Eight Thousand Iron Buddha at the Start, Please Make Concessions to the First Emperor!

Chapter 279 When encountering an assassin on the road, how do you want to die?

After finishing speaking, the burly man walked out of the room, took the knife and axe, and left the stockade. The rest of the stockade watched his back, and got up one after another, with sad and angry eyes.

"Send off for Lu Ke!"

At the city gate of Yingchuan, Daqin's 20,000 troops, together with the 5,000 soldiers brought by the captain, had completely controlled the streets, and the people were staying in shops or rooms.

When Zhao Tuo was passing through the market, thousands of doors and windows were all opened, and everyone was looking at him inside, watching the second emperor of Da Qin who overcame all obstacles and reformed.

In one of the restaurants, everyone gathered around the door, and only a big man sat alone at the wine table.

"Seller, don't drink alcohol yet!?"

The big man shook the wine jar in his hand, his red face showed anger, he was very dissatisfied, and then slapped the table directly.

The owner of the restaurant was an old man in his fifties. At this time, he looked back, and after seeing the big man, he hesitated and said with a smile.

"Strong man, now that His Majesty is traveling around the world, it is rare for me to see it, so please allow me a moment. 46

Lu Ke was already intent on killing, but now he heard the word "Your Majesty" from the old man's mouth and stood up abruptly. At the same time, he grabbed a huge axe directly from Bai Buri and slashed towards the old man.

There are also plausible words in the mouth.

"You are an old friend of the Han country, and you actually call that Zhao Tuo your majesty. Daqin's despicable methods actually make you treasonous.

The old man had never seen such a scene before, and he was shocked and retreated again and again, and he actually fell out of the door.

When Lu Ke saw it, he immediately chased out with big strides.

The Daqin soldiers who were strictly stationed by the street, saw the old man fall out, and immediately walked over with a frown.

Just bumping into Lu Ke, who rushed out, the Daqin soldiers couldn't help but yelled loudly.


Lu Ke wanted to use the old man to get close to Qin Bing, how could he stop at this time.

Lu Ke directly slashed at the old man with an axe. The old man was in despair at this time. This big man was actually those who wanted to restore the country. I am afraid that he could not save his life.

The Qin soldiers then came over, but they couldn't match Lu Ke's speed.

Lu Ke was a ranger when he was young. He spent years in the market, drinking and fighting with others. He was never afraid. Now he wants to assassinate the Great Qin Emperor, and naturally he doesn't mind killing one more traitor.

The old man died directly, and a group of Daqin soldiers were shocked and angry. The emperor of Daqin was behind, and this person dared to commit murder in the street, there was no kingly law.

Daqin's attitude towards these rangers has always been very clear, which was also in the period of the first emperor. When Ying Zheng was assassinated by Jing Ke, there was an order prohibiting the rangers.

Han Zi once said in the Five Beetles, "Confucianism violates law with literature, while chivalry violates prohibition with martial arts." Both are ridiculed, and scholars are mostly called Shiyun.

Ying Zheng believed in Legalism, and when he encountered Jing Ke's assassination, he naturally would not tolerate rangers anymore.

A group of Daqin soldiers surrounded (bjba) Lu Ke directly, and the soldiers marched towards Lu Ke, wanting to take him down.

Lu Ke waved the axe in his hand, chopped wantonly, and kept approaching where Zhao Tuo was.

Zhao Tuo, who was not far away, looked at the confusion ahead, and couldn't help frowning. Is there really an assassin?

Daqin is now in good weather, the people live and work in peace and contentment, and all directions are submissive, and there are still people who want to assassinate themselves. This is completely a group of cynical people who have been carried away by hatred.

Zhao Tuo snorted angrily.

"Let someone go and capture the assassin. 66

Zhang Han next to him heard the words and nodded immediately.

"You guard your Majesty. Face

Afterwards, Zhang Han led the Daqin sergeant directly to surround him. Although Lu Ke practiced martial arts all the year round, he had no chance to assassinate in front of Daqin's army.

Soon Lu Ke, who was covered in scars, was escorted to Zhao Tuo.

Zhao Tuo looked at Lu Ke furious and questioned directly.

"Now that the world is at peace, and Daqin is even expanding its territory, why do you old people from the Six Kingdoms rebel?

"Today I'll give you a chance to confess to your gangsters, otherwise the car will crack. Jingjing

Originally, Zhao Tuo wanted to continue to ask about Lu Ke's henchmen, but Lu Ke wanted to attack.

Zhao Tuo laughed angrily, a group of people who are not afraid of death.

"I originally wanted you to choose your own method of death. Since you are so eager to die, then take it out of the city and execute it. 66

"Also let his henchmen, see what happens. 66

Zhao Tuo originally thought that what happened to Ying Zheng would not happen to him, but he didn't expect this group of people to be unreasonable.

"Call the commander of Yingchuan and the county governor. Take a look.

The commander-in-chief and the county governor of Yingchuan knew that there were assassins and couldn't help but be terrified.

"The two of you are responsible for the security of Yingchuan, and now something like this happens, what's your explanation?

Zhao Tuo looked at the two with dissatisfaction in their expressions. The commander and the county guard knelt down in front of Zhao Tuo, not knowing how to speak.

"The two of you are downgraded by one rank, and the two of you will immediately arrest the other henchmen.

When the two heard Zhao Tuo's words, they immediately nodded respectfully.

"According to His Majesty's order, we must catch these thieves as soon as possible."

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