Eight-year-old Princess: Phoenix Reborn

Chapter 366: Overbearing Luo Qingyan

The master and the servant joked with each other for a while, and Qian Yin remembered the business order that Yun Sang had ordered when he left, and he quickly said, "The dark guards checked one by one. Every show girl was watched by someone secretly. Someone with a good family history or looks has several tails behind him.

Yun Chang bowed his head, "Can you make an appointment with Lin Youran?"

"An appointment, it's almost time, and the princess is going out?" Qian Yin asked softly.

Yun Chang nodded and thought about it, "Give me a cap."

Qian Ji quickly took the cap and handed it over, and put it on Yun Chang. Qian Yin looked at Yun Chang's appearance and froze. "But the princess didn't say that although it should be slightly hidden, she also intentionally let some interested people know that the princess is so dressed ..."

Yun Sang knew her concerns and smiled, "I just wore a hat and I didn't change it. This way, it attracted people's attention. If I was really interested, I would definitely follow after I met Lin Youran. Come up, don't you know everything then? "

Qian Yin thought about it for a while, but it was indeed the truth, so she stopped talking about it, and Yun Chang took Qian Zou and Qian Liu to go out.

At the building outside the building, Yun Chang went directly to the elegant room. Lin Youran was already in the middle of the elegant room. When she saw Yun Chang coming in, she quickly got up and gave a gift.

Yun Chang smiled and let her sit down, then took the cap and gave it to the discretion, smiling and looking at Lin Youran, "I haven't seen you for a long time, is everything good in Chaozhou?"

Lin Youran nodded slightly, "Thanks to the care of the master and son, everything is fine. The righteous father treats me like his own daughter, and the righteous mother is a gentle woman."

Yun Chang smiled, "In the future, you ca n’t call your righteous father and mother, if you are heard by someone who is interested, you can easily cause big trouble."

Lin Youran nodded quickly and answered.

Yun Sang called Qianshou to go downstairs and take a pot of tea. Then he said, "It will be the primaries in a few days. It is not difficult to pass the primaries with your strength, but I said in the letter to Qin Yi earlier You are the first person I want to launch. After today, I am afraid that the eyes of many people in North Korea will be placed on you, and you have to take it. "

"Master, rest assured, knowing leisurely." Youran responded quickly.

Yun Chang carefully looked at Lin Youran, but she looked like a ladylike girl, her appearance was considered outstanding, her words and deeds were very elegant, Yun Shang nodded secretly, and Qin Yi adjusted her well. In one year, we can achieve such results.

In fact, Yun Chang didn't have anything to ask, anyway, she will stay in Jincheng anyway. You Ning Qian will be able to take a few minutes in the palace. It is also convenient to send a message. Today is just to attract snakes out of the hole. That's it.

After sitting for a while, Yun Chang got up and wore a cap and went out of the building. After getting on the carriage but walking for a short while, Yun Chang heard the secret whistle coming from around, and someone followed.

Yun Chang froze slightly, and the fish was hooked.

Yun Chang instructed the driver to go to the back door of the palace, and Fang got out of the car, and entered into the palace with Asakura and Asagiri. The dark guard has been monitoring the movements of those who tracked, and those who tracked hovered outside the house for a while, and then left.

After the incident of cold food, Yun Shang did not enter the palace for four or five days, until Ning Qian spread a word to let Yun Shang enter the palace, but Yun Chang had a feeling like another generation.

I changed my moon white dress and was going to go out, but was stopped by the dark guard. "The princess and the prince said, you can't go into the palace alone without him."

Yun Chang stepped in a footstep, and suddenly remembered the very domineering warning that day. He had thought it was just talking, but he never thought that he even ordered the dark guard.

However, since Ning Qian passed the word, I was afraid that there was something important. Yun Chang was in a dilemma, so he asked the dark guard to Luo Qingyan to pass on the letter.

Only half an hour after the letter came out, Luo Qingyan stepped in from the door and said, "You want to enter the palace?"

Yun Chang froze, Fang nodded, "Ning Qian sent someone to preach and let me go to the palace."

Luo Qingyan groaned for a moment before he said, "I have something to report to Her Majesty, so let's go together."

Yun Chang was stunned again, and couldn't help but laugh out loud. How could there be such a clever thing? As soon as she entered the palace, he would have something. It seems that the last thing really made Luo Qingyan a little bit afraid. As soon as Yun Chang's heart warmed, she held Luo Qingyan's arm and said, "Okay, that body will go into the palace with the king."

The two entered the palace and had to part ways before the steps of the Taiji Temple. Yun Chang was about to leave, and was dragged by Luo Qingyan's sleeves. "I will be fine for at most one hour, and I will go to Xiangzhu Temple after one hour. If you are called by the queen, and you ca n’t resist it, let the maid in Xiangzhu Palace come to the Palace of Justice to find me. ”

Yun Sang listened to his utterance, and then answered with a smile and turned towards Xiangzhu Dian.

Ning Qian was reading a book in the temple. When Yun Chang came in, he quickly put down the book in his hand and greeted him. Yun Chang sat down opposite Ning Qian and looked at Ning Qian's complexion. He said, "What happened? But what happened? ? "

Ning Qian groaned for a moment and said, "Yesterday, Your Majesty said that the Princess Long returned the letter and would return to Jincheng soon."

"Long princess?" Yun Shang heard Ning Qian talking about this person. Ning Qian was recommended to enter the palace by the long princess. I am afraid that everyone in the palace feels that Ning Qian is the long princess.

When she first came to Xia Kingdom, Ning Qian also told her once about the princess, saying that the princess believes in Buddhism on the face, but I was afraid that there would be restlessness in her heart. It is not difficult to see the matter of the palace.

"Now when the official show girl is selected, she chooses to return to Jincheng at this time, I'm afraid it is for this matter." Ning Qian frowned. "I have been in contact with the princess for some time, and she was by no means our imagination. It's that simple, I always feel that her ambition is big. "

Yun Chang groaned for a moment, Fang turned around and looked at Ning Qian, "Well, now we don't know what she wants to do, we don't have to pay too much attention to her. If she really has an idea, now you are expensive Alas, compared with those unnamed and showless women, it is naturally much more useful, and she will naturally contact you. "

Ning Qian nodded, "Wait a minute. By the way, isn't Shen Shu Fei entering the cold palace? I heard that the queen wanted to enter the Palace of Invisible Face two days ago, but was stopped by the guards, and went there to make trouble. One pass, but was blocked back by Her Majesty painlessly. Now this shameless palace has become the safest place in the palace. His Majesty seems to be protecting Shen Shufei. "

Yun Chang remembered the words of Madam Guo from that day, and smiled slightly, blinked at Ning Qian, motioned her to approach, and attached something to her ear canal in her ear, only a little surprisedly, "You let me go ... "but couldn't keep talking, so he raised his hand, bent his thumbs, and bumped together," Your Majesty? "

"It's not necessarily you, but you have to do it alone." Yun Sang gave a slight meal. "The queen wants Shen Shufei to die, so is I, but I also want to make the queen upset at the same time. This is the fastest. Method. "

Ning Qian groaned for a long time before she said, "Shen Shufei's life is a variable for one more day. If you need to use this method, you must choose our people, waiting for the showgirl to enter the palace, and to win the favor of her majesty. It will take a long time. Let me do this. "

Yun Chang smiled slightly and nodded softly, "You can do your best. There are already a lot of people in Jincheng today. What you want, just talk to me."

Ning smiled slightly and was about to speak, and then heard someone say, "Madam, your Majesty is here with Lord Rui."

Ning Qian quickly stood up and said, "Okay."

Yun Chang also quickly stood up, followed Ning Qian, and came out of the inner hall, then heard the voice of Xia Huanyu and Luo Qingyan came, seemingly chatting, Yun Chang paper faintly heard peach blossoms.

He listened to his ears, and saw the two men appear at the gate of the palace. Ning Qian and Yun Sang stepped forward two steps and saluted, "Your Majesty Jin'an."

Xia Huanyu nodded and said, "Let the body be flat." After that, he sat on the chair, watching Luo Qingyan and Yun Chang said, "Since it's here, let's go to dinner first."

When Ning Qian heard the words, he hurriedly said he was going to prepare. Luo Qingyan said quickly, "No, there are still some things in the court that need to be handled."

Xia Huanyu didn't care much when he heard Luo speak softly. He waved his hand, "Since there is something in your house, let's forget it, then you can step back."

Luo Qingyan hurriedly saluted with Yun Chang, and then exited the Xiangzhu Temple.

After leaving the palace, Yun Chang raised her eyes and looked at Luo Qingyan strangely, "After all, the Xiangzhu Palace is the place where the concubine concubine lives, and you frequently appear there. In case it causes some bad gossip, it will not hurt you After all, you are King Rui, and no one dares to say anything in front of you. But Ning Qian is now the concubine of the harem. If you are caught by this and tarnish her reputation, how can you let her be good? "

Luo Qingyan hooked his lips and patted Yun Chang's head, "You also know that I'm not good there, so I will go to the palace less."

Yun Chang had no choice but to give him a glance and turned his head to the side. "After the show is finished, there will be a lot of my own people in the palace. Then, don't worry about it."

The implication is that Luo Qingyan could completely let her enter the palace at that time, but Luo Qingyan just yawned, pretending he never heard it. Yun Chang didn't hear Luo Qingyan's answer, then turned his head and glared at him for a while.

Luo Qingyan only smiled and said, "It will be too early to say when there is such a situation in the palace."

Yun Sang snorted before saying, "This time in the draft, I'm afraid it will set off a lot of blood and rain again." <

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