Eight-year-old Princess: Phoenix Reborn

Chapter 361: Cold Moon Frost

Ok? Yun Sang raised her eyebrows, and only saw those who tried every means to elute the crimes, but never saw those who could not wait to confess their guilt before they could find out. The latter part of the matter has always been her domination, and she understands which of the so-called evidence is true and which is false. There is no need for Shu Fei to take all the blame so easily.

However, Xia Huanyu's words clearly brought a bit of threat. To threaten with Shufei's child is a bit too unfriendly.

The queen never spoke, but looked at Shu Fei coldly, not disappointed.

In this way, the biggest beneficiary of the whole thing has become the queen. Although she may not have thought of the final result, she is most afraid of joining forces with Shen Shufei. Neither Shufei nor her is good. The relatives have definitely weighed the pros and cons for a long time. If Shu Fei did not get any benefits, I am afraid that she would not join hands with her. She has been fighting with Shu Fei for nearly 20 years, and she ca n’t wait for her to die every moment. Now she sits on the mountain watching tigers and fighting. Every hair is happy.

"Shu Fei's body is not good, you help her to return to Shu Ya Palace first." Xia Huanyu frowned, said quietly.

The palace man on the side responded, and quickly walked to Shu Fei, who snorted and waved her hand, "This palace will go by itself, and you don't need to help you."

He turned around, walked for a while, groaned for a while, but turned back to look at the queen. After seeing the expression of the queen, he slightly raised his lips and saluted toward the queen, his voice Very softly, "Congratulations on congratulations to the queen maiden. After the consignment is gone, no one in this harem dares to say anything to the queen queen."

Yun Chang made a "squeak" in his heart, screamed awfully, raised his head and looked at Xia Huanyu, and saw a deep flash of light in Xia Huanyu's eyes, turned his eyes, fell on the queen, and quietly looked at the queen for a while, Only then looked back.

The lady in the concubine was really powerful. She first seduced her husband and wife and then told Xia Huanyu clearly that she did not have a family back-office and would not threaten the Jiangshan Society. There would be no dictatorship of foreigners, but the queen would do the opposite. Looking deeper and deeper, seeing that neither of them succeeded, then Xia Huanyu knew clearly that if her concubine was gone, the queen would be the only one in the harem.

The intelligence of Shu Fei is that she knows clearly what Xia Huanyu does not want to see, and where is her advantage.

The queen was afraid she was a little smug, but when she heard that, she just sat quietly, looked at it with a smile, and didn't speak.

Shen Shufei smiled coldly, then turned around again, and calmly walked out of the hall.

Xia Huanyu was silent for a long time and never spoke.

An inner servant hurriedly opened the door of the Palace of Justice and walked, then turned and closed the door, and then walked into the palace. However, they noticed that the atmosphere in the palace was a little weird, but they had to kneel down and said, "Go back, the slave went to four The palace gates checked the entry and exit records of Shuiya Palace's female maid, Huai Min. She left the palace the following morning, and returned to the palace at three o'clock in the evening. "

Xia Huanyu waved his hand, letting the inner servant retreat, and said lightly, "Since Shen Shufei has pleaded guilty, there is no need to follow up on this matter."

Yun Chang heard the words and frowned lightly. She still had a lot of evidence to wait for. She thought that she could not move, at least she could get rid of a rival, but she didn't want to ...

It's just that if she keeps on entanglement, I'm afraid she can't do what she wants. If she leads Xia Huanyu to go deeper, she will lose more.

After thinking about it for a while, Yun Chang lowered her head and stopped speaking.

The queen's expression was with obvious joy. She had participated in this matter quite a lot. If she continued to investigate, it would be against her, and it would be harmless to stop her here.

"As a concubine concubine, Shu Fei did such indiscriminate things ..." The queen thought for a while and said softly.

As soon as the words were half said, she was overshadowed by Xia Huanyu's voice. "Shu Fei tolerates the palace people to bring cold food into the palace privately, and attempts to use cold food to disperse the disease for the son of the world. The sin is unforgivable. No one is allowed to visit. "

Wuyan Palace is the cold palace.

The queen's expression was a bit stunned. If the evidence just appeared on the bright side, the concubine's charges could be more than these two, which should be the most minor two charges. Shu Fei clearly said that she brought cold food to the palace, used the cold food to disperse the court, and intended to murder Her Majesty and Shizi. She also secretly communicated with the guards in the palace and intended to kill Princess Rui.

These charges add up, even five horses are enough, but Her Majesty only beat her into the cold.

The queen's eyes turned to look at Xia Huanyu with hesitation, and she saw Xia Huanyu's indifferent side face, without a trace of expression, as if she refused to be far away.

The queen groaned for a long time and finally opened her mouth, "Your Majesty ..."

Before the words were finished, he was interrupted by Xia Huanyu again, "The queen is working hard today, Yun Xi has not yet woke up, the queen should go back to Weiyang Palace and look at it. Yun Xi is the one you want to take back to the palace. However, after returning to the palace, the accident happened again and again. If the queen can't protect Yun Xi well, I think it might be better for Yun Xi to stay in the tomb. "

Yun Sang listened, and Xia Huanyu was afraid of discovering something. She knew that the queen took the life of the son to take risks in order to get rid of her.

The queen was so embarrassed by Xia Huanyu that she suddenly felt a little embarrassed. She sat motionless for a while before she narrowed her eyes and stood up, thinking to herself, that Shen Shufei was in the palace of the Yan Yan. In this harem, there is still the imperial concubine who has no power and power, and she does not believe that she can still get rid of it?

Thinking like this, he also sneered, and made a ceremony towards Xia Huanyu, and left the palace hall with the palace people.

Xia Huanyu looked at Yun Sang, who had a low eyebrow, and looked at it for a long time, then she said, "How is the dissatisfaction of Princess Rui Rui?"

Yun Chang quickly shook her head and said, "Your Majesty Shengming has his own considerations. His Majesty's handling of things must be based on the interests of his country. Although the court woman is only a woman, even though she has suffered a lot of grievances, but this Point metrics are still there. "

Xia Huanyu heard that after a long pause, he laughed loudly, "Good ignorant woman, even a lot of grievances. This is indeed a grievance for you, let's say, what compensation do you want? . "

Yun Chang smiled slightly, raised her eyes, and remained silent for a long time before she said, "One of the show girls who participated in the draft this time is a show girl called Lin Youran, who is both talented and intelligent, and please take a look at her. . "

Xia Huanyu raised an eyebrow. "The widow thought you wanted something for yourself, but didn't want you to ask for a showgirl's future. You know, the thing that the widow most dislikes is that the harem is too much. complex."

"Oh ..." Yun Chang couldn't help but laughed, "Your Majesty's words are more like a joke. There are so many women in this harem. They all say three women and one drama. You sing me on the stage. . Her Majesty, as one of the few people in the harem, would still think that this harem can't be cleaned up? If you want to be simple, you must balance the interests of all parties. Now Shu Fei has temporarily disappeared, and someone must make up for it. Otherwise, if the harem really becomes the queen's queen's world, it will not be her Majesty's wishes. "

"Presumptuous!" Xia Huanyu patted the armrest of the chair sharply, stood up, stared coldly at Yun Shang, Yun Chang was startled, but also quickly stabilized his mind, knowing that he was now If it shrinks, it will be very difficult to achieve the goal.

"His wife and King Rui came to Jincheng when they were still shallow and their foundations were unstable. Now they are being restrained everywhere and people are calculating everywhere. Presumably this is also what Her Majesty does not want to see. Even if Her Majesty wants to test and test Wang Ye, at least If you want to put the king and other people on the same starting point, even if you can't put it on the same starting point, you should not be too different. If the disparity is too great, the king is really dangerous. His courtiers don't want his majesty to be everywhere. Protecting Wang Ye, we will naturally do some things, but if your Majesty is willing to help, it would be better. "Yun Chang's voice was very calm, but her eyes did not flinch.

Xia Huanyu looked down at the woman who did not know the height and height of the temple. Although she was indifferent on the face, she had a slight appreciation in her eyes. After a long silence, Xia Huanyu sat down and said, Now, King Rui has waited outside the hall for a long time, and you should follow him to the house first. "

When Yun Chang heard the words, her heart trembled, her mouth could not help but evoke a smile, and she made a ritual towards Xia Huanyu, "The courtier retired." After speaking, she hurriedly stood up, waiting for the palace person to open. Fang couldn't wait to get out of the palace door.

Luo Qingyan really waited under the steps outside the hall door and turned his back to the Hall for Discussion, as if looking up at the sky. Yun Shang followed him and raised his head. It was almost fifteen. The moon in the night sky was round. Only a small piece had not been filled yet. The soft moonlight poured down and fell on Luo Qingyan's body, which seemed to cover him with a faint light.

Seeing that Yun Chang's gaze was noticed, Luo Qingyan said suddenly, he retracted his gaze looking at the night sky, turned around, and looked at Yun Chang.

Yun Sang saw the man in a blue dress slightly hooking her mouth at her, his voice soft and out of touch, "What are you looking at, so amazing? Well? It's late, it's time to go home."

Yun Chang felt only a hot eye, but also quickly pulled out a gorgeous smile, smiled and said, "Okay, we go home."

But thinking in her heart, she was only afraid of him in this life, in her eyes. <

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