The horses on the grassland are actually very different from the war horses of Daqin today.

Due to the different domestication environment, the horses in the grassland are stronger and stronger, and the speed is also faster.

Although Daqin also got some horses for crossbreeding before, and wanted to get some powerful war horses, but unfortunately it was not satisfactory in the end.

But now it is different. Da Qin conquered the Xiongnu and owned the entire grassland.

From Saibei to western Liaoning, the grassland in the middle is almost boundless. Daqin can be regarded as having his own horse farm. Coupled with the horses discovered by Meng Tian, ​​Daqin can start to raise and train horses by himself.

With a powerful warhorse, Da Qin can naturally start to cultivate his iron hoofs.

Although the infantry was very powerful in the confrontation between the two armies, the flexibility of the cavalry was beyond the reach of the infantry.

When the numbers and armour were not dominant, the infantry encountered the cavalry and were almost crushed.

"it is good!"

"Pass my will, make General Meng the Marquis of Guannei, and reward the three armies! 35

The order was then passed on.

This time, Meng Tian's campaign against the Xiongnu has indeed made a lot of contributions to the Qin Dynasty, not to mention the opening of the road to the Western Regions, the hundreds of thousands of good horses alone are a great contribution.

Coupled with the loyalty of the Meng family from generation to generation, Zhao Tuo is also very satisfied with Meng Tian.

Meng Tian, ​​who was far away in Saibei, was very grateful after hearing about the award from His Majesty Zhao Tuo. His Majesty really loves the Meng family.

Afterwards, Meng Tian transferred the army and began to march deeper into the Xiongnu. Although the Xiongnu had already been pacified, the ethnic groups on the grassland were not only the Xiongnu ethnic groups.

Some of these nomads even live deep in the steppe.

And this time, Meng Tian had already decided that when the entire grassland was swept away, at least there would be no large tribes, otherwise there might be another Chanyu.

When Meng Tian was fighting on the grasslands, a Da Qin army had already arrived near Xianyang.

"Lord Colonel, we are almost there."

The person in the front seated on the warhorse nodded when he heard the words.

"Speed ​​up and try to reach Xianyang before sunset!

This Da Qin army has a total of nearly 1,000 people, and in addition, there are hundreds of good horses.

Some of the horses were dark burgundy or maroon in color, and when these horses started running, their necks seemed to have blood flowing out of sweat.

Finally, before sunset, a group of people arrived at Xianyang City.

Then the army entered Xianyang, and the crowd in Xianyang city was crowded, and there were many chariots and horses.

The army came to the barracks.

Afterwards, the captain of the school headed directly dismounted and headed towards Xianyang Palace.

Candles have been lit in Xianyang Palace, but Zhao Tuo is in the main hall.

"Report to Your Majesty, I have brought back the gift that General Meng gave to His Majesty!

Zhao Tuo looked at the captain with a dignified expression.


The captain then retired, and Zhao Tuo returned to the inner hall. As for the horses that Meng Tian brought, Zhao Tuo was curious, but he was not in a hurry.

The next day, under the leadership of the captain.

Zhao Tuo and several generals and ministers came to the training ground. At this time, hundreds of horses in the training ground were neighing.

"Your Majesty, this is a gift from General Meng to Your Majesty, a total of 200 horses of sweat and blood.

(bjba) After hearing this, many generals and ministers looked sideways at the horses.

Zhao Tuo also revealed his curiosity. He had heard of this sweaty BMW for a long time, but today was the first time he saw it with his own eyes.

Then the captain stepped forward and brought one of the horses with authentic fur, jujube red. The horse was plump in shape, with smooth fur, as delicate as silk and satin. The steps were light, and it looked elegant and powerful.

"Your Majesty, this is a sweaty horse that General Meng personally selected for His Majesty. It has a gentle personality and can travel thousands of miles a day. 99

Zhao Tuo stepped forward, and he fell in love with the horse at first sight.

"Okay, as expected of my general."

Then Zhao Tuo sat directly on the horse with the help of the captain.

Sure enough, the horse was gentle and good-natured. When Zhao Tuo got on the horse, he didn't move. He didn't tread lightly until Zhao Tuo sat on the horse.

Then the lieutenant pulled the horse and walked in the martial arts field.

Zhao Tuo discovered an interesting thing along the way, that is, when other horses saw this horse, they were close, and most of them lowered their heads and approached.

After walking for a while, Zhao Tuo let the captain let go, and let the horse trot on the rope by himself.

After the last stop, Zhao Tuo immediately let someone take the horse and send it to his stable. This horse is gentle and humane, and Zhao Tuo also likes it very much.

Then Zhao Tuo looked at the other two hundred horses.

"Are these sweaty BMWs?"

When the minister opened his mouth in disbelief, the captain smiled and nodded.

Afterwards, the captain of the colonel made the horses gallop, and Zhao Tuo and his party stood on the high platform and watched.

Sure enough, after a while, some of the horses began to sweat, and when the sweat flowed out of the body, it was matched with the hair and skin, and it really looked like blood.

Even Zhao Tuo was amazed when he saw this scene, it really deserves to be a famous sweaty BMW in history!

Then Zhao Tuo rewarded several of them to several outstanding generals of Daqin on the spot.

The generals were overjoyed when they heard the words. For those who fought, nothing would make them happier than a horse with sweat and blood, not even gold.

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