Eight Thousand Iron Buddha at the Start, Please Make Concessions to the First Emperor!

The 292nd chapter is dismissive, only to expand the territory for Daqin

In just one month, he had already reached the vicinity of the capital of Donghu Kingdom.

It didn't take long for the embassy of Donghu to enter the border of Daqin.

In order to prevent Donghu State from playing any tricks, Meng Ao sent a team of 100 people to follow these missions.

From Liaodong to Jiaodong, the embassy returned with Daqin's ships. After seeing Daqin's ships, the people of these embassies only felt that Donghu was killing himself.

The powerful Daqin did not take the initiative to find trouble with Donghu and Fuyu, but Donghu and Fuyu dared to intrude on the border of Daqin.

Especially the iron armored ship of Da Qin is simply chilling.

After seven days, Daqin's fleet returned, and at the same time brought back Donghu's mission.

Under the leadership of one of Daqin's five hundred masters, Donghu's delegation headed towards the palace in Jiaodong County where Zhao Tuo was located.

What they saw and heard along the way made the Donghu Mission secretly surprised.

Not only did Daqin have such a powerful army, but these cities far surpassed their capitals.

And they also heard that this is just Jiaodong County, and Xianyang in Guanzhong is even more prosperous and lively.

One of them was a beautiful woman with a particularly exotic style, who kept watching curiously along the way.

Many pedestrians could not help but straighten their eyes after seeing this woman.

"Is that the palace of His Majesty Da Qin?"

The woman looked at the vast and vast building complex in the distance and asked in surprise.

Lord Five Hundred smiled and said casually;

"This is just one of His Majesty's palaces. There are dozens of such palaces in Daqin. Xianyang is the real palace of His Majesty. 39

The Donghu people fell silent after hearing this.

Following the news, Zhao Tuo soon met the Donghu embassy. There were dozens of people in the entire embassy, ​​and the leader of them was an old man with white hair and beard.

"Meet His Majesty the Great Qin Emperor."

Beside him was a beautiful woman, who also knelt down at this time.

Zhao Tuo looked at the people in the mission with interest.

"Get up."

"Thank you, His Majesty the Great Qin Emperor.

Above the main hall, there are also ministers and soldiers accompanying all the way. At this time, they all looked at the people in Donghu, revealing Da Qin's confidence in their eyes.

After meeting the old man, he went straight to the subject.

"Respected His Majesty the Great Qin Emperor, on behalf of my lord Donghu, I pray to His Majesty the Great Qin Emperor, and I pray that Da Qin and my Donghu can be repaired again... My Donghu is willing to submit to Daqin, and give 500,000 shi of grain and 5,000 pieces of fur every year... "

"In addition, my Donghu princess is also willing to marry His Majesty the Great Qin Emperor. 35

The old man's attitude was very respectful, and he explained to His Majesty the Great Qin Emperor the conditions that the lord Donghu explained before he left.

Zhao Tuo had no interest in what the old man said, just glanced at the woman beside him.

Zhao Tuo has to admit that this woman's innocent eyes and breathtaking beauty are very impressive.

The woman also seemed to be aware of Zhao Tuo's gaze, looked at Zhao Tuo curiously, and looked at him.

The old man was overjoyed when he saw this scene. It seemed that His Majesty the Emperor of Da Qin was very interested in the princess of Donghu.

However, the next words of His Majesty the Great Qin Emperor made him stunned.

"Donghu has repeatedly disturbed my Daqin, and my Daqin will not accept Donghu's request for peace."

"As for the things you mentioned, I will go and get them myself, I don't need to send them over from the Lord of the East Hu Kingdom."

"Okay, the Donghu embassy is very fortunate to have come from afar, so let's take it to the post house to rest. 35

The old man became anxious.

This time, before the East Hu Kingdom left, he repeatedly told him that he must persuade His Majesty the Emperor of Da Qin.

Donghu's life and death depend on him alone.

"His Majesty Da Qin..."

However, Zhao Tuo waved his hand casually, and then a sergeant stepped forward.

"Everyone from the Donghu Mission, come here."

Before leaving, Donghu's princess looked back at Zhao Tuo, with a hint of resentment in her eyes, as if she was questioning why Zhao Tuo didn't let Donghu go.

Although Zhao Tuo was very pleasing to the eyes of the princess, it was impossible to let Dong Hu go.

Fuyu has already destroyed the country, so Donghu naturally cannot stay.

Daqin's 100,000 soldiers and Meng Ao's battle, 933 Daqin will give them an explanation, and as Zhao Tuo himself said, Daqin can take these things by himself.

In Zhao Tuo's opinion, Donghu's master sent these things to convince himself to let him let Donghu go.

how can that be!

Donghu's princess did not expect that in just half a month, he and the Great Qin Emperor would meet again, and after this meeting, there would be no Donghu anymore.

Mengao and Zhang Liang, who were far away from Donghu, couldn't help but nod their heads in admiration for Zhao Tuo's decision after learning of the result of the reconciliation.

In this situation, if Da Qin agreed to Dong Hu's request for peace, it would be a confused decision.

With Zhao Tuo's order, Mengao's army directly began to attack the city.

Da Qin waited for work, and Dong Hu was already starving and dying, and the sergeants could not resist at all.

Only the royal family is still alive and kicking, but unfortunately, the royal family are greedy for life and fear of death, and many people have secretly surrendered before Da Qin came in.

In a month and a half, Donghu and Fuyu destroyed the country, and the territory of Daqin expanded again, reaching Goguryeo.

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