetic.

Immediately, the fan spins rapidly, and the sharpness it brings is stronger.

"Hahahaha! Comfortable! Really comfortable!"

"Come here, Lord Meng, shake it for a while, and let this general experience the experience too. 99

"Success. 35

Meng Yi got up and prepared to exchange places with Wang Ben.

Wang Ben is also preparing to start slowly as if using the primary whetstone.

After all, this thing turned so fast that it suddenly stopped, not to mention that the structure inside could not stand it, but to say that the hand was easily injured.

However, just when Wang Ben's shaking speed slowed down, he suddenly felt that his hand was empty, and the fan was spinning uncontrollably.

And made a continuous "click, click, click" sound.

This time, Wang Ben was a little flustered.

"Hey, why doesn't this thing work? Could it be that General Ben shook it too hard just now?"

"Your Majesty, I didn't mean to."

"I know..."

Zhao Tuo pondered for a moment, and then said: "General Wang, try and shake it faster.

"it is good."

According to Zhao Tuo's order, Wang Ben gave him another boost.

Immediately, the click sound disappeared.

Instead, the fan spins at a faster speed.

"It works so well!"

Wang Ben breathed a sigh of relief.

But just as his hand was about to slow down, the abnormality just now appeared again.

"This... what's the situation? Lord Xiangli, don't just watch the fun, come and help. 99

At this moment, a smile appeared on Zhao Tuo's face.

"What a favor, this fan isn't broken at all.

"Not bad? Then this..."

"If my guess is correct, the structure here should be more complex and special than the hand-cranked whetstone.

"Right? Xiangli Aiqing?

"Your Majesty's eyes are like torches." Xiangli Yang stepped forward with a smile and explained: "This fan, if you shake it hard, it will follow it, and if it stops shaking, it will continue to spin for a while.

"So miraculous?" Everyone stepped forward to watch.

Zhao Tuo speculated: "The structure of this fan looks similar to that of a hand-cranked whetstone, but there should be an additional set of bearing components."

"The big bearing drives the small bearing, and the small bearing is connected to a special bearing, which drives the third group of outer rings with a shrapnel structure..."

Saying that, Zhao Tuo drew a simple ratchet mechanism on the ground.

"In this form, it can be ensured that when the gear rotates in the forward direction, it can drive the fan, and even when you stop rotating, the fan can still continue to rotate with inertia. 66

"Is what I said right? Xiangli Aiqing. 35

"Your Majesty's wisdom, Xiangli Yang is convinced!

After listening to Zhao Tuo's explanation, Xiangli Yang admired the five-body projection.

Just looking at it, I can't help but guess the principle of the fan, and even draw the mechanism in it!

This kind of thing, he Xiangli Yang thought it was absolutely impossible.

While everyone was talking, the fan had stopped turning.

Xiangli Yang also took advantage of the situation to open the cover of Feng Chan.

"As expected..." Zhao Tuo smiled..

I saw that the structure in it was exactly as he had just said.

The special gear external aid is three thin bamboo pieces fixed in the outer ring structure.

So as to achieve a role similar to the ratchet of later generations.

Although this high-friction structure, when the handle stops shaking, it will bring about a great loss of Dongnen, as well as the wear of the shrapnel as a "pawl".

But what is certain is that this structure is undoubtedly very advanced in Daqin.

As for where it can be applied in the future, it depends on Xiangli Yang and the group of craftsmen.

"Yes, these gifts are very suitable for me, ha ha ha ha! 99

Zhao Tuo let out a hearty laugh.

Everyone looked at Xiangli Yang Ye, and their eyes were full of admiration.

Say nothing else.

How much can the efficiency of weapon sharpening be improved by the hand-cranked whetstone alone?

In addition, once the fan is put on the market, it can definitely add a wave of income to Da Qin's treasury.

"No wonder Your Majesty wants to set up the Heavenly Secret Pavilion, it seems that the technique of creating this mechanism is indeed excellent.

"Mr. Xiangli's hand really opened the eyes of this old man."

"Admiration! Admiration! 35

"Lord Xiangli, if you can use this mechanism to create some weapons for use on the battlefield, then 1.0 will be absolutely perfect.

Facing everyone's praise, Xiangli Yang suddenly sighed.

"Hey... It's a pity that this fan has some imperfections. It would be more convenient if the fan blades could rotate for a while after it stopped shaking."

Hearing this, Zhao Tuo said directly: "Is this not easy to handle?"

"You replace all of these fan blades with metal, and increase the position of the edge to ensure that the rotation time is long enough!"

"Ah? Your Majesty, why is this?"

"I told you that you don't understand, it's called inertia!

ps: There are pictures in this chapter. Those who don’t know the ratchet mechanism can take a look. In addition, Daqin is fully capable of making ratchet mechanisms. The earliest ratchet brake mechanism appeared in the late Warring States Period.

(This chapter contains pictures, click the "Illustration" button in the lower right corner of the screen to view the pictures.)

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