After reading Meng Tian's gift.

Zhao Tuo and a group of ministers returned to the Xianyang Palace.

Above the hall, Zhao Tuo looked at the ministers and generals, and spoke directly about the news brought by Meng Tian.

The ministers and generals were shocked when they heard that Meng Tian had actually obtained 100,000 horses on the grassland.

These 100,000 good horses are definitely worth the 100,000 army if they are well used, and in places like the Western Regions of the North of the West, the land is so vast and sparsely populated that only horses can gallop vertically and horizontally.

Originally, what Zhao Tuo thought was to rely on Daqin's infantry and chariots to open the Western Regions, but now Zhao Tuo has changed it - pay attention.

"My intention is to train a cavalry of 100,000 people. I wonder what the ministers and generals think?"

The ministers, including Zhang Liang and Xiao He, were all surprised. Although Da Qin had cavalry before, but the number was not many. First, the strength of Da Qin's infantry led to Da Qin's focus on infantry.

Second, it is also difficult to control the horse, and once frightened, the soldiers on the horse will fall down, which is not as good as the infantry.

Therefore, the cavalry of the previous Daqin had not become a separate and huge army except for passing news and acting as fast infantry.

It was not until Zhao Tuo invented the stirrup that Daqin's cavalry began to improve, but the number was still small, and there were more than ten thousand people.

A general with the army stood up.

"Your Majesty, the soldiers of Daqin are not good at fighting on horseback. A cavalry of 100,000 people may need to train a large number of soldiers, but there is no such a big place in Guanzhong for soldiers to practice horse riding."

Zhao Tuo glanced at the general and laughed when he heard the words.

"Who said you have to be in Guanzhong?"

"I think the grasslands before the Xiongnu were pretty good, and when 100,000 war horses arrive in Guanzhong, I'm afraid it will consume a lot of food and grass, why not stay in the grasslands?"

A group of generals and ministers could not help but be stunned.

Even the general who stood up was stunned.

Then some ministers discussed in a low voice.

"Yeah, wouldn't it be a good choice to train troops on the grassland?"

"I can see it.

"And the stirrup invented by Your Majesty! 35

Zhao Tuo immediately laughed when he saw that everyone had no opinion.

"Okay, since this is the case, this matter is settled!

After Zhao Tuo's order was issued, many generals were surprised.

But now that His Majesty has made a decision, everyone began to select suitable people in the army.

Among them, 50,000 people were selected out of the 300,000 Li Xin trained in the army, and 50,000 people were selected from the army. A total of 100,000 people were led by Zhang Han to the Saishang grassland.

Everyone watched Zhang Han leave, and they all knew that when Zhang Han came back again, I am afraid that the 100,000 people in Daqin would also become 100,000 cavalry.

Many people who joined the army along the way heard that this was the land of the Huns, and they were all curious and surprised.

Later, someone heard that this trip to the fort was actually a military training exercise, so everyone spread the word, and most people had anticipation and excitement at the thought of being able to become a cavalry on a war horse.

Compared with infantry, fighting on horses is obviously more worth looking forward to and more exciting.

At this moment, Yao Yun has entered the Yuezhi territory, and the Daqin team of nearly a thousand people is walking on the barren land.

The faces of a group of people were tanned in red and black.

Yao Yun, who was riding on a horse at the forefront, looked at the uninhabited land in the distance and became suspicious.

.......... ask for flowers · 0

Your Majesty cannot be mistaken, is this kind of place really inhabited? And His Majesty also said that there are several countries further west.

"Master Yao, we don't have much water left. If we haven't seen the water source, I'm afraid..."

A person beside Yao Yun said respectfully.

Yao Yun could not help frowning after hearing this.

"Call, everyone to speed up, let's rest for a while under the boulder in front of us.

As Yao Yun's words spread, everyone accelerated.

Just when Yao Yun and the group were resting, suddenly there was the sound of horse hooves in the distance, and there were quite a few people listening to the sound.

Everyone was shocked when they heard it, how could there be so many horses in this uninhabited place?

The next moment Yao Yun and his party appeared in front of a lot of people in strange clothes and riding on horses. These people seemed to have their eyes on Yao Yun and his party and surrounded them directly.

He shouted loudly in his mouth, and there was a long knife and bow and arrow in his hand.

Tie Ying Ruishi stood up with a weapon and protected Yao Yun and the caravan.

The group of people riding on horses couldn't help being surprised when they saw these murderous soldiers.

Some of the horses were also restless.

While the man on the horse comforted the horse, he did not dare to act rashly.

Until a veiled woman on horseback appeared, a group of people immediately led the horse respectfully and gave way.

After the woman came to the front of Iron Eagle Ruishi, she stepped off the horse with a click.

Yao Yun, who was in the crowd, saw this scene, walked out of the Iron Eagle Ruishi, and stood not far from the woman.


"Qin people? 35

What surprised Yao Yun was that the other party could actually speak Daqin's language ten.

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