At present, coal mines have been able to stably produce coal, although the amount is not large, but it is sufficient for smelting.

The production cost is greatly reduced, Zhao Tuo's skills, coupled with artisans.

In this way, as long as enough iron ore is found, Daqin can produce steel on a large scale.

In fact, since the Warring States Period, things like iron tools have begun to appear.

However, due to the backwardness of smelting technology, only some pig iron can be smelted. Even if someone occasionally figures out something like steel, it is only in the hands of very few people, and there is no unified smelting method. Many craftsmen can't even do it. Smelt out the second one.

As for mass production, it is even more impossible, because it is extremely difficult to easily smelt steel by the temperature of wood burning alone.

The iron eagle warriors under Zhao Tuo were actually equipped with iron weapons, but they were the only ones equipped.

This time, Zhao Tuo is going to tour the world. First, he wants to see the current state of Qin and whether the local economy and politics are stable.

Second, it is precisely to find iron ore. Although iron officials have been set up, these officials have very little understanding of iron ore veins. It may be difficult to rely on them to find large iron ore veins.

It is rumored that iron ore has appeared in both Linzi and Handan.

So the focus of Zhao Tuo's tour this time is these two places.

With Zhao Tuo's order, it was known all over the world for a while.

The emperor's parade is a very important event. During the reign of the first emperor, he toured the world many times.

Officials from all over the world have long been guessing when the emperor Zhao Tuo will tour the world.

Now the Xiongnu in the north has been pacified, and the Baiyue in the south has also established prefectures and counties.

At present, the east has begun to colonize the overseas Kyushu Island, and the Kunlun in the west and the Peacock Dynasty in the south have surrendered to the territory of Daqin.

Zhao Tuo's achievements almost overshadowed all the previous lords of Qin, and only the first emperor's unification of the six kingdoms can be compared with Zhao Tuo.

With such a feat, according to reason, Zhao Tuo should also travel around the world.

"Pass your majesty's order, and after seven days, travel around the world!"

Following Zhao Tuo's order, officials all over Daqin became active for a while.

This is an absolutely important event. When your Majesty travels, you must firstly demonstrate the integrity and stability of the county under your jurisdiction, and secondly, you must ensure your Majesty's safety.

It has been a long time since the Six Kingdoms were incorporated into the territory. Many people from the Six Nations began to identify themselves as the people of Daqin, but there were still many who resisted the laws of Daqin and tried to subvert the regime.

These people will definitely not miss such a good opportunity, and various places have begun to suppress bandits everywhere and check their identities.

Seven days later, outside the Xianyang Palace, 20,000 Daqin sergeants had already been listed on both sides. In addition, there were hundreds of chariots and horses.

Although it was the mid-winter season, many people and officials in Xianyang City came to see them off outside the city.

Zhao Tuo looked back at Xianyang City, and then got into his carriage.


As the eunuch's high voice sounded, the 20,000 Qin sergeants commanded by Zhang Han set off.

Zhao Tuo looked at the horizon the avenue led to with a smile on his face.

"Your Majesty, the Yingchuan County Governor and the Commander at the first stop have already prepared a palace for His Majesty.

Zhao Tuo nodded casually.

Zhao Tuo traveled the world this time, and he was not in a hurry. Today's Kyushu Island is gradually opening up under the leadership of Ying Zheng and Li Xin, and the rest have been settled.

Starting from Xianyang, after half a month, Zhao Tuo and the ministers accompanying him finally arrived at the boundary of Yingchuan County.

The city of Yingchuan County is located in the east of Xianyang. It was originally the hometown of Han, but now it belongs to Daqin.

Zhang Han, who was riding on the war horse, got off the horse and came to Zhao Tuo's carriage before arriving at Yingchuan County.

|| Minister, I have something to play.

Zhao Tuo glanced at Zhang Han and said.


"Your Majesty, although Yingchuan has already belonged to Daqin, the atmosphere here is very bad. 39

"There are often knights who hide in the market, are reckless, and even dare to commit crimes.

"I suggest that when Your Majesty enters the city, the people are not allowed to walk in the city.

Hearing this, Zhao Tuo nodded after thinking for a while.

Zhang Han immediately resigned, and then hurriedly arranged the matter.

At this time, in a stockade on Xinyang Mountain in Yingchuan, a group of people in sackcloth and linen were sitting together.

Among them (Nuo Li Zhao), a man in his early 40s who looked a little thin, was holding a drink.

"Everyone, although the old country has gone, Daqin is too bullying. Although we are not real celebrities, we are willing to devote ourselves to it."

After the man finished speaking, the warrior below immediately stood up.

"I would like to be the leader! Assassinate that Emperor Qin!

Everyone heard the words and looked at this man.

"Lu Ke, when it is the hero in my class who punishes the Qin Emperor, it is when we see the light of day again. At that time, I will definitely write an article and establish a name for you."

The nearly forty-year-old man smiled domineeringly, drank the wine in his hand, and then smashed the glass.

"Wait for me to believe it.

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