Eight Thousand Iron Buddha at the Start, Please Make Concessions to the First Emperor!

Chapter 249 Go the way of others, let others have no way to go!

Chapter 249

"Wait a moment!"

Suddenly a different voice appeared in the crowd.

Seeing a relatively young senior official, Shen Sheng said: "If we retreat, it means a lot of loss of cultivated land.

"Now we don't have any food reserves at all, and we all rely on the harvest of the cultivated land to ease the situation. If we retreat, the cultivated land will be reduced, and the military strength will be inconvenient. If this goes on...

There was silence in the palace.

All the senior officials of the Peacock Dynasty present were weighing the gains and losses in their hearts at this moment.

After an unknown amount of time, one of them slowly raised his hand.

"I agree!"

"Only by relinquishing these lands will we have enough troops to hold on to the remaining territories.35

"As long as we can win a breath, we have the opportunity to learn the war tactics of those easterners, and then expand our territory in another direction!"9

"The food problem will naturally be solved by then.

"Maybe... there is still a chance to counterattack!"

As soon as these words came out, the eyes of the top executives of the Peacock Dynasty lit up.

Immediately, several people raised their hands.

"this is a good idea.

"I agree too.

"903 let go of the territory, our Peacock Dynasty will definitely be able to fight back! 55

Under the vote of the majority of people, the Mauryan Dynasty finally made a decision.

"General! General Sanwei is coming to report from the front! 35

"Huh?" Wang Ben and Han Xin stopped their tactical discussion and looked up at the first messenger.

"A war? How's it going?"

"Reporting to the general, the three frontline generals said...the Peacock Dynasty has withdrawn its troops!"

"Withdrawing troops?" Both Wang Ben and Han Xin were stunned.

What happened to the Peacock Dynasty?

Could it be that they were beaten and surrendered?

its not right.

It stands to reason, like surrender in this kind of war, why do you have to send someone to explain to the other party, and then get preferential treatment?

What the hell is this kind of silent and direct withdrawal?

"General Wang, I'm afraid there is something strange about this matter. 35 Han Xin said in a deep voice: "The last general suggested that the army move forward cautiously, and by the way, send spies to further investigate the situation and make a decision.

Wang Ben nodded.

"General Han is right.

"Pass the order of the general! The three-way army paused and sent spies to investigate the situation!"

"Also, send a message back to Xianyang and report the situation to Your Majesty! 35


How efficient are the spies sent out by the Qin army?

After receiving the news, he single-handedly approached the residence of the Peacock Dynasty.

It was just dark the next day when a message came back.

At this time, Lu Bu, Xiang Yu and others had also returned to the fortress to meet.

"Reporting to all the generals, all the Mauryan Dynasty troops are gathering in their inland areas. At present, there are large areas and six or seven cities, plus one fortress is no longer stationed!

"so much?"

Hearing this news, several people present did not like to doubt it.

After all, during the period when Daqin attacked the Peacock Dynasty, he had only won more than ten cities and one fortress.

The Peacock Dynasty gave up such a large area as soon as it gave up, and there was no intention to surrender.

There must be something odd about this!

After hesitating again and again, Wang Ben still ordered: "Generals, order the army to go forward and occupy the vacant city!

"But remember, you must be careful in everything, and the people and settings in the city must be carefully checked to avoid falling into the trap of the enemy.


Hundreds of thousands of Qin troops were dispatched again, and they occupied the Daliang territory again without any effort.

During this time, the situation on the front line was also quickly returned to Xianyang by means of bjba communication and sent to Zhao Tuo.

"What are the people of the Peacock Dynasty doing?

Zhao Tuo narrowed his eyes slightly.

Although he is not a professional leader in war, he is far inferior to Wang Ben and others.

But he has the means that ordinary people do not have.

"Let's all go down, I want to be alone for a while.


After dispersing the eunuchs and maids in the hall, Zhao Tuo directly took out the real-time military map.

"Ding, whether to spend 50,0000 reputation points, check the military map. 35

"Ding, beyond the jurisdiction, this is the fee information, the location of the Maurya Dynasty, the viewing fee is 110,000 reputation.

600,000 reputation deduction.

The situation of the Peacock Dynasty also clearly appeared in front of Zhao Tuo.

I saw that the extremely shrinking territory of the Peacock Dynasty was covered with red dots representing troops!

And the area where they were retreating, a short section of the outermost edge, unexpectedly gathered up to 400,000 troops!

Seeing this situation, Zhao Tuo also suddenly realized.

"So that's the case, it seems that these people from the Peacock Dynasty want to play the game of abandoning the car and keeping the handsome.

"The 400,000 defenders, I am afraid that even with the help of black gunpowder, the loss will certainly be very large.

"It's just... they should have other plans?"

Zhao Tuo couldn't help thinking in his heart.

Today's Mauryan Dynasty has become extremely empty after Dutt's incident.

Since this period of time, they can only rely on the remaining little background, barely maintaining it.

Their only hope now is to hold out until the crops mature and ease the situation.

But... the areas they retreated to were mostly rich cities and villages.

The area of ​​arable land is poor.

And in such a small place, with so many people and troops gathered... They didn't think about eating?

With such a ratio of arable land and population, I am afraid that the crops are mature, and they can't support it, right?

If they want to survive, there are only two ways.

Or reverse and invade other places.

Or... abandon the people.

Other than that, there is no other way!

"In that case... 6

Zhao Tuo's eyes were on and off, and the corners of his mouth raised a slight arc.

"If they have such a plan while defending...then Daqin will have to go the way of others, leaving others with nowhere to go!"

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