Eight-year-old Princess: Phoenix Reborn

Chapter 374: Letter from Ning Guo

"There are sixteen beautiful girls staying in the palace, but these ten days, His Majesty spent six nights in the harem, and four days stayed at the Xiangzhu Hall in Xianggui, and two days. I stayed at the place where the new talents and talents were. "Yun Chang was dressing, and Qian Yin stood by and read Yun Chang the letter she just got from the palace.

At the end, he said again, "Did you choose a show girl but you are not flattered. What idea did your Majesty fight? This has never been favored, and it is not a problem."

Yun Chang smiled slightly, looked at a plum blossom dumpling in the mirror, nodded, and then said, "This is good, Ning Qian and Lin Youran are favored, and other show girls are left out and fell It is also convenient for the queen. The queen has chosen as many women as possible, and Ning Qian and Lin Youran are so favored that the queen is anxious. The queen has to choose from the new showgirls a few who she feels can cultivate. Help them win their favor. "

Seeing Qian Ji, Yun Shang wanted to insert a fringed bounce into the bun, and then quickly shook his head. "It's not necessary, and I won't go out, so it's better to be elegant."

Shallow response quickly, Yun Chang said, "The reason why I let Lin Youran win the favor first is because of this. I sent so many people into the palace. I didn't just want some of them to get the favor. Become our hand in the harem. More, I hope that the people I send into the palace can gain the trust of the queen or other concubines in the palace, and become their pawns, allies, or hands. Once they have gained trust , The queen and other concubines are willing to let them do something, then they have the opportunity to collect evidence of the weaknesses of the women in the palace and give them a fatal blow when needed. "

Qian Yin heard the words, and a flash of bright light flashed in her eyes, and quickly said, "The princess is far-sighted, and slaves are really admired."

"Come on, know what to say." Yun Chang laughed. "Yes, another seven days is your day of great joy. You are not in your house to prepare your wedding dress. Why are there any free time to come to me? Come swaying? "

A flash of red halo flashed on the shallow tone surface, and she yelled, "The princess knew how to make fun of slaves, slaves were the princess's sister-in-law, and naturally she was waiting beside the princess."

Shallowly, she laughed, and said with a smile, "Sister Qian Yin has already prepared her wedding dress. Yesterday, a slave and Qian Yan have seen it together, but it is beautiful. The left-hand embroidery technique is also very good now. Not only the wedding dress, but also the wedding dress of the bridegroom official, sister Qian Yin has already prepared it. Slaves gave it to Luo Yi for Luo Yi yesterday. Luo Yi saw that she was almost grateful. , Ran a full 20 laps around the palace. "

Yun Chang didn't expect to have such a stubble. Looking at Qian Yin's face flushed and embarrassed, he couldn't help but laughed out, "The steward said before, the red candle red lantern They are all ready, and they will be posted tomorrow, so that there will be some joy in Fuzhong early. "

Qian Yin lowered her head, and the mosquito gnawed authentically, "The princess will arrange it."

Yun Chang smiled again for a long time.

After dressing and changing clothes, Luo Qingyan also returned from Yanwu Stadium. Yun Shang asked him to wash his hands in the clean room first, change clothes, and then ordered the next person to prepare meals.

I was about to start a meal, but I heard the secret code of Dark Guard from outside. Xu Shifang was always teased by Yun Sang, and Qian Yin was a bit shy, so he quickly stepped out of the house, took the messenger back, and opened it to take a look. His complexion suddenly became a little bad.

"What's wrong?" Yun Chang was taking clothes for Luo Qingyan, and when she saw Qian Yin's appearance, she asked.

Qian Yin was silent for a moment before answering, "The princess, Jin Guifei, and the prince Chenxi happened."

"What?" Yun Chang's voice was anxious and fast, her brows frowning, and she quickly handed her clothes to Qian Ji, walked to Qian Yin and read the letter.

"The emperor held autumn hunting and brought Jin Guifei and Prince Chenxi to travel together. Just as the hunting ground was next to Qingfeng Temple, Jin Guifei said that she wanted to go to the temple to pray. Guarded, but did not want to be sharply put on the road by someone secretly, stabbed into the hoof, the horse was frightened, and ran away, running towards a cliff, watching it will fall into the cliff However, the dark eye quickly caught up, caught up with the carriage, cut off the reins, and rescued Jin Guifei and the little prince. Jin Guifei and the little prince were not injured, but were shocked. Repeat it again.

Yun Sang's hand holding the letter was a little trembling, and after reading it for a while, she put the letter on the table. Yes, there must have been a spy beside her father or mother-in-law. Send a letter to Liu Qingya and let her investigate the matter thoroughly. "

Qian Yin nodded and retreated, Luo Qingyan had already changed from the clean room and walked out. He had heard what happened outside in the clean room, and when he came out, he picked up the stationery on the table. I read it before, "Fortunately, both Concubine Jin and Chen Xi are okay. Brother Huang will certainly investigate this, so you don't have to worry too much."

Yun Chang sighed softly, "I'm not with them, I don't know what it is like, and I can't help it. This feeling of helplessness is really bad." After that, he was silent for a long while, "I I always felt that this matter could not be related to Shu Fei. She was completely defenseless, but it was still not completely prevented. It seems that I should go and meet Shu Fei again. "

Luo Qingyan heard the words and groaned for a moment before shaking his head slightly. "Sweet concubine is now in the cold palace, and Her Majesty's guards are guarding day and night. If you approach, you are afraid to cause Her Majesty's attention. At that time you There is no evidence, but it will cause Her Majesty to be dissatisfied. Now Ning Qian and Lin Youran are very favored, and it won't be long before Her Majesty is afraid to forget her concubine. By then, she will not let you pinch. "

When Yun Chang heard the words, she felt that she was just too impulsive, and she was silent for a long time, saying, "I know."

Luo Qingyan saw her boring appearance, and knew that she was unwilling, and groaned for a moment before whispering softly, "However, I heard that King Qi ’s life in Qizhou is not too good today, and Qi Wang was a young lady Fei taught that if she suddenly reached such a barren place, she would be unwilling to do so. He was a good breakthrough. "

After listening to Luo Qingyan's words, Yun Chang thought for a long time secretly, a flash of light suddenly flashed in her eyes, and smiled at Luo Qing and said, "I know what to do."

Luo gently rubbed Yun Sang's head and whispered, "King Qi is Shen Shufei's only bargaining chip. Her weakness is too obvious. You should understand the principle of playing snakes and playing seven inches."

Yun Sang nodded, and pulled Luo Qingyan to sit down at the table. When he closed it, he became very depressed because he received the letter. He smiled and said, "Today ’s breakfast is made of barley porridge, and A few dishes of light and delicious side dishes, I look good, I also taste it. "

Luo smiled softly and answered.

After finishing breakfast, the two were going to the study together, and they heard the steward calling behind them, "Prince, princess. The father-in-law of the palace, Liu Gong, came to preach the decree, and the two masters quickly packed up and went to the front hall to pick up the order."

Luo Qingyan stepped with Yun Chang and looked at each other, "The imperial edict? Liu Wen'an came to preach the edict? What happened?"

Both Yun Chang and Luo Qingyan only wore regular clothes. Since the imperial decree arrived, it would not be possible to do so, so they hurriedly returned to the room and changed clothes before they went to the front hall.

Liu Wen'an first saw the two men come over, smiled, and stood up from the chair, holding a yellow scroll in his hand, "The imperial decree arrives, the King Rui will take the decree."

Luo Qingyan quickly knelt down with the crowd, "the minister took over."

When Liu Wen'an saw everyone kneeling, he read the decree, which was a decree for pardoning sins. He pardoned the imprisonment of King Rui. Yun Chang frowned, but also followed Luo Qingyan to thank the sacred grace. Stand up.

Luo lightly accepted the decree and paused before asking softly, "Why does Your Majesty suddenly forgive the king's sin?"

Liu Wen'an smiled and said, "Your Majesty did not intend to punish the Lord. Yesterday, the Princess went to the palace. When she talked about it, she pleaded with Her Majesty, and Her Majesty pushed the boat down the river, and gave this purpose."

"Long princess?" Luo Qingyan frowned, but quickly smiled at Liu Wen'an and said, "Thank you for your thanks to Princess Chang."

Liu Wen'an said with a smile, "Prince Rui packed up first. If you get vacant later, go to the palace and thank him personally."

Luo gently said "um", Liu Wen'an resigned from the King's Mansion.

"I said that the princess of the day just mentioned it casually. I didn't expect her to go to Her Majesty to plead for Wang Ye." Yun Chang smiled.

Luo snorted softly, "It's just a matter of words. If you ask for it, it's the best. You can sell me a favor. If you can't ask for it, she can do her best."

"The princess is so laborious, I'm afraid there are other plans, why doesn't the lord go directly to your majesty and tell her her ambition?" Yun Sang frowned and paused before she said to herself. Authenticly, "Forget it, I ca n’t say. It ’s not right for the prince to say something. The prince is also the prince, and the evidence is still insufficient. I do n’t know what the relationship between Her Majesty and the Princess Long is. If you go rashly, I am afraid It's not good, but it's messy. "

Luo Qingyan was silent, half a while before he said, "Your Majesty is not stupid. Some things are afraid that we can detect it, and he will not know it."

Yun Chang thought about it, but it did, but frowned secretly. If Her Majesty knew about it, then why has Her Majesty been more flattered recently, after all, Ning Qian is the name and the Princess The palace.

Could it be that Her Majesty is also in the layout, and would like to use the hand of Ning shallow to lead the long princess to show off her feet? <

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