Eight-year-old Princess: Phoenix Reborn

Chapter 360: Mirror Flower Water Moon

Xia Huanyu only glanced lightly, and then frowned, "It seems that the widow has seen this person in Shuya Palace, it is a palace man in Shuya Palace." Then he turned and looked to the housekeeper who was aside. "Xiao Anzi, you take someone to Shuya Palace to see and bring this person over."

Yun Shang raised her eyebrows, the note with the handwriting of Shu Fei, and the designation of shallow water, Shen Shu Fei should already be the most suspicious person, but Xia Huanyu never said she would take her to the Palace of Justice to face her. I was afraid that when I wanted to have sufficient evidence, she directly ordered to dispose of Shen Shufei, not giving Shen Shufei a chance to refute, so as to give the queen a chance.

The queen looked like she was relieved, but her face was still a little ugly. The eyes falling on Yun Chang's body were a little bit killer, making it difficult for Yun Chang to ignore it.

Waiting for the gap brought by the palace man in the painting, Liu Wen'an has already returned, holding a few small pieces of things in his hand, "Your Majesty, the slave let several people look at the incense ash. That drunk peach blossom soothing fragrance is this thing. "

Xia Huanyu took a glance, and said quietly, "Which palaces have this Anshenxiang been delivered to?"

Liu Wen'an hurriedly said, "This drunk peach blossom soothing fragrance is more troublesome to make, but the soothing effect is very good. Only the harem Shen Shufei, Yun Guifei, and the former queen mother-in-law like to use this incense."

With only three people, this goal is very clear.

"That futon was also from the palace, but it was just an ordinary futon, but there was no way to check it," Liu Wenan said again.

Xia Huanyu nodded lightly and asked, "How about the people who were detained for interrogation?"

Liu Wen'an quickly sent someone to ask, and after a while, the guard hurried over and half-knelt towards Xia Huanyu, "Go back, the three men in the pharmacy confessed that someone gave twelve. Give them gold and let them identify Princess Rui. Just tell the person to wear a veil, I do n’t know who it is, but looking at the figure, it should be a woman. The subordinates looked at the gold that the woman gave them. It was Huitong Qianzhuang in the city The imprint is that the amount of silver money circulating in Huitong Money House every day is very difficult to confirm. "

Xia Huanyu nodded and said, "What about Lin Liu?"

"Lin Liu hasn't confessed yet, and his subordinates sent people to check in his house. They found that the two young children in his family did not know where they were going. They asked Lin Liu's wife and mother that they said that Lin Liu sent them to his aunt's house to play, but he was a guard I went to the two sisters' homes of Lin Liu and said that there was no such thing. "The guard commander lowered his head, said slowly.

Yun Chang groaned slightly, "I'm afraid that someone caught his child as a threat."

Xia Huanyu nodded, and asked Liu Wenan to whisper something to his ear and say something, and Liu Wenan hurried back.

After a while, another guard came in with a maid, and fell to the ground fiercely. The maid with a little panic on her face, raised her eyes to scan the situation in the temple, and bit her lip. Stand up straight and make a salute, sulking authentically, "Slave has seen Her Majesty, Her Queen Queen, Her Majesty Jin'an, Queen Queen."

Xia Huanyu whispered, "What's your name? Who is it in?"

The palace girl quickly said, "The slave is called Huai Min, who is in Shuya Palace."

Xia Huanyu narrowed his eyes. "The shopkeeper at Yishui Pavilion in shallow water said, have you ever bought a pair of earrings at her in shallow water village?"

The maid of the house, named Huai Min, stunned and shook her head in panic, "No slaves, no slaves."

Qianshui heard the words and quickly said, "The folk girl still remembers that the girl Huai Min came from the day before yesterday, wearing a light green dress with jasmine embroidered at around noon, and looked around in the shop and said Want this earring, this earring is one hundred and two hundred and twenty silver. Girl Huai Min gave the female girl two hundred and twenty silver, and the girl asked the girl Huai Min one fifty two one twenty two one hundred and twelve silver, and the people The girl remembers that there was a birthmark on the left arm of the girl named Huai Min.

The Huaimin trembled and quickly shrank her hands into her sleeves, but she was pulled by them, and her left hand sleeve was folded up, and a black birthmark the size of a finger cap was revealed.

"Not slaves, slaves have never been, slaves have never been." Huai Min scrambled his sleeves down, panicfully.

Xia Huanyu groaned for a moment and said, "Go to the palace gate and check. The day before yesterday, there is a record of this palace girl named Huai Min."

Huai Min heard that his body was trembling again. "Slaves had been out of the house the day before, but slaves have never been to that shallow water Yiren Pavilion or to buy any earrings."

As soon as the voice fell, I heard a pass from the door, "Mrs. Concubine."

Xia Huanyu frowned and remained silent for a moment before he said, "Pass."

Yun Chang rolled her eyes and saw Shen Shufei's hand resting on a palace man's arm, and slowly walked in, with two palace men behind her.

When she walked to the temple, Shen Shufei hurriedly saluted to Xia Huanyu and the queen. "I have seen Her Majesty and I have seen the Queen Mother."

Xia Huanyu frowned, "What are you doing?"

It was because Xia Huanyu's voice was a little impatient, Shen Shufei's body was a slight meal, and the smile at the corner of her mouth was a bit reluctant. "I heard it, and the people in the palace were detained by two people. Therefore, I came to see what the two of them had done wrong, and let His Majesty personally discipline him. If he did make a mistake, it would not be a great deal for him to be the master if he did not know ... "

Xia Huanyu heard the words and smiled coldly, "It really shouldn't be." Then he threw the paper on the table beside Shen Shufei, "Look at it."

Shen Shufei trembled, as if she had never seen Xia Huanyu indifferently to her. It was a long time before she bent down, picked up the paper that fell to the ground, unfolded it, and looked at it, looking at the content on the paper At that time, it changed suddenly, half a while, Shen Shufei said, "Your Majesty, you are injustice! You are ..."

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted impatiently by Xia Huanyu, "You will soon know if you are wrong."

"Fang Cairui said that the evidence of the incident was two items in the Yishui Pavilion, and asked the shopkeeper in the Yisui Pavilion in Qianshui to bring questions. As a result, the guards have not yet gone. The compatriot sister was taken away. As soon as the shopkeeper arrived at the Senate Hall, there was another shopkeeper who said that it was the shopkeeper of the Yiren Pavilion in Yishui, but it was easy to undress. The peelable skin on the face was you. Huai green in the palace. And the shopkeeper of Yiren Pavilion in shallow water identified that Huai Min in your palace has also visited her store and bought an earring, which was found in the house of the palace man who waited for Shizi. Seal the letter together. "Xia Huanyu said coldly, never looking at Shu Fei from the beginning to the end.

Shen Shufei bit her lip and remained silent for a long time. She looked at Xia Huanyu for a while, then turned to Yun Sang, and then to the queen, and smiled coldly. I also understand the meaning of this sentence. "

"Want to add sin?" Xia Huanyu sneered. "Prince Rui was locked up in the prison and someone wanted to harm her. The incense used to make Princess Rui fall asleep is the drunk peach in the palace. Anshenxiang, only you and Yungui Concubine are in this palace. "

Yun Chang watched Shu Fei be silent, half a moment, but bit her lip and raised her head violently.

"Oh? What? Take everyone else down." Xia Huanyu said lightly, watching the guard take the testimony and the identified person out of the Palace of Justice, waiting for Shu Fei to speak, it seemed like a sigh. Authenticly, "There are such horrifying things happening among the Ya people, and the widow never blame you, even if it is the case of the twelfth, the widow still condone it. The bitter cold place in Qizhou is very conditional For hardships, King Qi is also the son of a widow, and he has been smart and clever since he was young. If he is not affected by the affairs of the Ya people, he would very much like to put him around to teach him personally. The affairs of the Ya people have a considerable influence. Big, widows are unwilling to accept nobles, and that's why, although now she has no choice but to give her the status of a noble, but widows will never let her be pregnant. "

Shen Shufei's footsteps seemed a little soft, and she took a small step back, but was quickly supported by the palace people behind her. Shen Shufei was pale, with a bitter smile on her face, and slowly closed her eyes. "Hahaha, it seems that everything is a delusion of the body, and the body thinks that His Majesty's tolerance is because he has a little affection for the body. The body thinks that there are many concubines in this harem, and the body is special. He did not have a deep family background. At first, he was just a palace man. His Majesty has never neglected his affection for him over the years. Even if he is injured, he can no longer have a pregnancy. Even the Ya people ’s shocking secrets After being turned over. It was just that, but I finally understood, understood ... "

"Oh ..." Shen Shufei smiled coldly, "I understand that the emperor's pet is just a mirror, and I understand that it is not special for the body, but because the body is still useful, but this use threatens the interests of more useful people. At that time, it became soot. Chen Ye was favored because Chen Ye had no family support. His Majesty loved his body and did not need to worry about the exclusive power of his foreign relatives. He also fell out of favor because Chen Ye had no family support. Alas, don't worry that foreigners will object ... "

"The matter hasn't been found out yet, you should go back to your Shuya Palace first." Xia Huanyu frowned, interrupting her words, looking a little unhappy.

Shen Shufei laughed a little, took back her hand, and stood upright, "Not yet identified? What else can be checked? Her Majesty has already determined the crime of her death in her heart? An 18-year-old couple, Your Majesty Now that I ’ve decided to let my body be an abandon, my body is obedient, and Her Majesty no longer needs to check it. It ’s all done by the body, and everything is done by the body! ”<

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