A group of people looked back.

The first middle-aged man looked at the panicked soldier with great dissatisfaction.

"Why are you so nervous!?"

The soldier hurriedly bowed as a salute, and then spoke quickly.

"Ten miles outside the city, the spies reported that they had discovered Da Qin's soldiers, and there were no less than a few thousand!

A group of people suddenly looked at each other when they heard the words.

A man named Duan Que came out and asked:

"The spy confirms that he is not mistaken!? Is it a sergeant of Daqin and not a fleeing commoner?"

The soldiers nodded.

"Three spies in a row, all said so."

An unbelievable expression appeared on Duan Que's face.

"Impossible! All parts of Nan County have suffered disasters, and the granary has been flooded. Now that the capital is still unable to protect itself, how can there be troops coming to Cheng County!?"

At this time, a young man behind him suddenly spoke up.

"The day before yesterday, I intercepted a grain transport team in Daqin, and found a strange tool that can transport grain easily... It is very likely that the troops from Xianyang arrived in Nanjun ahead of schedule by relying on this kind of thing."

Everyone watched in an instant.

"And the food and forage I have intercepted is a thousand stones! 99

Now everyone has to believe it. When the capital of Nanjun is unable to protect itself, it will never allocate a thousand stones of grain and grass to the surrounding counties. Now that thousands of stones are transported, I am afraid that the capital of Nanjun is stable and there is sufficient food and grass.

"What to do now, there are more than 10,000 troops stationed in the Qin Dynasty in Nanjun, and even if it is necessary to maintain the situation in various places, I am afraid it is not difficult to send a thousand troops.

"And the other party has iron weapons and armors, we have no chance of winning!

"Damn it! How can it come so quickly!"

Duan Que's face was extremely ugly.

He originally thought that this time things would be foolproof, so he went to the village to inform everyone. Unexpectedly, Daqin's army had already arrived before he had just conquered a county, and even before he had time to stabilize the people's hearts.

A group of major leaders discussed it, and then had to order the abandonment of Chengxian.

"All the occupied townships, pavilions, and li will be given up, and everyone will return to the mountains!"

"Even if there are more than a thousand soldiers in Daqin, I don't believe that they can find us in the mountains where the ancient trees are thick and the thorns are dense! 35

Just when a group of people was about to leave.

Suddenly, there was a loud shout from outside, and then came the sound of the collision of soldiers and arms.

A group of people were shocked and angry, and some people questioned.

"What's going on!? Isn't Da Qin's army still ten miles away!?

At this time, someone said with an ugly look.

"Maybe the spies saw part of the army..."

This is indeed the case. This time, Gan Han led his troops thirty miles away and divided the 5,000 Da Qin sergeants into three parts. Among them, he led two thousand sergeants to the front, and the other two troops of 1,500 men moved from the flanks. outflank.

Moreover, Gan Han's frontal march has been pressing the speed, just to wait for the flank to outflank.

Coupled with the time it takes for the opponent's spies to go back and forth, Chengxian County is now in a fierce battle.

When Gan Han brought 2,000 sergeants to Chengxian County, the place was already full of fire, and Daqin sergeants were fighting with each other everywhere.

However, the situation is clearly that Daqin has an absolute advantage.

Usually, several soldiers from Daqin besiege one person, and together with weapons and armor, the opponent can only wait to die as soon as they are surrounded.

On the low city wall of Chengxian County, Duan Que and the others looked at the scene in front of them and felt blood dripping from their hearts.

This is one of the few people left after the fall of the country.

This time, he came out to retake Nanjun, but he did not expect to be besieged in Chengxian in the end.

Some civilians who were fooled by the crowd to participate in the capture of the city felt a bitterness in their hearts at this time.

This is over, not only did not seek a half-official position, but will die here.

".||Looking at the number, there are at least 5,000 Great Qin sergeants, this time it seems to be over.

"Man throws his head and spills his blood! How can you be afraid of life and death, you all follow me to kill!"

Gan Han looked at the remnants of the Six Nations who were sitting in the Battle of the Beasts, and there was no pity in his eyes.

With the huge advantage of Daqin's 5,000 sergeants, except for one or two who escaped, all the others have been subdued.

Chengxian returned to Nanjun's hands again, and then Gan Han sent people to recover the major townships, pavilions, and li.

The old people of the Six Nations tried their best to resist, just like a wave in the sea, just as it was turned up, it was pressed down by the huge wave, and the Daqinnan County returned to calm again.

And with the arrival of food and other food, Nan County soon began to enter a period of restoration and construction.

Zhao Tuo is not worried about things on the Nanjun side. Today's Daqin is not a remnant of the Six Kingdoms. Even if the Six Kingdoms are restored, Daqin can sweep again.

"Your Majesty, General Meng Tian has heard from Saibei that he has completely subdued the tribes of the grasslands for His Majesty."

"Moreover, General Meng Tian asked people to speak. They also found many horses on the grassland, no less than 100,000, which may have been domesticated by the Xiongnu."

"In addition to this, many good horses have also been found in various tribes.

"General Meng Tian also personally selected some good horses for His Majesty, and they are already on their way to Xianyang."

Zhao Tuo is overjoyed to hear this

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