Eight-year-old Princess: Phoenix Reborn

Chapter 373: Long Princess visits

When the steward replied, Yun Sang frowned. "This is just the third day she returned to Jincheng, and it's all this time. What did she want to do?" Luo Qingyan's robe came over and put on him.

Luo Qingyan smiled and lowered his head and looked at Yun Chang. "For us, she did seem to be in a hurry, but for her, it may have been waiting for a long time. If it is true as Wang Jinhuan said, long The princess is also in this Jiangshan community. Then, I was also stabbed in her eyes. I was afraid that she would be staring at me from the moment I returned to Xia Kingdom. I waited until now to return to Jincheng and came to the door. It's really been long enough. "

Yun Chang thought about it, but it did, and smiled, "In this case, the long princess would be patient."

After dressing Luo Qingyan, Yun Sang instructed Qian Liu to enter the house to change her clothes. She chose a willow green skirt and a moon-white robe outside, and went to the flower hall with Luo Qingyan. And go.

In the flower hall, a woman in a rosewood dress is sitting. She should be the long princess. Unlike other princesses whom Yun Chang has seen, long princess clothes and hair accessories are extremely pure, but even so, it is difficult to hide. Noble temperament on the body. And although she was over 50, she looked like a woman under 40. If it wasn't for her sitting alone in the flower hall, Yun Chang would not be able to recognize her.

Luo Qingyan entered the flower hall with Yun Chang, and the woman put down the tea cup in her hand, and looked at them with a smile. Luo Qingyan said that the two stepped forward and walked. "Meet the long princess."

The princess heard that she quickly stood up to help the two of them, "Why so kind, just call my aunt." He stood again, and looked at the two for a moment with a smile, and said, "Before Qianfo When I was in the hospital, I heard that Her Majesty had recovered the Grand Prince, and the Grand Prince was a talented person, handsome and handsome, and still a civilized person. Now, at the first sight, this is so true, and you stand with your princess, it really looks like It's a pair of children's gods, so it's a good match. "The voice is mild, and they call themselves" I ", but they look kind.

"Thank you, Princess Long praise." Yun Chang smiled quickly.

The long princess smiled, and then said, "You don't have to be so restrained in front of me. I'm the guest. Just sit and talk."

Luo Qingyan heard the words and responded. He reached out and took Yun Sang to sit on the chair beside him. He just sat down next to Yun Sang. Yun Sang turned and smiled at Luo Qingyan gently. Smiled.

Every move fell into the eyes of the princess, and the princess sighed softly, "Looking at you and the princess so lovingly, it reminds me of how the queen of the past was still. Now that I have played with my big friends, I can see that she is so good at speaking softly, and I can rest in peace. After waiting for a hundred years, I can meet with I, and I can have an account. "

Seeing a flash of sigh in Luo Qingyan's eyes, Yun Chang quickly reached out and held Luo Qingyan's hand. Luo Qingyan smiled at Yun Shang and turned to look at the long princess, "Oh? Long princess know My mother? "

The long princess thought that Luo Qing's words were hooked, and her smile became a little bit brighter. "Yeah, I was a good friend with my uncle at the time. I also said that if our children can be married in the future, but I am a Without blessings, the horse died early, and I saw the red dust early, and walked into the empty door. Earlier, I heard that His Majesty was looking for you at the Thousand Buddha Temple. I do n’t know how happy it was, but I was praying for blessing at that time, and I ’m inconvenient See, no, as soon as I returned to Jincheng, I took a short break and hurriedly came to see you. "

Luo Qingyan smiled and said, "It's rude to me to count. I should have visited the aunt myself, but only because I made some mistakes a few days ago and was ordered to ban the foot by my father, so I couldn't make it."

Yun Chang raised an eyebrow, and Luo Qingyan was not bad, even her aunt called.

The princess saw this, and her smile became more and more brilliant, and she smiled, "I heard about it, your father is too harsh, but your father is a knife tofu heart Yes, I'll ask you for a plea when I enter the palace. Now it's just the right day, how can I hide in the house all day long. "

"Thank you auntie then." Luo Qingyan also raised his mouth a bit, "Yes, since my nephew has never seen her mother since she was a child, her aunt and mother-in-law know each other well, can you tell your nephew something about the mother-in-law?"

After hearing the words, the princess nodded quickly, "Of course, when it comes to your mother, it was naughty when you were a kid. At that time, Hua Guogong was a general, a family at home, a child, and a girl, and was taught all day. All I know is that the dancing guns and swords are the little overlords in Jincheng. They often go with a few brothers in the family, which one's shop is smashed today, and which one is beaten by Minger. Later, the younger is a little bigger. After seeing that she didn't have a girl, Mrs. Guo sent her to Tai Fu to learn how to play piano, calligraphy, painting and painting of those girls, and wanted to cultivate her into a boudoir.

The long princess laughed out loud, "But where is your mother-in-law who can sit still? At that time, she was turned upside down all over the Taiyuan College, everyone else called her a wild girl, only I felt her She has a real temperament and has a good relationship with her. Her Majesty has also been bullied by her several times. I don't know when she suddenly approached her Majesty. Then she slowly became quieter and began to learn carefully. She is clever. Although she started late, but two years ago, Qin Qi calligraphy and painting have been among the best in Jincheng's show. Later, I thought, at that time, I was afraid that I would fall in love with His Majesty. It ’s also extremely happy to make changes to people you like. "

"However, my last regret was that I did not persuade her when she was still fighting with you on the battlefield. At that time, my Majesty and Her Majesty thought that both of them would go to the battlefield, but It ’s just a prisoner. It only needs to be in the camp. You do n’t have to face it in person. It was a siege battle and you do n’t need to march frequently. It should be okay. Your Majesty has always spoiled her and agreed. I thought ... "The princess raised her hand and wiped the tears in the corner of her eyes, and sighed.

"Fortunately, I still have you. This is a bit of consolation to His Majesty. His Majesty, although looking at the scenery, the harem is full, there are many sons and daughters. But only I know that each year, Er's death, He would be drunk and drunk in the Tai College, and the pain in his heart, I am afraid that no one can understand and no one can solve it. "

Luo Qingyan seemed a little moved, and sighed softly. "Aunt is right, I am now."

The long princess looked at Luo Qingyan with tears in her eyes, and nodded again and again, "Seeing you is so good, my aunt will be happy too. Today said so much, it's too late, my aunt will go back to the house first, if it is Free time, remember to come and move around the Princess Palace. "

Luo Qingyan responded quickly, and sent the long princess out of the house together with Yun Chang, and then left Yiyi for a long time until he saw the long princess getting on the carriage, and the carriage gradually moved away. Luo Qingyan turned around and entered with Yun Chang When I left the house, the moment I turned around, the smile on my face disappeared without a trace. "Oh, interesting."

However, Yun Chang laughed. "It was originally to recognize Wang's relatives, but I didn't know which of these words were true and which were false. He never found out before that Wang Ye was also a master of opera, just like that. The long princess bluffed but turned around. "

Luo Qingyan heard the words, looked at Yunshang helplessly, and shaved her nose, "You only know how to make fun of me now. The play is singing, but the long princess may not believe it, and she is not here today. I want to explore the truth and see what kind of person I am. The people who grew up in the palace are human spirits, and the deep-seated people like her are the human spirits. How can she Believe me easily. "

"I don't know how hard she said so much, it's true or false." Yun Chang said with a smile.

Luo gently snorted, "It's true and false, it's about half a touch. Except for that, she knew the queen from urination, and only said that when the queen was a kid, she only knew dancing swords and guns. Children in the college It's all called her, but it's all fake. "

Yun Chang stepped in a footstep, "How did Wang Ye know so clearly?"

Luo Qingyan smiled, "I know that the person who dislikes the Queen of the Queen most in the Tai College is the princess. The princess thinks the Queen of the Queen is too vulgar and does not deserve the honorable status of her royal daughter. In the past, I often embarrassed the Empress Hua with several other good friends. The Empress Hua first arrived at the Taiyuan College, but she was unfamiliar with her life and suffered a lot of losses. Later, Her Majesty couldn't look down. He saved the Empress Hua a few times, and the two came to know each other once they came. In the Tai College, the Empress Hua always followed behind His Majesty, and gradually, the two developed affection. "

Yun Chang listened to Luo Qingyan talking about the past between Xia Huanyu and the Empress Hua, her voice was calm, but she was a little confused. Yun Chang's body gave a slight meal, but she sighed in her heart. It seems that Luo Qingyan paid more attention to Xia Huanyu and Queen Hua than she thought. If Luo's temperament is disregarded, he can simply ignore it. They will not know the past of the two of them in such a detailed way, and even many people who are not very relevant in their stories know very well.

Luo Qingyan said that Yun Chang was a little embarrassed, so he didn't say much anymore. He pulled Yun Chang and walked to the yard, saying in his mouth, "As soon as I'm going to have dinner, she will come. She must be hungry. , Let's go back for dinner now, and we don't know what to prepare in the kitchen today. "

Yun Chang slightly twitched his mouth and smiled, Luo Qingyan still looked so awkward, unwilling to let others discover his mind. <

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