Zhao Tuo stood by the railing and put the telescope directly in front of one eye.

Then a distant image suddenly appeared in Zhao Tuo's eyes, no matter whether it was a big fish jumping out of the sea or a seabird flying over the sea, they could not escape Zhao Tuo's eyes.

"Well, yes, you should be able to see thousands of meters away."9

Zhao Tuo is very satisfied. It is not easy to be able to do this for the first time.

Besides, this is still small, and something like a large telescope is a useful east-west in a strategic sense.

"Li Xin, take a look. If you think it's good, let the craftsman make more. In the future, it will be much more convenient to have it on a long voyage."

Zhao Tuo casually handed the long tube to Li Xin.

Li Xin immediately took it respectfully and put it in front of him, imitating Zhao Tuo.

Li Xin couldn't get to the point for a long time, so Zhao Tuo had no choice but to start teaching.

"Get closer, get closer, close the other eye..."

Under the guidance of Zhao Tuo, Li Xin finally began to learn to use it, Li Xin kept picking it up and putting it down, and then looked at Zhao Tuo ecstatically.

"Your Majesty, what is this! How can it be so miraculous that it can make people see places beyond their sight.

Zhao Tuo said with a smile.

"You can call him Qianlimu."

"Chillimu... good name! Good stuff! After marching and fighting with it, what are you afraid of sneak attacks!"

It can be seen that Li Xin really likes this thing, and he actually asked Zhao Tuo for it on the spot.

"Your Majesty, look... this thing will definitely be made by craftsmen in the future.

"Why don't you give me this one."

Seeing Li Xin pinching things tightly, Zhao Tuo couldn't help laughing.

"Okay, I will reward you with this clairvoyance. 99

Li Xin immediately laughed when he heard Zhao Tuo's words, and then quickly knelt down to thank him.

"Thank you Your Majesty for the gift.

With the telephoto lens, Li Xin now looks around with the telephoto lens whenever he has free time.

When many subordinate officials saw this scene, they couldn't help but wonder.

"What's wrong with General Li recently... How can I look around all day..."

"Yeah, I've seen it several times.

"Zhang Gongcheng, you are close to General Li, why don't you ask and let us all know."

"Forget it, although General Li and I know each other, we are only friends of gentlemen. It's not good to ask too much."

It was one of the officials who passed by who happened to visit the craftsman recently, and when he learned about it, he quickly started talking about it.

"You don't know that. 99

"This is His Majesty's handwriting, His Majesty polished it with the glass you have seen before, and it is said that it can bring the scene from a thousand kilometers to the front.

"It seems to be called Qianlimu, yes, that's the name.

Everyone was surprised.

"And such wonders. 55

Passing officials smiled and looked at the crowd.

"You won't know if you go to the craftsman's office. It is said that His Majesty intends to equip the generals of HNA and the army with this thing."

One of the burly officials immediately smiled when he heard the words.

"Everyone, whoever wants to try in the future, come to me.

Several people looked back and found that it was the captain who was in charge of a building ship who spoke.

Everyone was stunned for a moment, then laughed.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for the ships and the army to be equipped with this kind of thing, and there was a special person in charge of teaching everyone how to use it.

Everyone was a little puzzled at first, but after experiencing it for a while, everyone was amazed.

Especially the generals on the ship cherish this thing even more.

Because of their different uses, the clairvoyance on the ship is large, so it can see farther.

These generals found that with this thing, it was like an extra pair of eyes, and once a battle broke out, the enemy could almost predict everything.

In the palace lobby of Xihai Castle on Kyushu Island.

Zhao Tuo high-end sits at the top.

The next official in charge of traveling between Kyushu Island and Daqin is reporting.

"Your Majesty, there is news from Shenjitang that the chariot has been remodeled with the help of Gongshujia and the Mo family.

Zhao Tuo was overjoyed when he heard the news.

"it is good!"

"It didn't live up to my expectations."

"Come here, pass on Li Xin. 99

He was very interested in looking for Li Xin for the guards. Li Xin heard that His Majesty was looking for him, so he hurried over.

"His Majesty."

Li Xin walked in and knelt down respectfully.

"Get up. 99

"Li Xin, news came from Xianyang that the chariot has been rebuilt, and it is time for Daqin to take down the Peacock Dynasty, so I decided to return to Xianyang.

"However, the Kyushu Island side still cannot stop. 95

"So, I plan to hand this matter over to the emperor and you, and you will be responsible for assisting the emperor in pacifying Kyushu Island.

Li Xin heard the words, looked solemn, and nodded quickly.

"Hey, your Majesty ordered that your subordinates must pacify Kyushu Island.

Zhao Tuo is not worried about Kyushu Island, because the indigenous people here are too backward, and it is only a matter of time before Daqin's soldiers capture Kyushu Island.

"When the time comes, I will continue to let more Da Qin people come over, so please speed up the progress.

Li Xin nodded, now that Xihai Jinkou has been basically perfected, and the city has also grown in size, it is indeed possible to expand the territory again.

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