"Oh?" The woman's eyes fell on Yun Chang's clothes all the time, and she nodded and smiled when she heard the words, "No wonder she didn't know it, it turned out to be a new store."

Ning Qian laughed after hearing the words. "Mrs. Wen Xian has always liked collecting fresh dresses and accessories the most before she entered the palace. It has been so long since entering the palace, but this preference has not changed."

When Mrs. Xian heard the words, she smiled with a bit of contentment, "I'm not bragging, which shop in this city has the dyed fabrics dyed well, which shop's mules are unique, which The rouge is especially delicate, and there is hardly anything I do n’t know. Before that, I felt that the things sent by the Internal Affairs Bureau of the Palace were gorgeous, but they always looked gorgeous. It seemed that there were actually so many tricks. There is nothing new. "

Yun Chang groaned for a moment and then thought of it. This lady seemed to be the daughter of Jin Congwen ’s richest man, Wang Congwen, and smiled. “Ms. Xian is the richest man in Jincheng at home. It is my pleasure to praise. "

Mrs. Na Xian was very happy when she heard the words, and smiled, "If this shallow water Yiren Pavilion can often produce new things, it would be a little interesting for me to walk around, and let my mother look back."

Yun Chang narrowed her eyes, nodded her head with a smile, and glanced at the other concubines in the temple, seeing that there was a little bit of heartbeat between them, and her heart was slightly settled.

I chatted with them for a while, but saw someone in the palace coming in and saluting everyone. "The queen mother heard that Princess Rui entered the palace, and she specially invited Princess Rui to come to Weiyang Palace for a short while. "

When Yun Chang heard the words, raised her eyebrows, she quickly stood up and walked towards the crowd, "Since the queen mother invited me, I can't accompany everyone, and I will resign first."

The crowd quickly nodded, and Yun Sang took Qian Liu and Qian Zan out of the Xiangzhu Hall and walked towards Weiyang Palace.

When I arrived at Weiyang Palace, I saw the queen resting her head on her chair with her hands on her head and closing her eyes. Only one palace person was holding a fan beside her, and she saw Yun Shang entering the palace, but she did not report it, instead she turned towards Yun Chang Snoring gesture. When Yun Chang stepped on his feet, he walked to the temple and stood still.

The queen should be awake, and she should have known that Yun Chang was standing in the temple, but her eyes remained open. Yun Chang smiled coldly, could the Queen innocently think that it would be too much for her to stand there?

The palace man didn't say, and the queen didn't open her eyes, and Yun Chang stood in peace.

After about half an hour, the queen opened her eyes and rubbed her forehead. When the palace man saw this, she quickly said, "The maiden is awake? Princess Rui has waited for half an hour."

The queen heard the words, and then opened her eyes and looked at Yun Chang, "Why don't you wake up the palace when the young girl comes?"

Yun Chang smiled lightly and responded softly, "Looking at the queen mother who slept soundly, she couldn't bear to bother."

"You child." The queen smiled and groaned, then raised her head and looked at the palace person beside her, frowning. "You don't report to the palace when Princess Rui comes, but let Princess Rui stand and wait. How long should it be so sinful? "

The palace man heard the words, his face changed, and he knelt down on the ground and scratched his head for a few moments.

The queen glanced at Yun Sang lightly, and said sharply, "It seems that you have almost forgotten your rules, and you should have learned a lesson."

Yun Chang knew exactly what the queen thought of her, but she wanted her to ask for the court's favor. It is a fact that the palace people did not report. The queen always felt that with her gentleness and kindness in front of people, she would always be soft-hearted and beg for the palace people, so that everyone could rejoice and expose the matter.

But Yun Chang did not intend to do as she wished, she just looked at it with a smile, but did not say anything.

After the queen said that sentence for a long time, but did not hear Yun Chang's voice, her face began to be a little bad, and frowned. "I will punish you for the silver in March as a punishment."

Yun Chang still didn't say anything, but the palace man bit his lip with his face full of grievances, but had to scratch his head and thank him.

The queen's complexion was getting worse, and she frowned. "You step down first and ask He Xiang to come in and serve."

The palace man quickly retreated, and after a while, he walked in another palace man, looking at the dress should be a first-class maid, presumably should be the usual waitress around the queen.

"Slave had met Princess Rui." He Xiang saluted to Yun Shang, lowered her head and walked aside, moved a stool and placed it behind Yun Shang, and then retreated to the queen.

The queen hurriedly said, "Shang Er is tired? Sit first."

Yun Chang smiled slightly, "Thank you Queen Queen."

When she sat down, the queen asked again, "Since you came back from Yueqian City, I haven't followed the opportunity to talk to you. How hard was it to work in Yueqian City?"

Yun Chang smiled quickly, "Tough work is not hard work. I just asked people to prepare some things. In the front, all the others gave things to the doctors. They just looked at the sufferings of the people. Somewhat uncomfortable. "

The queen also sighed, and then said, "Unfortunately, the osmanthus in Yueqian City is the most famous. When you were there, it was almost the day when Osmanthus bloomed. Can you see the osmanthus in Yueqian? Have you tasted the sweet-scented osmanthus from Yueyuecheng? "

Yun Chang heard the words, and his fingers were slightly stunned, with a little doubt in his eyes, "Osmanthus? Why did I hear the people in Yueqian City say that Yueqian City is famous for Huaihua? Is it also Huaihua nectar? At that time, I was still a bit unfortunate. Because September is not the day when Huaihua blooms, I have not seen rumors that the city is full of the sweet taste of Huaihua. It was well-deserved that it was sent. When I returned, I took some of it back. If the queen and wife liked it, the maid returned to the house and sent some to the palace. "

The emperor's color sank slightly, but he also hooked his mouth and said, "Really? That's the wrong memory of this palace."

After a pause, he said again, "Before going to Yueqian City, you were assassinated in the town of Qilan, and King Rui found out who directed it?"

Yun Chang shook her head. "The prince did not talk about this with his wife. Why did the queen mother suddenly ask about this? But what clues?"

The queen never thought that Yun Sang would ask such a direct answer, looked for a moment, and silent for a while. "After hearing this, the palace also asked Captain Su to check it, but the suspect behind the scene was some. unexpected……"

After a pause, the queen glanced at Yun Sang's complexion again, seeing her eyes full of curiosity, and frowned, "It seems that she was directed by Shen Shufei ..." <

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