When Zhao Tuo and Ying Zheng fought in Kyushu.

The various institutions in the Daqin Pass were not idle either. Although His Majesty could not get away for the time being, everyone had already received various tasks before Zhao Tuo left, one of which was to improve the new chariot.

When Zhao Tuo handed over the composition of the new chariot to Shenjitang, he warned about the importance of this matter, and the person in charge of it naturally did not dare to take it lightly.

Looking at the composition of the new chariot, Shenjitang couldn't help but look surprised.

This kind of chariot is simply born for combat. It is conceivable that once it is manufactured, it will have an important impact on the war.

The person in charge of Shenjitang immediately called Gong Shuming and others.

Although Shenji Hall is the main creation organization of Da Qin, but now Gongshujia and Mojia are all subservient to His Majesty, these two masters are masters in this regard.

When the three parties join forces at the same time, they can naturally create what His Majesty wants more quickly.

Gong Shuiming was also shocked when he saw the composition of this new chariot. Although he had known for a long time that their young majesty was talented and talented, he found that he still did not underestimate the emperor.

"This composition is simply ingenious..."

Although this strategy was originally planned by Gong Shuming, the final improved version was based on His Majesty's theory.

After getting the blueprint, Shenjitang, Gonglujia, and Mojia immediately began to cooperate in manufacturing.

At the beginning, everyone was really unable to start. Fortunately, the Mo family and the public losers had been immersed in the creation of institutions for a long time, and the situation soon opened up.

Daqin's Shenjitang quickly followed up, and the three companies manufactured various parts separately.

In just half a month, the manufacture of the new chariot given by Zhao Tuo was completed.

Gong Shuiming looked at the huge fortress-like thing in the distance, and looked forward to it.

"Hopefully it will not disappoint His Majesty's expectations.

Then Gong Shuoming turned his head to look at the Daqin soldier next to him, and nodded.

The Daqin soldiers immediately waved the small flag in their hands, and the soldiers in the distance nodded when they saw it. Everyone set the target and ran away immediately. At the same time, the Daqin archers who were in charge of the confrontation also stood on the city wall above the target.

"Quickly reload the arrows..."

"Pay attention to the direction of the launch..."

Inside this huge chariot, three Mohist disciples were operating various organs in an orderly manner.

"Dodge the bow and arrow to the left!"

At first, the Mojia disciples were worried that the arrows would damage the chariot, but later the three found that the arrows shot by the bows and arrows could not break the casing of the chariot they were riding on.

The three of them immediately felt relieved and began to attack the target on the opposite side with all their hearts.


The piercing screams continued to sound, and huge arrows flew out from the front and side of the huge fortress.

All the targets that were hit were shattered one by one.

In the distance, Gong Shuiming, Shenji Hall, and the people of the Mo family were overjoyed when they saw this scene.

Moreover, after the chariot is equipped with tracks, it can pass easily whether it encounters a ditch or a hill.


"Come on, let someone pass the news to Your Majesty.

Zhao Tuo on the island of Kyushu is grinding a flat glass.

The guard next to him and Li Xin looked at Zhao Tuo with puzzled expressions on their faces.

"Your Majesty, this fine glass, why do you want to polish it..."

Among the crowd, only Li Xin dared to ask.

Zhao Tuo smiled mysteriously when he heard the words.

"Don't worry, you will find out later. 99

When Li Xin heard this, he could only be patient and continue watching.

Grinding glass is a delicate job that no one else can.

Otherwise Zhao Tuo will definitely let the artisans come instead of making it by hand.

Naturally, Kyushu Island also has various ores. Zhao Tuo instructed people to easily find borax and limestone, and then fired some glass. In addition, Zhao Tuo also instructed the people to burn paper into a flat shape.

Although the person in charge of the firing is somewhat puzzled, why does His Majesty the Emperor want glass of this shape.

However, the finished product was finely fired as instructed.

Then came this scene.

After about an hour, Zhao Tuo finally stood up satisfied.

"Finally polished.

Looking at the two large and small oval-shaped glass pieces in his hand with slightly protruding sides, Zhao Tuo smiled.

"Find a craftsman and have them smooth the surface."

"Yes, Your Majesty.

After a while, the craftsman returned the item again.

At this time, the two pieces of glass became translucent again, and there seemed to be no grinding scratches at all.

Zhao Tuo nodded with satisfaction.

Then Zhao Tuo picked up the long wooden barrel that had been prepared, carefully installed it, and then fixed it with a bronze ring.

A simple telescope, and that's it.

"Go, accompany me to try. 99

Li Xin has long been curious about the long barrel object in His Majesty's hand.

Wen Yan immediately followed behind Zhao Tuo, and then the two came to a place near the sea cliff.

It has been transformed into a pavilion-like place.

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