After Zhao Tuo took Zhang Liang to look at the cotton-padded clothes, he began to instruct the sergeant below.

"Ship these things to the sea at once. 39

Now that the mountains are covered by heavy snow, if you want to send these things to Liaodong through the inland, I am afraid that there are not thousands of soldiers and nearly a month to do it.

And in a month, I am afraid that when the things arrive, almost all of the 100,000 soldiers in Daqin will freeze to death.

At will, Zhao Tuo finally decided to take the sea route.

Now Daqin's fleet has begun to take shape, and three ironclad ships produced by the dock have been launched.

With the protection of fleet transportation and ironclad ships, it is safe and convenient to go to sea.

From Jiaodong Bay to Liaodong County, it only takes about ten days to arrive by sea route.

A day later, in a large Qinjin mouth in Jiaodong Bay, east of Jiaodong County City, several feather-cutting boats were docked.

In addition, in the deep sea area that can be seen, three ironclad ships are parked on the sea.

Zhang Liang looked at the iron-clad ship he had never seen before, and his eyes were almost straight. Although he was proficient in strategy, he didn't know much about this ship and steel.

It is even more incomprehensible that such a large and heavy lump of iron could not sink to the bottom of the sea.

"Could it be that it's just wrapped in a layer of iron..."

Zhang Liang couldn't help muttering to himself.

Zhao Tuo, who was beside him, laughed loudly.

This is the power of knowledge and technology, and it is also the key to Daqin's strength.

Otherwise, the law only relies on the law and the army. No matter how strict the law is and how strong the army is, can it go overseas? It can conquer countless powerful countries.

"Zhang Liang, there are still many things in Daqin that you don't know.

Zhao Tuo said with a smile.

Zhang Liang also looked at Zhao Tuo seriously, he knew that Zhao Tuo would not lie to him.

These cotton coats are sealed in boxes, and some special plants are placed in them to drive away insects.

After all the cotton-padded coats were transported onto the ship, one thousand Daqin sergeants also boarded the ship. These cotton-padded coats were related to the war and one hundred thousand Daqin soldiers.

It is impossible for Daqin to not treat it seriously.

Then Zhang Liangdi boarded the boat. Although he had been in a small boat before, it was the first time for Zhang Liang to go out to sea in such a big boat.

Looking at the boundless sea, Zhang Liang's heart was filled with pride.

This is a completely different feeling from being in the hometown of Xiaoxian and on land.

For the first time in his life, Zhang Liang had a feeling of insignificance. In the vast world, the individual was really insignificant.


As the captain's voice sounded, a clattering sound resounded around several large ships.

The anchors of these ships are made of iron, which can absolutely guarantee the stability of the ship.

It will not be carried by the undercurrent of the seabed and moved as before with stones.


With the lifting of the huge canvas, the ship began to move towards the depths of the sea.

Daqin's fleet sailed out of Jiaozhou Bay and headed directly towards Liaodong.

"Master Zhang, this is the chart we got through the coastal fishermen.""

"We've sent the boat through it before.

A Daqin official was introducing Zhang Liang to the sea chart, which was densely drawn with many place names.

And there are many symbols drawn.

Zhang Liang was not arrogant either, he carefully learned about the sea route with this official.

Although Zhang Liang was in charge of supervision, he did not intend to be idle.

"These two can there be a place, is it really the legendary Penglai Immortal Island? The place where the immortals live?"

Zhang Liang looked at the location of Kyushu Island and Goguryeo and said in surprise.

The official smiled.

"Lord Zhang, we used to think so, but since His Majesty took us out to sea, we learned that there is no Penglai immortal island overseas at all, only huge islands that cannot be seen, or some other land.

|| This is Kyushu Island, and now the Emperor Taishang and General Li Xin are pacifying here. year

The official pointed to the location of Kyushu Island and said with a smile.

"Speaking of which, at the beginning, Xu Fu was the treasure that Daqin dedicated to the immortals and hid it on this island.

Zhang Liang looked at the chart and listened to the official's explanation, feeling that an unprecedented world was opening up in front of him.

It made him feel that there was no such thing as an unknown world, and waves appeared again.

I'm afraid even Zhao Tuo can't think of it.

This random assignment to Zhang Liang would actually create a navigator.

Three days later in the evening, Zhang Liang casually walked out of the room.

(Nuo Haohao) These ships are very huge, so there are many rooms built. Although they are not big, they are enough to live in.

And ordinary soldiers still live under the deck.

When the soldiers on duty saw Zhang Liang come out, they hurriedly saluted respectfully.

"grown ups.

Zhang Liang looked at Da Qin's sergeant and nodded casually, then walked to Qianli Mu.

"This majesty is really a strange person, so many strange things come from him alone. 35

After sighing, Zhang Liang opened his clairvoyance and looked into the distance.

Zhang Liang was startled every time he saw the endless sea.

Just when Zhang Liang was about to withdraw his gaze, Zhang Liang suddenly froze.

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