Eight Thousand Iron Buddha at the Start, Please Make Concessions to the First Emperor!

Chapter 289: The gang of pirates, the power of Daqin artillery

In order to prevent himself from misunderstanding, Zhang Liang confirmed again and again.

Immediately after that, he got up and called the soldiers next to him.

"On this route, apart from us, are there any other Daqin ships coming and going?35

The sergeant quickly shook his head when he heard Zhang Liang's question.

"It's winter now, and even the fishermen by the sea have rested, and there are no ships from our Daqin on this route.

Zhang Liang's expression changed, and he immediately ordered.

"Go and call all the officers on the ship.

The sergeant looked at Zhang Liang's expression and knew that something might have happened.

He hurriedly ran to the back, and after a while, all the officials and generals on the ship were concentrated on the deck, including the five hundred master who explained the chart to Zhang Liang.

"Master Zhang, what happened?"

Zhang Liang pointed to Qianlimu, and then pointed to the northeast direction.

The Five Hundred Master hurriedly stepped forward, then followed the direction Zhang Liang pointed.

In the eyes of a thousand miles, several large and small ships that were covered in black were approaching Da Qin's ships from a distance. 933

"This is……"

The Five Hundred Lord had been on the boat for quite a while, and even followed Zhao Tuo out to sea.

Also know some conditions at sea.

"Could it be a pirate!?

When some sergeants heard the words of the Five Hundred Lords, their expressions suddenly changed.

It is no longer a secret thing that there are robbers robbery on the sea.

As Da Qin stepped into the ocean, he had already seen a lot.

However, most of them are near the coast. After all, it is not an easy thing to enter the deep sea.

That is to say, Daqin's nautical development is fast, and it is possible to enter the deep sea so early.

"It seems that he is not an ordinary pirate to be able to come to such a deep sea area."

"Master Zhang, we need to notify the people on the iron-clad ship immediately that there must be no problem with these cotton-padded coats."

When Zhang Liang heard his words, he nodded in agreement.

"Also notify the sergeants on board and prepare them for battle."


Following the notification from Zhang Liang's side, the ironclad ship that had been dotted in the distance began to slowly approach.

Always be ready to keep the other side out of these transports.

"Boss, do you think the news this time is reliable or not?"

"Really a lot of babes?

On the pirate ship, a group of people in fancy clothes were sitting together, drinking and talking.

"People from Donghu will never dare to lie to us, since they said it must be true."

"If not, we'll go back and loot their village.

When a group of people heard this, they all burst into laughter,

They live in the sea all the year round, there is no trace of their contacts, and they are not afraid of being targeted by Donghu and some surrounding islands.

"I still remember the woman in the village last time... tsk tsk..."

"However, this time we are going to rob the Great Qin Empire. It is said that the Great Qin Empire is very powerful, with hundreds of thousands of troops.

One of them said hesitantly.

"What are you afraid of, I don't believe that Da Qin can fill up the sea, even if Da Qin wants to kill us, they have to find us (bjba), haha. 39

The person in the lead spoke directly and without fear.

After the rest of the people heard the words, they no longer hesitated and drank the wine directly.

Later, they might have to fight with Da Qin's army, and they are enjoying everything unscrupulously at the moment, including the women held at the bottom of the boat.

As the two sides approached, the pirates shouted loudly, because they had been able to directly see Da Qin's ships.

"Brothers, take advantage of Da Qin's failure to react, speed up and approach, and catch them off guard."

Zhang Liang on the other side was also slightly nervous when he looked at the approaching ships.

After all, this is his first time to go to sea, and it is still a sea battle.

Just when Zhang Liang was about to order the preparation of weapons, three ironclad ships suddenly came to the front of the Daqin fleet.

Then, some dark holes suddenly appeared on the side of the ironclad ship.

The pirates in the distance looked a little unresponsive to these ships reflecting the light in the setting sun.

"Boss, what kind of ship is this... how come I've never seen it before.

The pirate chief was also stunned at this time.

"Is it some kind of special wood?"

In the eyes of pirates, only wooden ships should be able to sail at sea, and other ships are either not strong enough, or they cannot sail very far.

Just as the pirates looked at each other in dismay, some round black things flew out of the hole on the side of the ironclad ship.

"what is this?"

Zhang Liang was also a little surprised when he saw those things.

Then there is a scene that Zhang Liang will never forget.

Those dark and round things began to explode as soon as they landed on the opponent's boat. For a while, the opponent's boat wailed everywhere, and at the same time, flames were ignited.

A large number of pirates jumped directly into the sea.

"This...is this the kind of cannonball on a building ship!?"

The five hundred masters on the ship vaguely heard a captain say that some of the ships were equipped with a strange weapon.

Although it looks inconspicuous, it is extremely powerful, and it can explode and emit fire.

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