Eight-year-old Princess: Phoenix Reborn

Chapter 352: Mop with Tiger

"Shen Shufei?" Yun Chang's face rose to a horror, and she was silent for a while, then she said something strange. "It's just that the court wife and Shen Shufei have no resentment, why did she send someone to assassinate me?"

The queen tickled the corner of her lips coldly, and sighed softly, "You really have no resentment and resentment against her, but you must not forget that Princess Shen Shu has a child, and the eleventh prince should be regarded as a civil war among the princes. Both are complete, and often receive His Majesty's awards. The prince has passed away, the seventh prince is ill, and the eleventh prince was likely to have landed in Dabao. But he killed a prince halfway, and the prince was courageous. Seeing the throne in hand, Shen Shufei was so far away from the eleventh prince, naturally unwilling. And you ... you are the princess Rui, who is also the most valued by the king, she naturally wants to start with you of."

Yun Chang listened to the queen's words, her brows frowned, with a look of injury, "But Wang Ye never thought of fighting with the eleventh prince ... If you say power, Wang Ye was in Ningguo. If there are more than 10,000 people under one person, if the father and the emperor have no children, the throne of Ning Guo will sooner or later be the king. The king chooses to return to the country of Xia but he just wants to stay with his loved ones. I have always felt a little lonely in my heart, and then I finally knew my life, and I cherish it very much. "

The sigh sighed, and her face was disappointed. "This is the case of Shen Shufei. She was the maid of the palace at the earliest. The palace also knew her very well. For her purpose, she can She tried everything. She wanted the position of queen and the position of queen mother, and she wanted to remove all the people who hindered her. Her Majesty was blinded by her soft and weak appearance, and she never wanted to believe in this palace. ... she treats you like that, if you want revenge, Honmiya ... willing to join you. "

Yun Sang slowly sat upright, her eyes fell on the queen's face, and the sneer on the corner of the queen's mouth became deeper and deeper, "You are a wise man, and you can easily know whether this palace is true or not. Shen Shufei is the one who hurts you. She counts everything. If you just retreat blindly, one day you will retreat. King Rui is the prince, and many people want to harm him and you. In this palace, if you If it is n’t severe enough, it will only leave the bones dead. It ’s just a matter of thinking whether you will fight back hard or just give in. ”

Yun Chang stroked her fingers slowly, her mouth slightly tilted, listening to the queen seducing her little by little, her smile deepened a little, but her face was bitter, "It's just summer Country, courtiers have no power or power here, even if they want revenge, they have more than enough power. "

The queen was waiting for Yun Chang's sentence, and she laughed when she heard it. "If power is concerned, who in this harem can compare to this palace, Shen Shufei is dissatisfied with this palace, and she wants to do everything possible to harm this palace. Palace, it's just that she has strict defenses against this palace, but this palace has never been able to find her life. If Chang'er is willing to join hands with this palace, the poison woman will certainly not be able to escape your palm. "

Yun Sang was silent for a long time, Fang raised his head, his eyes were full of firmness, "Okay, the court wife and the queen mother and daughter together. The grandfather treats his court wife well, but the court wife cannot be a burden on the grandpa.

The queen smiled slightly and said, "Good wood chooses birds for rest, and this palace will certainly not let Changer be disappointed."

Yun Chang smiled and nodded, looking at the queen, "How is the queen's maiden going to do?"

"Shanger remember, the young girl who danced above the birthday feast in this palace?" The emperor raised a tea cup, slowly opened the tea lid, and a scent of roses filled the air.

Yun Chang lowered her eyes and nodded quickly, "Remember."

"The Qingming girl did grow up with Shen Shufei, but the two are incompatible with each other. Shen Shufei has a mind, and Qingming should not be underestimated. This palace wants Qingming to gain the favor, and it can be justified. The ground remains in the palace. "The queen said lightly.

"If so, the queen maiden only needs to mention her Majesty." Yun Chang frowned.

The queen shook her head. "This palace has tried a lot of tricks, but it is always destroyed by the **** of Shen Shufei. Sang Er may be willing to help this palace. If Qingming gets the favor, Shen Shufei's The good times are over. "

"I don't know, what can she do?" Yun Chang frowned, her eyes full of hesitation.

The queen hooked at Yun Sang, and Yun Sang rushed to the queen's side. The queen said something in Yun Sang's ear. Yun Sang nodded again and again. After a short while, Yun Sang stood up with a smile, Turning around and saluting towards the queen, "The court lady understands."

The queen smiled and nodded, "The palace is waiting for the good news from Chang'er."

Yun Chang made a ceremony towards the queen, walked out of Weiyang Palace, and left Weiyang Palace, and said quickly, "Prince, do you really want to cooperate with the queen? The queen looked at it, but she was afraid she was using the queen. "

Yun Chang froze in a footstep, frowning coldly, "Why not? We have no power in Xia Kingdom. If we can use the power of the Su family, why not?"

Qian Jiu had to talk, but she was pulled by a corner by Yan Liu, and she paused.

The three masters and servants got out of the palace and got into a carriage. Yun Chang said, "Everywhere in the palace is ears. Some things can be said in the palace of Rui Rui, but they cannot be said in the palace. I'm afraid only between our master and servant The dialogue has already reached the ears of the queen, and the next time I will not repeat it. "

After scrutinizing for a moment, she reflected on what Yun Chang was talking about, with a bit of guilt in her eyes, "Prince, the slave knew something wrong."

Yun Chang nodded. "It's good if you know what's wrong. Follow me. You need to be cautious. Don't take care."

Qian Ji nodded quickly, and Qian Liu was silent for a moment before asking, "But since the princess knew that someone was eavesdropping, why did she still want to use the power of the Su family?"

Yun Sang sneered, "Although I don't know much about the queen, but above her position, I'm afraid I don't want to believe me. If I hurriedly showed her determination to follow her, I would cause her to doubt "I pretended to admit that I was approaching purposefully, but it would give her much peace of mind."

Asagiri nodded wistfully, his eyes full of thought.

Returning to the King's Mansion, Yun Chang asked Qian Yin to send a message to Yishui Pavilion, allowing them to launch some new tricks recently. As soon as Qian Yin stepped down, Yun Chang heard the voice of a girl outside, please, Luo Qingyan came back. Already.

Yun Chang quickly greeted him, took Luo Qingyan's robes that she had just taken off, and whispered, "Can you go well today?"

Luo Qing nodded, and handed the paperwork to Yun Sang. There were 108 women in this group. The officials below have already been screened, and there is nothing complicated about it. Xia Guo drafted once every three years, and the Ministry of Ceremony had prepared many times, and everything was in order. Luo Qingyan walked into the clean room, washed his hands, and returned to the room, seeing Yun Chang carefully looking at the document that wrote the list of show girls.

"What's wrong? Interested in the draft?" Luo Qingyan said with a smile, holding Yun Chang's shoulder and looking at the document.

Yun Chang smiled lightly, "Well, this draft, I'm quite interested, 108 people, Wang Ye guess how many people are mine?"

Luo lightly raised his eyebrows, a flash of light flashed in his eyes, and smiled, "Shanger has become more acquainted with her husband's mind."

Yun Chang raised his eyes and looked at King Jing, seeing a bit of contentment in his expression, and knew that he was also afraid that he had moved some hands and feet in it. Yun Chang smiled slightly and pointed her finger at one of the names. "The queen must also know that we must try every means to plug in the show girl. This show girl is of middle and upper qualifications among my people, but But it ’s not the best. When the show girl enters the palace, she will first let the lady in the palace check the show ’s body. At that time, the prince will pay attention to see who is in charge of this level, and quietly plug the lady with some silver, then I think It gets into the ears of the Queen and His Majesty. "

"What does Changer mean?" Luo Qingyan leaned over his side, his eyes a little confused.

Yun Chang smiled and said, "I mean, the Queen and Her Majesty, and even Shen Shufei, would have thought that we would plug in the show girls. Instead of letting them speculate randomly, it would be better to let them directly determine the goal and sacrifice this one. So as not to affect more. However, if your Majesty knew, this show girl may not be sacrificed. "

Luo Qingyan was also clever. After hearing Yun Chang's words, he was a little bit clear, and quickly said, "I still want to be thoughtful, and I will tell someone to do it." After speaking, I looked at Yun again. She pointed at the name, "It's called Lin Youran, right?"

Yun Chang bowed her head, her eyes fell on the list of show girls, slowly rolled it up, and put it on the table aside.

"I heard you entered the palace today and stayed at the Xiangzhu Hall for a while and then was called to Weiyang Palace by the queen? Can the queen be in trouble for you?" Luo Qingyan also supported Yun Chang's shoulder and said.

Yun Sang smiled and shook her head. "The queen said to me today that she wanted to join me and get rid of Shen Shufei together."

Yun Chang's eyes calmed down, and he went to the window and looked out. "It's all about trying to start with Shen Shu Fei, but without a scapegoat, I think of me, thinking that it is best to kill two birds with one stone. If this pot can be dirty, The water splashed onto me and she made money. "

"Oh?" Luo said lightly, "The queen is not as simple as she appears on the surface, and there is Sue behind her. Sue is different from Willow, but it only took more than twenty years to rise. However, in the Xia Kingdom, the Soviet government was deeply entrenched. For a while, you were afraid that you would not be able to move. When you deal with the queen, you must be extremely careful. If there is anything that cannot be resolved, you must tell me. "

Yun Chang Yingying smiled and answered, before she said, "The prince is assured that the queen wants to plunder me, but I don't have to follow her thoughts ..." <

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