Eight-year-old Princess: Phoenix Reborn

Chapter 367: Queen's plan

In an instant, it was the day of the draft. Xiu Nu was sent to the gate of the palace by the elders of the family. She received the sign from the servant of the Ministry of Households, and was brought into the palace by the housekeeper. Those who are registered by the female official in the palace are considered to have passed the primary election, and need to be selected again. If they are not registered by the female official, they are considered unsuccessful, and they can arrange their own marriage.

Although Yun Sang was not the elder of any show girl, she also prepared a carriage early and waited in front of the palace gate. The car carrying Xiu Nu came over one by one, and the servant of Tobu registered the situation of Xiu Nu at the door, and issued a bamboo sign to show Xiu Nu side by side. When a certain amount was reached, it was handed over to the housekeeper. In the palace.

Yun Chang opened the carriage curtain, and her eyes fell on the show girls. In fact, the primaries in the palace were not the first checkpoint. The primaries were chosen by officials from all over the area in their jurisdiction to choose the right age women. The situation is reported to the Ministry of Households for verification.

So in fact, as early as more than a month ago, these show girls were screened. Therefore, most of the show girls seen today are of suitable age and at least pretty. It's just that there are a lot of show girls, usually there are hundreds of people, and there are also uneven. Yun Sang looked at each of them carefully. If she looked good at Rongse, she whispered inquiring Asagiri and Sinki who were beside him, and let them write down.

It took almost one morning for the primaries. From the beginning to the night, almost every show girl had been carefully looked at, and it was very tired when all the show girls entered the palace.

He was about to ask the coachman to leave, but he heard a gentle and elegant voice from outside, "Ayun in the car?"

When Yun Chang heard the words, she frowned, and it was Liu Yinfeng. Today, most of the dark guards who followed her around were sent by Luo Qingyan. I'm afraid she will not be home after a while. When she meets Liu Yinfeng, she has already heard Luo Qingyan. Luo Qingyan is a person who is accustomed to being sour and jealous. Although he doesn't say it, only Yun Chang can already think of the situation when he quietly comes home when Luo Qingshui returns.

It's just that Liu Yinfeng has already called her name. If it shouldn't, it seems a bit inappropriate.

Yun Sang motioned for Asagi to push the carriage door open, and looked at the Tsing Yi man outside the carriage with a smile. "Why is Liu Man here at this hour today, but come to see the maiden primary?"

Liu Yinfeng nodded his head, "Your Majesty let Lord Rui and his supervisors monitor the draft, and Lord Rui sorted out the information of the women selected in the draft in the household, and looked down here. Only then did I feel the distance in the carriage. People are like you, but they have been busy and haven't come over. "

Liu Yinfeng smiled, but suddenly lowered his voice, "I looked at the housekeeper who had been sent by the palace to give a sign next to the servant of Hube, and he has been looking at you ..."

Yun Chang froze for a moment, and knew that the servant was mostly the queen.

"Thank you, Father Liu, for reminding me." Yun Chang smiled lightly, her eyes calm.

Liu Yinfeng frowned, but with a bit of worry in his eyes, "You shouldn't come today. If you want to know who has been selected, it should be extremely easy, but a big place is here. Those who are interested see it, fearing that it will cause some trouble. "

Yun Chang didn't care about it. Since she arranged it like this, she hoped that some people would see it. It was only Liu Yinfeng's concern, but she was also grateful.

"Xie Liuxiong is caring." Yun Chang still smiled lightly and said politely.

The smile at Liu Yinfeng's mouth gradually brought two points of bitterness, "I forgot it. Ah Yun is so smart and has an idea. How could I never have thought of it? It's because I'm troublesome. I still have some Things will be retired first. "

When Yun Chang heard him say this, she felt a little guilty, but she couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, and said quickly, "Liu Gongzi himself."

Liu Yinfeng turned around and took two steps, but suddenly turned around, and groaned for a moment before he said, "There are two things related to A Yun. I think I should let A Yun know."

"Huh?" Yunshang was a little at a loss, "Liu Gongzi, please."

Liu Yin paused for a moment, and his voice was getting lower and lower. "In the three elections, the queen personally selected and was left with the brand. In addition to entering the palace as the consort, she may also be accused of the prince and the prince ... I When chatting with Liu Wenan the other day, he accidentally said that the queen had risen under the premise three times and four times, saying that King Rui and Princess Rui had been married for more than a year, but Princess Rui's belly had not been seen. Quietly, the palace of King Rui has only one female protagonist, Princess Rui, twenty-nine, and the matter of the son-in-law cannot be delayed. Listening to Liu Wenan's statement, the queen seems to want her Majesty to choose two or three suitable ones from the show, given to King Rui is the concubine. "

Yun Chang seemed to hear his heart “suddenly”, only to find his voice for a while, “Thank you for telling me this.”

Liu Yinfeng's gaze was a little distressed, and only a moment later he arched his hand slightly towards Yun Chang and turned away.

Yun Sang frowned, Liu Yinfeng didn't need to lie to her with such words. Several people had previously told her that Xia Guoji had a son, although she had thought about it, but most of them thought that if there was no son, only I am afraid that the fight for the throne with Luo Qingyan will add some obstacles. It never occurred to her that the queen had such a quick way to win the idea of ​​King Rui's Mansion.

Let His Majesty go to the palace of King Rui, who is still a show girl, but it is justified.

Yun Chang closed her eyes, and for a long while, calmed down her mood and opened her mouth lightly, "Let's go back to the house."

Back in the house, Yun Chang asked Qian Liu and Qian Ji to arrange for her the information of the show girls that Yun Chang told them today. Asagiri and Asagiri retreated, Yun Sang leaned on the soft couch, her brows frowned, and her mind was full of Liu Yinfeng's previous words.

As soon as Qian Yin came in, she saw the appearance of Yun Chang. She stood silently and looked for a long time before she said, "Prince, what happened?"

Yun Chang sighed and told Liu Yinfeng's words to her, and she was a little surprised when she heard what she said. "The queen could really do it, and the slaves can't wait to rush to the palace and give her two slaps."

Yun Chang's heart was so chaotic that he could hear Yun Chang's words, but he couldn't help laughing, "Don't dare to say this rebellious thing."

Qian Yin raised her hand and scratched her head. "When I said it, I said, except for the princess, no second person is worthy of the grandfather."

Yun Chang smiled, but also thought seriously. If the fortress enters Rui's Mansion, which queens will the queen choose? After a moment of contemplation, Yun Chang raised his head and said, "The show girl that Su Fu sent to the palace this year is called Su Ruying. Let's find out what kind of person Su Ruying is, what is her status in Su and how is her relationship with the queen? . "

Qian Yin answered, "The princess thinks that the queen will let Her Majesty point Su Ruying to the Prince?"

Yun Chang bowed his head. "Sue ’s prosperity can be attributed to the fact that the most outstanding daughters of the clan have been sent to the palace as concubines and concubines, and sometimes the prince will not let it go. I heard that the former princess was the daughter of the sister-in-law of the queen family. If you point Su Ruying to the queen, there are two benefits to the queen, one is to respond to me and the queen, and the other is to the future of Sue paving."

"If it's like the princess, you can't let Su Ruying enter the palace, no, no woman can do it." Qian Yin snorted coldly. "Otherwise, the slavery makes people quietly move Then Su Ruying resolved? "

Yun Chang shook her head. "No need to fight grass and startle the snake for now, just stare."

Qian Yin replied a little reluctantly, and then sighed for a while. "I used to think that the princess and the grandfather were the happiest when they were in Ningguo. Anyway, the princess is a princess, and no one dares to let the grandfather take hold. However, after arriving in Xia Kingdom, the slaves felt that the princess had been walking on the tip of the knife. Sometimes this person wanted to count, sometimes the person wanted to assassinate. I really wanted to go back to Ning State. After returning to Ning State, the Princess did n’t have to suffer. It's such a panic. "

Yun Sang heard her say so, but she was a little sad, but she smiled and said, "Stupid girl, Ning Guo, I'm afraid it's hard to get back. But it doesn't matter, I have you, you must be Will not make me wronged. "

Qian Yin quickly said, "That's natural. If anyone dares to make the princess aggrieved, the slave first rushes to find him with a sword."

With shallow tone of consolation, Yun Chang felt a little calm in her heart.

Asagiyan and Asagitsu sent the collated materials over, Yun Chang took it over, and instructed Asagi to take the pen and ink to the soft collapsed edge, and Yun Chang leaned on the soft couch to take a closer look, occasionally using What the pen draws on it.

The sun was gradually tilting westward, and Yun Sangfang looked at the things in his hands and handed them to Asagiri, "The people I circled above make people stare."

When Qian Yin heard the words, she went up and looked at them, and then asked, "Is there anything wrong with these people?"

Yun Chang shook her head, "It's nothing wrong, but some of these people have a relationship with Shen Shufei, and some have a good relationship with Su. If they enter the palace, I am afraid they will be their helpers. Although Shen Shufei Now I am in a cold house, but I can't be taken lightly. These people make me think about how to make them lose. "

Asagiri answered, holding down the stack of papers.

There was a secret code from the dark guard outside, and Qian Yin quickly stood up and hurriedly went out. After a while, she returned, holding a piece of parchment in her hand. "Prince, the list of newly-selected show girls came out. Then he handed the parchment to Yun Chang.

Yun Chang picked it up and swept away, Fang nodded, "It's about the same as what I saw outside the palace gate today."

Qian Yin also smiled a little on his face, "It's a good thing that none of us have been elected."

Yun Chang also smiled, and heard the voice of Ann from outside, "I have seen the Lord."

It was Luo Qingyan who came back, and Yun Chang stood up quickly and handed back the parchment paper to Qian Yin. Luo Qingyan had opened the curtain and walked in. <

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