Eight-year-old Princess: Phoenix Reborn

Chapter 376: The queen intervened

With a slight meal of Yun Guifei, she quickly and gently smiled, "It is not a big deal to return to the Queen Mother, but it is a thousand spirits naughty, playing alone in this imperial garden, insisting on this ink chrysanthemum. This Moju was sent to the palace by the girl ’s father. The girl was afraid to be affectionate in this palace. She could not bear the Moju being broken, and accidentally pulled Qianling down. This was also the case. Qianling's fault, Chen Xuan brought Qianling back to Yunqi Palace to teach him. "

"Oh?" The queen heard the words, her eyes fell on Qian Ling who was still rubbing her eyes, and looked aggrieved, and smiled, "It is just a flower. Since it has been sent to the palace, it is His Majesty, Qian Ling. It ’s a noble princess, your Majesty ’s daughter, why was it wrong to want a flower? Come on, fold that ink chrysanthemum and give it to Princess Qianling. ”

Gui Guiyun hurriedly said, "The queen lady doesn't need to spoil Qianling like this. This ink chrysanthemum is very beautiful. If it is broken down, it will fade in three or two days. It is still possible for everyone to watch on this branch. better."

It's just that Yun Guifei's words haven't been finished yet. The palace person has folded down the Mo Ju and handed it to Qianling.

Qian Ling froze and shrank into Yun Guifei's arms, but did not reach out to pick it up.

"Compared to the princess Xia Guo's smile, a chrysanthemum is insignificant. Qianling, look at this flower, it looks good, if you like it, play it." The queen smiled kindly, "If Qianling sees it in the future Anything, despite speaking with the mother. "

Seeing Yun's complexion a little pale and half a while, Yun Sang raised a smile with a little effort and lowered her head to Qianling Road, "Since the Queen's maiden gave flowers, Qianling, wouldn't you thank your mother?"

Qianling trembled and reached out to take over the ink chrysanthemum, slowly withdrew from the concubine of Yun Guiyun, walked to the queen, and knelt down, her voice low, "The flower that Qianling gave to Qianling after thanking his mother . "

The queen smiled slightly and patted Qianling's head. "Qianling is really good ..." But the light of the eye slightly fell on Qianling's elbow, where some mud marks were stained.

The queen crouched down and tucked Qianling's sleeves up. "Qianling just fell? The mother looked at Qianling's clothes were all dirty."

The sleeves were tucked up, and everyone saw a scratch on Qian Ling's arm, broken the skin, and leaked some blood. The Queen's face changed, and she stood up and said to Yun Guifei, "Qian Ling's arm was injured. Yun Guifei took Qian Ling back to call the Taiyi to look at Qian Ling." Then he turned to the one who was kneeling on the ground. Xiu Nu, her eyes were slightly cold. "What's your name?"

The show girl trembled and hurriedly said, "Go back to the queen's maiden, and the base is called Zhao Xianwu."

"Zhao Xianwu? But Zhaozhou's different daughter?" The queen asked lightly, with a taunting smile on the corner of her mouth.

Yun Chang screamed a bad voice in her heart, and she heard the Queen said, "It's your blessing to be able to enter the palace, but this Jingzhou assassin is indeed an military attache, and the daughter she brought up didn't understand any rules, even the emperor dared Feel free to slam and pull. If you stay in the palace, what greater scourge might you cause? What do you know about sin today? "

Zhao Xianwu was afraid that she had never seen such a battle before. When asked by the queen, her body was a little soft, and she seemed very strenuous even when she was kneeling. There was an obvious tremor in her voice. I don't know. "

The queen smiled coldly, "It's good to know what's wrong, come on, pull this showgirl down, and in front of Yuxiu Palace, take a 30-year blame, to show punishment, so that all showgirls should be warned."

There was a stun in Yun Guifei's eyes, and she quickly said, "The queen mother, Qianling has not suffered any minor injuries, but this is not guilty. Since the show girl has already learned the wrong, she does not need to perform such heavy punishment. Right. "

The queen turned her eyes to Concubine Yun, and her smile changed into a soft smile. "It's not just because of Qianling, she ran into Qianling. Although this is a sin, but since the sister's forgiveness has been forgiven, you don't need to. Punishment. It is just that she has studied the etiquette in the palace for such a long time, but she is still so rampant, which is also a violation of the palace rules. There are a total of 16 show girls entering the palace this year, if everyone is so It looks like there must be no mess in that harem. This time, Zhao Xianwu was severely punished, and it was also a wake-up call for other showgirls who just entered the palace. "

After the queen said, he made a gesture towards the palace man, and the palace man quickly stepped forward and pulled Zhao Xianwu back. Zhao Xianwu had no energy at all, opened his mouth, but made no sound. .

"Sister Concubine still quickly return to the palace to call Taiyi to see Qianling." The queen smiled, her voice soft.

Yun Guifei groaned for a moment before paying homage to the queen, pulling Qianling's hand and leaving the Royal Garden.

Yun Chang's eyes flashed slightly, and he saw a bright yellow shirt passing by in the pavilion on the rockery not far away. Yun Chang fixed his eyes, but only saw the back of Luo Qingyan leaving the pavilion.

After a moment of groaning, Yun Chang quickly walked two steps, followed Yun Guifei, and went to Yunqi Palace.

As soon as she entered the Yunqi Palace, Yun Guifei released her hand holding Qianling, her face was pale and half a moment, and she called the palace person to come over. Look again where you have been injured, apply some medicine, and don't leave the wound wet with water while bathing. "

Qian Ling also seemed to be aware of Yun Guifei's sadness, and her eyes had been carefully watching Yun Guifei, and she did not dare to leave.

Yun Chang looked at Qian Ling, and groaned for a while before holding Yun Guifei's hand into the inner temple. When Qian Ling saw this, she lowered her head and followed the palace person to Jingfang.

Concubine Yun sighed, went to the chair aside and sat down, silent for a long while, "I only hope that Qianling can grow up faster and be more sensible, and marry a good person in the future. But even if the wish is so humble Even though I have left Yunqi Palace as little as possible, some people still do not want to let our mother and daughter go. The people in the palace say that Qianling is arrogant and brave. With such a reputation, how can Qianling marry a good one? People. I just hope that Qianling will meet a man who is good to her but does n’t have to be rich or rich. "

Yun Chang also didn't know how to comfort him. He was silent for a long while before whispering, "I just saw her Majesty."

Yun Guifei looked for a moment, turned to look at Yun Chang, a flash of confusion flashed in her eyes, "Your Majesty?"

Yun Chang nodded. "Just now when the conflict broke out in the Royal Garden, I saw His Majesty in a pavilion on the rockery beside the Royal Garden. You can rest assured that Your Majesty can definitely see what is right and wrong. "

Yun Guifei bit her lip and sat, but shook her head. "What about Her Majesty? Her Majesty will certainly not speak for Qianling, nor will she blame the Queen Queen for a little showgirl. Seeing also means not seeing her. . "

Yun Chang smiled and pulled the hand of Concubine Layun, and said softly, "Your Majesty has an account in her heart."

Yun Guifei groaned for a while, sighed slightly, and stretched out the hand of Yunshou, "I know, in this harem for so many years, I should see what should and should not be seen. Harem three Seventy-two concubines in the palace six palace, Her Majesty's heart, from the beginning to the present, there is only one person. Only those who don't understand can think about it, but I see it too clearly, always thinking To avoid those disputes, they are always pushed to the bottom of the struggle. "

There was a dim light in Yun Chang's eyes. From the beginning to the present, there was only one person in his heart. Yun Chang's eyes fell silently on Yun Guifei's quiet side face, and her eyes flashed, Yun Guifei said, I'm afraid it is the Queen of Hua.

There was a soft noise outside the door, and Concubine Yungui converged her sad look, looked up at the door, "Come in."

The big palace girl who was waiting next to Yun Guifei came in, "My concubine, Princess Rui, and Lord Rui are here."

"Huh?" Yun Guiyun froze, and said quickly, "Isn't he please come in?"

The palace maid quickly said, "Prince Rui said he would not come in, and told the slave to tell Princess Rui that he was waiting for Princess Rui in front of the palace door."

Yun Chang heard a little bit of tears and laughed. The last time she said that he should not go in and out of the palace of the princess at will, he waited at the door.

"Sanger is a blessing. Lord Rui is so affectionate to you. It is rare in ordinary people's homes, not to mention that Lord Rui is still such an identity. However, there are always some people in this royal family who don't look good to others. I will not leave you anymore, so you will go back with Lord Rui. "Yun Guifei looked at Yun Chang with a faint smile on her face.

Yun Sang nodded, responded with a smile, and stood up and said, "Then I will leave first. Princess Qianling, the maiden should not hold her too much, as the queen maiden said, what about Qianling? Said to be a royal princess, even if someone said that she was wayward and that she was wayward, as long as her Majesty loved her, she would be fine with anyone. "

Yun Guifei's eyes flashed, her eyes fell on Yun Sang, and she groaned for a moment before she nodded slowly, "Shang Er is an understanding person. No wonder he can be loved by Prince Rui, this palace understands."

Yun Chang smiled and turned out of the inner hall. When walking out of Yunqi Palace, they saw Luo Qingyan standing at the gate of the palace. The maids on the side looked at him and looked at him, but Luo Qingyan didn't realize it, and he didn't know what he was thinking with his eyes down.

"Master Wang." Yun Sang gently groaned with a smile, Luo Qingyan quickly raised his head, raised a smile on the corner of his mouth, and walked to Yun Sang, "Did not go to Xiangzhu Temple?"

Yun Chang shook her head with a smile, "Xiang Zhu Dian will not be here today, you have everything done? If it is done, we will go back to the house."

Luo Qingyan nodded his head, took Yun Shang's shoulders and walked forward, lowering his head and whispering with Yun Chang, "Your Majesty said that in addition to chrysanthemums, some plum blossoms were also tribute some days ago, I thought the Fuzhong was full of Taohua, I asked for some plum blossoms to be planted in the yard where we live. What do you think? "

Yun Chang smiled lightly, "Okay, but Jincheng's winter should be much warmer than Ning Guo, and I don't know if plum blossoms can be grown."

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