Eight Thousand Iron Buddha at the Start, Please Make Concessions to the First Emperor!

Chapter 293 The black fertile soil, the future granary of Daqin

Chapter 293 The black fertile soil, the future granary of Daqin

The four carriages drove side by side on the newly built avenue, and on the standing carriage behind, Zhao Tuo sat casually in it.

There was a hint of pride in the look of the official in charge of the horse, and he showed a humble attitude.

"Your Majesty, we have arrived in Liaodong County.

The end point of Zhao Tuo's parade this time was in Liaodong County, but Zhao Tuo did not expect that Donghu and Fuyu would attack Daqin.

Therefore, Zhao Tuo stayed in Jiaodong for two months. Although the villa was by the sea, after two months, Zhao Tuo had no sense of the sea.

This time, when I came to Liaodong County, the scenery was changed, and the weather was clear, Zhao Tuo also felt at ease.

The convoy continued to walk, Zhang Han accompanied Zhao Tuo before and after the carriage and guarded Zhao Tuo.

After half a day.

"Your Majesty, General Mengao is here."

Zhang Han, looking at a group of sergeants in the distance, turned his head to look at Zhao Tuo respectfully.

Zhao Tuo heard the words and looked into the distance.

I saw in the distance of the repaired and leveled avenue, the black soldiers of the Daqin were walking towards this side.

Just after the expedition against Donghu, these soldiers of Fuyu still had a strong killing energy.

After a while, Meng Ao came to Zhao Tuo's carriage with two subordinates.

"Mengao joins His Majesty!"

Zhao Tuo looked at the kneeling General Victory, stood up, stepped out of the carriage, and personally helped him up.

"General Mengao, please get up.

Meng Ao received Zhao Tuo's favor and could not help but be more respectful.

"Your Majesty, I have prepared a singing and dancing banquet for Your Majesty in Liaodong. Please honor your Majesty and celebrate with Daqin soldiers."

Zhao Tuo laughed when he heard the words.

"Okay! General Mengao, let's go with me!

Meng Ao nodded with a smile, then rode with Zhang Han and followed Zhao Tuo's side.

Daqin's soldiers followed behind the convoy, and the mighty convoy headed towards the Liaodong county town of Daqin.

With the presence of Mengao, the county governors and commanders of the Liaodong cities naturally leaned to one side.

Zhang Liang was also among the ministers, and Zhao Tuo laughed when he saw Zhang Liang.

"Everyone, come with me into the city."

Liaodong County officials followed behind Zhao Tuo.

Along the way, many people looked at the emperor of Da Qin curiously. This young His Majesty now has a great prestige in Da Qin.

And now that he has won Donghu and Fuyu, the prestige of His Majesty the Great Qin is even more prosperous.

"Your Majesty, you see, the people of Liaodong respect you very much.

The county governor of Liaodong County, Sun Yu, bowed and smiled and said to Zhao Tuo.

Zhao Tuo looked at the people and couldn't help but be very satisfied.

At least this Liaodong county town doesn't seem to have any scoundrels and thieves, and everyone is honest and responsible.

"By the way, Sun Yu, you are familiar with Donghu and Fuyu. From your point of view, how many people does Fuyu Donghu need to reclaim and cultivate the land..."

The county governor of Liaodong County did not expect that Zhao Tuo would ask this question, and was a little surprised for a while.

"What does Your Majesty mean? Let Da Qin's people or slaves go to Fuyu, Donghu?"

Zhao Tuo nodded as he walked.

Zhao Tuo knows that Fuyu and Donghu occupy a huge black land.

Although this kind of land may seem inconspicuous at first glance, Zhao Tuo knows the potential and wealth it can bring.

As long as it can be planted well, it will inevitably become a granary of Da Qin.

Qun Shou hesitated, not knowing how to answer. In fact, he had only heard that Donghu and Fuyu were rich in food, but had not gone to see it.

"Your Majesty, I don't know..."

In the end, the county governor could only answer truthfully.

Zhao Tuo frowned, Da Qin has conquered two places, and you, the county governor of Liaodong County, are so close, you didn't even go to see it.

At this time, Zhang Liang, who was behind, came out.

".|| Your Majesty, I went to Fuyu and Donghu. In my opinion, 200,000 is enough. 35

'Actually, there are very few places in Donghu suitable for planting, and the main affluent place is Fuyu. The annual grain output is millions of stone. This is still the situation where the people of Fuyu are farming and hunting at the same time.

"As long as there are 200,000 people, the grain output of Fuyu Kingdom will at least more than double."

Zhao Tuo looked at Zhang Liang, and he still believed in Zhang Liang's words.

Mengao also stood up and nodded at this time.

"I think 100,000 slaves, 100,000 people are enough, 200,000 people cooperate with the 20,000 soldiers of Daqin, enough (promise Hao Zhao) to control Fuyu's envoy."

Zhao Tuo looked at the two, pondered for a moment, and then asked.

"How many slaves are there in Liaodong? How many people are there?

The sheriff returned quickly.

"More than 30,000 slaves and 170,000 people."

Zhao Tuo nodded. The environment in Liaodong is cold and the population does not seem to be large.

Compared to Guanzhong Xianyang, where there were 300,000 slaves and millions of people, this place could only be regarded as a small county town.

"In this case, 20,000 slaves in Liaodong, 80,000 slaves in Xianyang, plus 100,000 people in Xianyang, will be sent to Fuyu to plant black land."5

A group of ministers were shocked when they heard Zhao Tuo's words.

After 200,000 people have sent Fuyu, it seems that His Majesty values ​​the country of Fuyu very much.

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