Eight Thousand Iron Buddha at the Start, Please Make Concessions to the First Emperor!

Chapter 248 The big ship is about to be completed! The Peacock Dynasty retreats!

Chapter 248

Based on Xiangli Yang and Gong Shuiming's understanding of the organization, coupled with the black gunpowder, the big killer.

It's not hard to imagine what kind of power it has in the end...

After talking about the chariot, Zhao Tuo did not forget the main purpose of his visit.

"By the way, the right hall master, where is the clipper boat transmission mechanism that was being made in the steelmaking workshop?"

"Report to Your Majesty, the transmission mechanism has been basically completed, and the test has been completed. It was sent to the dock early yesterday morning."

"So fast?""

Hearing Xiangli Yang's words, Zhao Tuo's expression brightened.

He originally thought that these pure metal transmission mechanisms would take a considerable amount of time to build, but he did not expect this to be completed!

The rest is the wooden hull and sails.

"Okay, I see, you are busy.

After explaining, Zhao Tuo went straight to the old dock on the Weishui River outside the city.

Today, the newly built large dock has been completed.

Zhao Tuo had just come to the river, and before he entered the dock, he could see the silhouette of a large ship and the tall mast in the distance.

When they arrived at the dock, the workers stopped their work when they saw His Majesty coming.

"Meet Your Majesty!!!"

"All free.

Zhao Tuo waved his hand to call the shipyard's agent, and asked casually, "How is the construction of the clipper ship that I want?

The speaker replied: "Report to Your Majesty! The main parts of the hull have been completed, and the sails have also been completed a few days ago.

"Yesterday morning, Gongzhong Workshop also sent over the core transmission mechanism, and now the final assembly is underway.

"If all goes well, the ship can be launched in ten days to test the boat, and it can officially enter the sea after the autumn harvest.

Hearing the report of the speaker, Zhao Tuo nodded in satisfaction.

"Yes, tell the craftsmen that the big ship was launched successfully, and all those who participated in this shipbuilding will be rewarded!

Hearing these words, the faces of the talker and the craftsmen around them burst into laughter.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!""

"Go get busy.

After another brief inspection, Zhao Tuo left the dock with satisfaction.

At this rate of development, it is estimated that when the people harvest in autumn, Da Qin's footsteps will be able to set foot on the Fuzhu Islands.

It is estimated that at that time, in the state of the Ephesus Islands in this period, Daqin will be able to take this island directly with a single ship of 1,800 soldiers.

After all, in the "Warring States" period when battles were frequent on this archipelago, it was nothing more than the struggle of several villages.

What would they use to stop Da Qin, who now has gunpowder and holds steel soldiers in his hands?

Far in front of the Mauryan Dynasty.

Under the strong blessing of black gunpowder and explosive arrows, the speed of Qin army's advance suddenly increased several grades!

The army was directly divided into three groups.

Wang Ben and Han Xin sat in the rear, responsible for the overall situation.

The remaining three, Lu Bu, Xiang Yu, and Feng Jie, each led an army of 50,000 troops to expand rapidly in three directions.

All the obstructing gates along the way were blown to pieces one after another.

The exploding arrows made all the enemies terrified.

Coupled with today's Peacock Dynasty, the situation is getting more and more severe.

In the absence of a leader within the group, the various factions are in endless strife.

The famine, coupled with the powerful offensive of the Qin army, made many people appeal to the Orientals.

After all, the East seems to have always been kind to the conquered townspeople.

It should not be as brutal as those evil colonists in the West.

But obviously.

Most people are unwilling to be conquered like this...

Faced with such a severe form, the remaining high-level members of the Mauryan Dynasty had to gather in the palace to discuss.

"No, if it goes on like this, all the regions of the entire dynasty will fall!

"That's right, we have to make a choice now. Those Orientals are too powerful, and they still have such powerful weapons in their hands. We have no chance of winning in ordinary battles."

"It's true that Zhabu said, besides, our soldiers have not had enough to eat for a long time, and they have no strength to fight at all, and the people in the city took advantage of the opportunity to make trouble, and there is no way to fight.

"If you want me to say, we might as well surrender..."

"Don't fart, surrender is absolutely impossible! 35

"What are you talking about! Once we surrender, won't we be indistinguishable from those low caste pariahs?"

".||Maybe... those Orientals will rely on us to maintain their rule?"

"I will never take this risk, I do not agree! 35

"I don't agree either!

Obviously, the vast majority of people do not intend to submit to Da Qin for their own status.

After a long silence, an elderly person finally stood up first and said, "Actually... it's not impossible to stop those Orientals.


As soon as these words came out, everyone subconsciously looked at the old man.

I just heard the old man continue: "Judging from the battle for such a long time, although those easterners are powerful, they don't seem to want to suffer too many losses.

Everyone nodded.

"So, we can completely use the psychology of the Orientals to gather a large number of troops from the Mauryan Dynasty to block them in front."

"As long as we have an absolute numerical advantage and the determination to die, I believe that those Easterners (Nuo's) will never attack rashly! 35

The crowd nodded again.

But then, another person asked aloud: "But... we only have so many troops, how can we have an absolute advantage?

The old man sighed and said slowly: "I can only... give up most of the areas temporarily.

"As long as the back is behind, the troops will no longer do useless losses and gather in a small area."

As the old man spoke, he clicked on the map of the Peacock Dynasty behind him.

"This plain is extremely open, as long as we invest enough troops, with the number of those from the East, even if the weapons are strong, if we want to take the city, we will have to pay a huge loss.

"I'm sure they wouldn't do such a stupid thing."

"The rest... it depends on whether you can be ruthless and give up a lot of territory."

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