Eight-year-old Princess: Phoenix Reborn

Chapter 375: Royal Garden Storm

Thinking about this, Yun Chang felt a little uneasy in her heart, and quickly said, "Wang Ye enters the palace, thank you, can you bring your courtiers together?"

Luo Qingyan lifted his eyes and looked at Yun Chang, and after a moment of silence he answered. "I forbid you to stay with me in the house for a long time. You haven't been in the palace for a long time. Go."

Yun Chang nodded, and quickly returned to the house with Luo Qingyan, changed his clothes, and hurriedly took the carriage to the palace. This time has long passed, and Xia Huanyu should generally handle government affairs in the hall of discussion, and Luo Qingyan separated from Yun Chang beside the hall of discussion.

Yun Shang did not go to Xiangzhu Temple, but went to Yunqi Palace.

For a while, Yun Chang often came to sit at Yun Qi Palace. The palace people at the gate also recognized Yun Chang. They saw the court and quickly saluted, "Prince Rui hasn't come to see our master for a long time. Our master and princess are thinking about it. The princess is here today, and she must be very happy. "

The palace man led Yun Chang to the entrance of the main hall, and Yun Chang saw Yun Guifei sitting in the hall holding an embroidery brace and embroidering flowers, and Princess Qianling was writing with a brush.

"Mother-in-law, look, is the word Qianling written well? Sir, she praised me yesterday." Princess Qianling looked up at Yun Guifei, her eyes full of expectation.

Yun Guifei heard the words, put down the embroidery brace and turned her head to look at it, but she saw the princess Rui standing at the door, and a flash of joy flashed in her eyes. What are you standing for? Come in and sit down. "

When Qian Ling heard the words, he quickly turned his head, dropped the pen in his hand and rushed towards Yun Chang, "Well, have you come to see Qian Ling?"

Yun Chang quickly opened her hand and held Qianling in her arms and smiled. "Yeah, I heard that Qianling's words have improved a lot recently, so I made a special trip to see it."

When Qian Ling heard the words, he quickly "giggled" and laughed. He broke Yun Shang's arms, ran to the table, took out the paper, and handed it to Yun Chang. "Have a look, I will write the word Rui, you see Is Qianling writing well? "

Although the words on the paper seemed a little naive, Yun Sang smiled and said quickly, "Well, it's very good."

Qian Ling was a little bit more happy. Yun Guifei smiled and looked at him, and ordered the palace people to serve tea to Yun Chang, and called the nurse's mother-in-law, who stood on the side, said, "Qian Ling wrote for half a day today. Words, since Princess Rui has exaggerated, let her go to play in the garden for a while, you follow and watch, so as not to cause the princess to cause any trouble. "

Qian Ling heard the words, jumped up with joy, and took the grandmother's hand to go outside. "Had me to come back later, don't leave, wait for me, I'll play for a while."

Yun Chang looked funny, but responded with a smile, and waved, "Okay, I won't go. The princess will come back soon."

Qianling had already ran out of the main hall, and when he heard the words, he just answered loudly, and then disappeared.

Yun Guifei laughed and said, "It's a little quieter. Once there is a child around, it's too much trouble. You want to talk well and don't even think about it." After talking, he looked at Yun Chang Road again. , "I heard Lord King Rui killed a man a while ago?"

Yun Shang slightly nodded with a smile, and Yun Guifei laughed aloud, "As I said, Lord Rui did a good job. Those wise men only know to seduce a man every day, it is time to kill. The child is also a blessing. I heard a few days ago that there was a lot of discussion outside on this matter. Lord Rui has also become the ideal husband in many boudoir women's hearts. You may have to pay more attention to him in the future. "After that, I smiled again," I'm worried about it blindly. With Changer's appearance, there are several men who are willing to make Changer sad. "

"The concubine knew how to make fun of Chang'er, and I wouldn't dare to come to this Yunqi Palace in the future." Yun-sang said rudely.

Concubine Yun laughed again, and said for a long while, "I'm still mad, okay, you let me stop talking, I won't talk about it. You haven't been in the palace for almost a month, right? Lord Rui is confined, you Why don't you go out? "

"It's okay, it's just that autumn is here, and the weather is just right, so I'm lazy, and I'm too lazy to come to the door. I simply ate and slept in the house." Yun Sang said with a smile. Several new concubines were added, and when I came here, I saw several faces. "

Yun Guifei heard the words, sighed slightly, and said with a bit of utter sorrow, "When is this palace less face-to-face, I've been used to it, the women who come and go are better than the flowers in the Royal Garden. Many, today I saw the flowers blooming beautifully, and maybe a few days later, I disappeared. I didn't have the thought of competing for favors, so I was a little bit calm, and I was content with Qianling every day, but fortunately Spirit is a girl. "

"Qian Ling is caring and considerate, and the concubine is not alone when she is with her." Yun Chang whispered softly.

Yun Guifei smiled and stood up and said, "You may not have been in the palace for a long time, I may have been out for a long time. Although this palace is large, in fact, I stay in this Yunqi palace every day. Just when you came, go, walk around the Royal Garden together, the chrysanthemums bloom just right. "

This is exactly in the heart of Yun Chang. Yun Chang responded with a smile, stood up and said, "The court lady accompanied the concubine to appreciate a flower."

The two took the palace man and the girl-in-law out of Yunqi Palace and walked to the Royal Garden. There were indeed a few young women in the Royal Garden enjoying the flowers. Looking at the costume, they should have just been elected to the palace. The show girl in the palace, because she was not favored, was called "Little Master".

When Yun Shang and Yun Guifei appeared in the Royal Garden together, they attracted the attention of many people. Perhaps because of the rare appearance of Yun Guifei in front of many people, many new showgirls did not know the identity of Yun Guifei, nor did they know Yun Shang's identity only whispered pointing at Yun Chang and Yun Guifei.

"This year's chrysanthemums are a lot more than last year. I heard that some precious varieties have been loosed everywhere. Look at that one. It is Yaotai Yufeng. The queen mother recently favored this flower and transplanted many into Weiyang Palace. I do I like the snow sea over there most, it is white and flawless, it is a kind of character flower. "Yun Guifei introduced to Yun Sang softly.

Yun Chang listened with a smile, but felt that Yun Guifei was faintly suggesting something.

"You like that?" Yun Guifei asked with a smile.

Yun Chang glanced across the beautiful chrysanthemum garden and smiled, "Shanger doesn't like chrysanthemums, but likes plum blossoms more, probably because chrysanthemums are mostly graceful, and plum blossoms are mostly fragrant."

Yun Guifei heard the words, glanced at Yun Sang lightly, and smiled, "Plum blossoms are also of character."

While talking, but suddenly heard the cry of a child coming, Yun Guifei's complexion suddenly changed, "It's Qianling." Then he walked in the direction of the cry.

Yun Shang also quickly followed up. A maid came hurriedly to pass by and passed along with Yun Chang. When she passed by Yun Shang's side, she stepped slightly, and Yun Chang took a party from her sleeve secretly. Pa, handed it to the housewife at the moment she passed by.

When Yun Guiyun and Yun Sang found Qianling together, Qianling was still crying, but the crying had gradually weakened, and her eyes stared at the woman dressed as a showgirl kneeling on the ground. Qianling's clothes were a little dirty, as if rolling over the ground. Qian Ling's mother-in-law fell to the ground, looking sore, and seemed to be injured.

Seeing Yun Guifei and Yun Chang, she burst into tears and rushed over and rushed into Yun Guifei's arms. "Mother-in-law, mother-in-law, this woman bullies Qianling and bully."

Yun Guifei quickly squatted down and comforted Qianling. When Yun Chang saw this, she turned her head and looked at the grandmother. "Can the grandmother matter?"

The grandmother still had a bit of pain in her face, but she shook her head. "It's okay, there's nothing serious about the slave, just hitting the stone table with his back."

"What just happened?" Yun Chang said lightly.

The grandmother hurriedly said, "Princess Qianling is playing in the imperial garden. Seeing that Mo Ju in the garden works well, she wants to go picking and playing. The little master suddenly rushed out, saying that Mo Ju was sent by her father. It ’s impossible to get into the palace. Princess Qianling has always been an unwilling temperament. After listening to the little master ’s words, she was even more eager to ask for Moju. This little master was afraid that her heart was too anxious. He stepped forward to pull Princess Qianling. Princess Qianling fell to the ground without protection. The slave quickly hurried to help, but was pushed by the little master, and just hit the stone table behind him. "

Yun Chang heard the words, nodded his head, turned his eyes to the woman who was kneeling on the ground, and asked, "Are you a showgirl in the new palace? Look up and let me see, what's your name?"

The woman trembled slightly, slowly raised her head, her voice was very soft, "The low-handed howl is Zhao Xianwu."

Zhao Xianwu, the name Yun Chang has been seen several times in the list of show girls. Yun Chang carefully looked at the woman, her skin was delicate and white, and she looked like a gentle and elegant master. It was just this temperament, but Not very suitable in this harem, "Do you know who you are pulling?"

The woman's eyes fell on Qianling, and on Concubine Yun again, and then she hurriedly lowered her head again. "I was only reckless, but I never thought it was Her Royal Highness."

Yun Shang was about to open her mouth, but was pulled by Yu Guiyun's sleeves. Yun Shang turned her head to look at Yun Gui, but Yun Gui shook her head, and her eyes fell behind Yun Shang. Yun Shang turned her head and saw the queen carrying Several concubines came over, and looking at it, it seemed that they were enjoying chrysanthemums in the Royal Garden.

Concubine Yun patted Qianling's back gently before she opened her mouth. "You entered the palace for the first time, and the unknown is not guilty. This time, this palace will not care about it. I just hope you can remember and be in this Royal Garden. Most of the things that appear in it are distinguished identities. In the future, you will have to run wildly, otherwise you will be troublesome if you disturb any noble person. "

As she was talking, the queen was approaching. When she saw such a battle, a look of surprise flashed in her eyes, and she came to the place where Yun Guifei and Yun Chang stopped not far, and scanned her eyes in front of everyone before opening. He said, "What's going on? Hey, how can Princess Qianling cry so much?" <

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