Yun Chang went to the palace for a few days and was very diligent. Every day, she would change into different styles of dresses and jewelry. She would sit in the Xiangzhu Hall, and occasionally went to Weiyang Palace to see it, but she also encountered one or two. Back to Shen Shufei. For a time, Yun Chang was in the harem, and the queen also took notice.

"The clothes you are wearing these days are elegant and good-looking, and the jewelry is also good. When the concubines came to greet me this morning, the palace changed clothes in the inner hall and heard them talking about you." The queen Taking a sip of rose tea, his eyes glanced at Yun Shang, faintly authentic.

Yun Chang hurriedly said, "The court ladies wear nothing but ordinary clothes sold in the shops outside. Where can you compare with the elaborate preparations by the Palace of the Interior? Only the ladies look at the elegant and luxurious style of the palace and occasionally see The courtier's coarse clothes also felt fresh. This is the same as those who are used to eating big fish and meat, and occasionally change the soup and side dishes. "

The queen was very helpful when she heard what she said, and nodded, "How is the order you are doing?"

"It's all right." Then he took out a paper bag from his sleeve and handed it to the queen. "The wife and the wife looked at a lot of different things. Although the effect is the same, this one is the most appropriate, colorless and tasteless, and the effect is also It didn't come that fast and it was easy for the queen mother to make arrangements. "

The queen nodded her head, closed it down, and smiled, "You are also a pharmacist. If you say yes, you cannot be wrong."

When Yun Chang heard such a compliment from the queen, she smiled lightly, but with a little worry in her eyes, "It's just that all the things in the entrance are tried by the housekeeper one by one, this thing ..."

"Afraid of something." The queen chuckled, "If it is a poison, the housekeeper can try the problem, but this thing, the housekeeper is not a complete man, and it will not be effective. Moreover, You didn't say that either, this medicine was slow. "

Yun Chang nodded quickly, a flash of cold light flashed in his eyes.

"If this happens, your revenge will soon be revenge." The queen looked at Yun Chang, smiling with a smile.

Yun Chang nodded quickly, "Thanks so much for your mother."

The queen's movement was fast. In the early morning of the next day, Yun Chang listened to Qian Yin and said, "The young girl of the underworld will be named a noble by the queen this morning."

Yun Sang looked into the mirror, and Asagiagi was frowning for her, and Yuanshan's eyebrow was painted.

Yun Chang smiled, "Although the rank is not high, but finally she and her queen wished, how can it be regarded as concubine, and she can stay in this harem squarely and brightly."

"Princess, is this good?" Asagiagi stepped back and asked Yun Sang for his opinion.

Yun Chang rolled her eyes and nodded softly. "Very good."

Asagiagi lowered her eyebrow pencil, picked up her hair, and walked behind Yun Sang. Yun Sang looked at the vague face in the bronze mirror, lowered her head to adjust the sleeves, and smiled at the corner of her mouth with a bit of irony. Ming thought how good the harem was. He thought that when he entered the harem, he would be glorious and wealthy, but he didn't know that the harem was the place where the blood was actually murdered. "

Qian Yin was silent for a long while, and then said again, "Slave heard that His Majesty had a big temper this morning, but because he was in a hurry, he didn't blame him carefully, but he was afraid after he went down ..."

Yun Chang's hand was slightly stunned, Fu raised his eyes and looked into the mirror, and groaned for a moment before he said, "After the powder has been applied for a while, I don't want to apply rouge."

Asagiyan froze, brushing his hands slightly, and hesitantly said, "But that would make you look less energetic."

When Yun Chang heard her say this, she even laughed. "What you want is not to be too energetic. It looks weaker and innocent. Later, I'm afraid there is still a tough battle to fight."

Asagiagi didn't understand Yun Sang's meaning, but nodded in response.

Qian Yin narrowed her eyes and asked softly, "Would you like to inform the king?"

Yun Chang shook her head, but there were no waves in her face. "This harem and backyard is a woman's battlefield. He is a big man and always comes up with something. And, this time I'm ready."

After changing a plain dress with lotus embroidered on it, Asagiri put on Yun Chang's makeup according to Yun Chang's words and did everything, Yun Chang lay on the soft couch and looked at the book. "

Three minutes later, someone came to the palace. Xuan Yunshang entered the palace. Yunsang heard the words, closed the book, and stood up, as she covered her brow, and Yun Sang smiled. "Don't worry, isn't there something in the palace?"

Yun Chang entered the palace with Asagiri and Asakusa, and was passed on to Shuya Palace.

Yun Sang came to Shuya Palace for the first time. The complexes of Shuya Palace and other palaces are slightly different. The decorations in the palace are not as good as those in other palaces. Most are made of bamboo, tables, chairs, and piano tables. The curtain is not a bead curtain, but a plain veil, which looks a bit elegant and refined.

As soon as Yun Chang entered the main hall, he saw Xia Huanyu sitting on the main seat, frowning, and the long scar on his face also looked a little dazed. The queen sitting beside Xia Huanyu was also expressionless. Sitting on the left, Shen Shufei lowered her head, but could not see her expression. Kneeling with his back to the door of the hall, sobbing and crying, should be Qing Ming.

Yun Chang frowned, entered the palace and saluted, Fang looked curiously to the side of Qing Ming, which seemed to faintly appear, and hesitated for a moment before asking softly, "What's wrong? Qing Why does the girl in tears cry so sadly? "

The queen's eyes fell on Yun Chang's face, and she sighed, saying gently, "Now it's called Qinggui."

"Aristocrat?" Yun Chang was a little surprised on her face, but pressed down very quickly, and said quickly, "It turned out to be a noble man."

Xia Huanyu interrupted the words of the two, coldly, "Qing Ming gave medicine to the widow yesterday. Although it is not a fatal medicine, it is also unforgivable. How can such a bad-hearted person be regarded as a noble?"

The queen heard the words, frowned quickly, with a little anxiety on her face, "Your Majesty's remark was wronged, but the girl next to Shen Shufei, named Huaiya, has already admitted that it was her medicine. Has nothing to do with young people. "

Xia Huanyu sneered and stopped talking, but Yun Chang clearly saw the killing intentions gradually spreading in his eyes.

The queen hurriedly looked to Yun Chang and said, "Sang Er, that Huaiya said that the medicine was given to you by her. This palace felt something strange and could not believe the side of the maid, and summoned you, here How does Shi Changer say? "<

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