Eight-year-old Princess: Phoenix Reborn

Chapter 372: The long princess returns to the palace

The weather was getting colder, and Yun Chang was calling for a tailor. He measured the size and prepared the tailor to make more clothes. He was measuring the size for Yun Chang, but everyone in the room suddenly raised his ears. Increased vigilance.

Yun Chang frowned, listening to the surrounding movements quietly. Someone was quietly approaching outside. Yun Chang winked at Asagiri. The two girls looked at each other and walked to the window to cover them with thunder. The ear opened the window and rushed out, only to hear a sound of exclamation, and the person was restrained.

Yun Chang walked to the window and looked out, and then she saw Luo Qingyan in a red suit pressed by two girls to the wall in an extremely distorted posture.

When Yun Chang didn't hold back, he laughed with a chuckle.

"Ah, hey, little princess, I'm Wang Jinhuan, Wang Jinhuan, I'm not a flower thief. Besides, I don't dare to pick your flowers. Luo Qingyan hasn't interrupted my legs yet. Your two maids let go of me, the girls are so gentle, how can they get married in the future. "As soon as the voice fell, they suddenly exclaimed again and again," I was wrong I ’m wrong, I ’m not saying it ’s okay?

"You don't go the right way, you have to pretend to be a ghost, who blame?" Yun Chang rolled his eyes, waved his hand, and let Asagiu and Asagi retreat.

Wang Jinhuan stood upright and mourned for a while, "Ouch, oh," and then he rubbed his arm and jumped in through the window, and looked around the room, "Well, Luo Qingyan said that the kid is not there?"

Yun Chang raised an eyebrow. "In Yanwuchang, you are short of a proper stake. Please hurry up."

Wang Jinhuan stepped back two steps quickly and looked at Yun Sang very exaggeratedly, "Little Princess, you follow Luo Qingyan and the boy has gone bad. He even learned his yin and yang strange tone, which is not good, not good. "

As he was talking, he heard a voice outside the door, "What's wrong with you?"

Wang Jinhuan quickly coughed twice, hehe smiled, walked towards Luo Qingyan who came in and opened the curtain, and opened his arms and hugged, "Oh, oh, Lord Rui, these days, the young people are outside Lord Rui is about to get tired and get down. He can only sleep for two hours a day. It was still hot a few days ago, and his whole body was bitten by mosquitoes. You see, these days the wind blows It ’s tanned, is your skin much worse? "

Luo Qingyan snorted coldly, "Really? Why did I listen to the Dark Guardian Newspaper and said that you only knew about walking around Huajie Liuxiang all day, and even forgot about the business, and said that Dark Guard advised you, you It was also said that anyway, the king did not dare to take care of you, it would be better to have a dark guard to do things. "

Wang Jinhuan quickly took two steps back and coughed slightly. "Wang Ye, the long princess, has already entered Jincheng."

Yun Chang laughed and listened to Wang Jinhuan's gagging, but suddenly he heard such a sentence, could not help but hesitated, "Long Princess?"

Luo Qingyan turned his eyes to Yunshang and nodded. "I heard you said that Ning Qian was recommended by the long princess when entering the palace. I felt that the long princess was not easy, and let Wang Jinhuan follow. That long princess, look at the details of that long princess. "

Yun Sang was silent, Luo Qingyan said exactly what she thought, and Wang Jinhuan said, "The little princess seems to be quite interested in the princess too. I see the dark guard beside the little princess."

"Well, a few days ago, Ning Qian said that the eldest son had returned to his home, and I asked someone to follow up, but he didn't find anything." Yun Chang said lightly, "The princess long prayed in the Buddha's room, it should be There is nothing to grasp. "

"Pray for blessing?" Wang Jinhuan laughed, "The princess really sells dog meat on a sheep's head. It's a blessing. In fact, every night, a monk in the temple quietly enters the princess's room. It's upside down, and it's not the same day after day. The long princess is already 40 or 50 years old, and it's so turbulent that I can't wait to poke my eyes. "

"Joke it." Luo said quietly, "You only see these these days?"

Wang sighed with sigh and said, "It's more than that. The long princess is only afraid of being in the throne. I found that some of the people she called these days have some special identities. I asked people to check their identities. They were all civil and military officials, and even There are counselors in the Seven Kings ’Mansion, and I also found the servants of King Rui ’s Mansion. And I accidentally found that the princess ordered the soldiers to train in a canyon not far from the Thousand Buddha Temple. Ten thousand soldiers, not only soldiers, but also weapons. "

Yun Chang's eyes flashed with astonishment, "Intention to the throne?"

Yun Chang had previously felt that the long princess would recommend beauty to Xia Huanyu, but she was afraid that the purpose was not simple, but she never thought that she wanted that position.

"I don't have many days to follow, I just found these, I don't know if there are soldiers and horses hiding in other places. The woman is not simple, deep-rooted, but ambitious, so be careful." Wang Jinhuan said.

Luo Qingyan groaned for a moment, Fang nodded, "I know this, you said she has entered Jincheng?"

"Yes. Jincheng entering around noon today, I followed her and watched her enter the palace, then went out of the palace and returned to the Palace of the Princess, and then came back to life." Wang Jinhuan responded, and took one from the table. A pear came over.

"The day after tomorrow is the selection of Xiu Nu Dian, and it is time for her to return." Yun Chang sneered.

Luo Qingyan also stood frowning for a moment before allowing Wang Jinhuan to rest.

"I don't know what kind of character this long princess is. I heard Wang Jinhuan say that, but I want to see it." Yun Chang laughed.

"Since you are back, you will always have a chance to meet, but you are not in a hurry."

Yun Chang also nodded, "Anyway, we can't get out after we have stopped our feet."

Later, Ning Qiandai also handed out the letter and said that the princess had returned to Jincheng. Yun Chang thought about Wang Jinhuan and said that the long princess was also a good man. After a moment of groaning in her heart, she arranged Qian Yin to prepare some people and set up some places where the noble ladies of various places in Jincheng liked to go. , Waiting for the long princess.

On the day of the selection of Xiu Nu Dian, the weather was not so good. It was a little grey in the morning together, and it was raining near noon.

In the morning, Xia Huanyu still has to go to the top to handle political affairs. The selection of Xiu Nv's palace is usually in the afternoon. The palace is selected in the main hall of Yuxiu Hall. Into the hall, Xia Huanyu and the queen decided to stay together.

The selection of the temple did not end until the evening. Yun Chang was instructing Qian Yin to prepare dinner. The result of the selection in the palace was delivered to Yun Chang's hands. Yun Chang opened it to look for a while, but frowned. Handed the list to Luo Qingyan.

"What's wrong? But many of us have lost many candidates?" Luo Qingyan looked at Yun Chang's expression and asked softly.

Yun Chang shook her head, "It's not true, just a little bit surprised, His Majesty actually pointed Hua Yutong to the Seventh Prince, as the Seventh Prince, and Liu Chuchu pointed to the Seventh Prince as the Seventh Prince. Consort. None of them were elected to the harem. "

Luo Qingwen heard the words, opened the list and looked at it for a while, and said, "I don't know what the palace's idea was. Liu Fu and the old seven have been related to each other, but now the old seven is getting bigger and bigger, already You ca n’t see Liufu. Liufu has worked hard to send Liu Chuchu into the palace. What he thought was that if Liu Chuchu was favored, Liu Fu would be able to find a place in Lao Qi. But His Majesty Liu Chuchu Pointed to Lao Qi, Lao Qi will definitely not touch, Liu Chuchu's move is a waste. Hua Yutong is a person from Washington, and the Central Government has already placed Washington in my camp. Hua Yutong Becoming the seventh princess, I am afraid that the old seven will also be defenseless. No one can please it. Oh, it is fun. "

Yun Chang heard the words and was silent for a long time before she said, "Your Majesty's arrangement may not be considered for the Lord. Although I am Princess Ning Guo, my identity in Xia Kingdom is useless, and the Lord is so determined not to accept it. The side concubine and the concubine also broke the road to marriage. His Majesty arranged Liu Chuchu and Hua Yutong to the Seven Lords at the same time, and the Seven Lords could not get any benefits he wanted in their two families. Coming is also equivalent to breaking the seventh prince to use the position of princess as the bait to unite other forces in the DPRK. After all, if someone who really speaks in the DPRK will definitely not be willing to marry his daughter to be small. "

Luo Qingyan heard it, and after a short while, she said quietly, "Maybe."

Yun Chang knew that he still had a faint rejection of Xia Huanyu, so he no longer talked about it, only smiled and said, "The draft is almost over, and the result is still satisfactory, just right, Now that we are still idle, we might as well find a suitable day to do Luo Yi and Qian Yin's marriage, Luo Yi has been with you for so long, and Qian Yin is also for me to become what it is today. Be a little more grand. "

Luo Qingyan smiled and took Yun Shang's shoulder and said, "It's good for you to decide. It's the first time for Fuchu to host such a happy event since we got married. Fortunately, we all have some backs and use happy events to rush to the first Punching is also good. "

The two were talking, but the housekeeper came in and stood at the door.

Luo gently gave him a glance, Fang put away a smile and said, "What's wrong?"

The steward responded with a bowed head and said, "Prince returning to the prince, the eldest princess handed a prayer, and the carriage had reached the door of the house. Lord Wang. Lord Wang, look? "

"Long princess?" Luo Qingyan and Yun Chang looked at each other with some surprises in her eyes. Could she be so impatient?

Luo Qingyan groaned for a moment, Fang said to the housekeeper, "Since it is here, please go to the flower hall, let the princess sit for a while, and the princess and I will arrive later."

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