There have been assassinations along the way of Zhao Tuo's parade, but it's generally pretty stable.

After a month, Zhao Tuo and 20,000 Qin soldiers came to Jiaozhou County.

At this time, Zhang Zifang had not left Jiaozhou Bay when he heard His Majesty's parade here, and rushed over from the sea.

Outside the county town of Jiaozhou, Li Cang of Ren Duwei and Zhang Xun of Ren County Governor stood at the forefront together with Zhang Zifang.

The rear is the county seat and some county-officials.

With the assassination of Yingchuan, the two of them didn't dare to take it lightly. They swept away all the bandits in the surrounding mountain range long before Zhao Tuo brought it. in prison.

Serious crimes were directly beheaded, and even those involved were subject to criminal law, and many were even stabbed and sent to slaves.

Today's Jiaozhou Bay in the East China Sea is almost closed at night, and some people can't help but praise it.

"Meet Your Majesty."

After seeing Zhao Tuo getting off the carriage, the captain, the county governor, and Zhang Liang and other officials all knelt down and bowed.

Zhao Tuo smiled and nodded.

Along the way, I have seen many places in Daqin. Although there are county towns that do not close their doors at night, such as Donghai Jiaozhou County City, there are not many.

Some old people from the Six Kingdoms always wanted to overthrow Da Qin.

However, Zhao Tuo is not worried about this matter. Although the so-called old people of the Six Kingdoms are full of hatred for Da Qin, how many generations can these people maintain, and it must be known that today's Da Qin is getting stronger and stronger.

If they want to overthrow Daqin's rule, even if Zhao Tuo does nothing and gives them a chance, I'm afraid they won't be able to do it.

The foundation of the world is first of all in people's hearts, and now, except for some stubborn old people from the Six Kingdoms, the whole world belongs to the heart, and these people can no longer become a climate.

"Zhang Liang, your mission has been completed, why haven't you returned to Xianyang?

Then Zhao Tuo looked at Zhang Liang and said with some dissatisfaction.

Hearing this, Zhang Liang immediately lowered his head.

"Your Majesty forgives my sins, I lived in my hometown for a long time when I was young, and I have never seen such a big river and sea, so I was obsessed with it and delayed my return journey. Bureau Bureau

Zhao Tuo is not really dissatisfied, but it is just that people like Zhang Liang are a little worried if they are not around.

"If that's the case, you can follow me on a cruise.

"Wait until the parade is over, and then return to Xianyang together."6

Zhang Liang nodded when he heard the words.

"Some listen to His Majesty's words."6

Then Zhao Tuo came to the palace prepared by the Jiaodong County Governor.

Zhao Tuo did not expect that the Jiaodong County Governor would place the palace on a hill by the sea, and he couldn't help but be very satisfied.

Looking out from the gate of the palace, the huge sea and the long coastline are all in sight.

On the third day after rest.

Under the escort of Sergeant Daqin, Zhao Tuo came to a mountain range in Jiaozhou Bay.

"Li Cang, this is where the iron ore you said is located?

Zhao Tuo turned to look at the person standing behind and asked.

Li Cang, the captain of Jiaodong, who was standing behind, nodded immediately.

"Report to Your Majesty, the source of ironware in Linzi was in the mountains here."6

Zhao Tuo nodded when he heard the words, and then looked at the mountains in the distance again.

Zhang Liang, who was following behind, heard Zhao Tuo and Li Cang's words and couldn't help but feel a little puzzled. His Majesty arrived in Jiaodong County in just two days, and left the County directly.

This doesn't look like a parade at all. The previous Shi Huangdi had also traveled, but they all passed by downtown and only went to places where crowds gathered.

...for flowers · 0

But the present His Majesty brought everyone to the deep mountains.

Zhang Liang, such a smart person, immediately figured out Zhao Tuo's mind.

"Could it be that His Majesty wasn't just cruising from the beginning..."6

Zhang Liang couldn't help sighing afterwards, Daqin destroyed the six kingdoms, and it really didn't rely on the army alone.

The two emperors of Daqin are all dragons among men. It seems that Daqin is destined to be passed down.

Zhang Liang sighed in his heart, and at the same time Zhang Liang's thoughts began to change slowly, since the prosperity of Da Qin was already doomed.


Then he Zhang Liang will naturally have to find a way out for himself. It is better to seize the opportunity when he waits for the opportunity. Moreover, this young emperor, His Majesty, has unprecedented cultural and martial arts. The emphasis on the economy alone surprised Zhang Liang at the time. endlessly.

Zhao Tuo suddenly opened his mouth after looking at the mountains in the distance.

"In that case, Li Cang, take me to see it. 66

When Li Cang heard the words, he was stunned at first, because the road in the mountains was rough and difficult, but since His Majesty has already spoken.

Li Cang did not dare to refuse.

"Yes, I will take His Majesty there.

Then, under the leadership of Li Cang, Zhao Tuo headed towards the mountain together with the Iron Eagle Switzerland behind him.

After walking for about half an hour, finally several bare maroon peaks that were cut down appeared in everyone's field of vision.

As soon as Zhao Tuo saw these peaks, his eyes lit up, they were indeed iron ore, and it seemed that the reserves were definitely not few.

The distribution of ore veins is irregular, unless it is discovered, it is difficult to find, and today's Daqin does not have the ability to explore ore veins.

Then a group of people approached one of the peaks 10.

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