Yun Chang smiled and looked at Su Ruying in the bronze mirror. "Girl Su has a good relationship with the queen maiden. The queen maiden is willing to say some intimate words in front of you. It is also the blessing of Su girl. Only these words Speaking here, the princess just didn't hear it. If she said it in front of others, she would cause trouble to the queen's maiden. The harem must not be in charge, and the matter in the imperial court is a major crime. "Your Majesty's blame came down, but Girl Su couldn't bear the blame."

When Su Ruying heard the words, she knew that she was in the trap of Yun Chang, and gritted her teeth before she said, "The people's daughter is also kind. Now the rumors in the market say that you are a jealous woman. Let Lord Rui marry a wife. The Xia Guoren will marry a wife and marry a prince. Now that Princess Rui has arrived in Xia Guo, such a rumor has fallen, but you are afraid that it is against you.

Yun Shang raised her eyebrows, her complexion remained the same, "Be jealous, be jealous. Your mouth is on someone else, you can't control what the princess likes to say. This is your own life, and it feels right if you feel right. Now. "

Su Ruying never thought that Yun Chang would answer like this, and it took a moment to say, "It is not bad for the princess to marry another side concubine. If the side concubine is better, he is in the chapel. You can also have an extra left arm and right arm, and it ’s easy to get that highest position. And even with the side concubine, you are still the wife of Lord Rui, the higher and farther you go, the more honorable you are. "

Asagiagi had reinstated Yun Chang's bun, and put on the **** before lowering her head and whispering to Yun Chang, "Prince, how about this bun?"

Yun Chang nodded and smiled, "It's fine, just like that." Then he turned and looked at Su Ruying, "Girl Su thinks, is this **** good-looking?"

Su Ruying didn't know why Yun Chang asked this question suddenly, but she also glanced at the mule, Fang said, "The color is beautiful, and the two mules are also small and exquisite. They look good."

"Well, this princess also feels this way. This sister-in-law has praised it lightly, but not because of its beautiful color and delicate pattern, but because of it. She is a bird that symbolizes love. The male and female have not separated, and if one of them is captured or dies, the other is bound to die. Most men in the world have three wives and four widows. There is a third party to step in, and other people feel that this is not good, but Zi Feiyu knows the joy of fish? Power and wealth are naturally excellent, but they may not be pursued lightly, even if we are pursuing, We don't necessarily have to use the help of others to get it. "Yun Chang smiled lightly, her eyes fell on Su Ruying's face, and she paused before sighing again:

"The original princess didn't want to say it, but she just looked at Miss Su and she was a smart woman. Some things you think may not be completely right for those who are close to you. In a woman's life, the most feared thing, she It ’s the wrong person to marry. If you marry well, you ’ll be happy even if you wash your hands and make soup. If you marry the wrong person, it ’s hard for your husband to see you once a year and a half. Women, presumably even with high weight, eating and drinking is the best, and my heart is bitter. "

A hint of confusion flashed in Su Ruying's eyes, the curtain was lifted, and came in lightly, holding the soup lady in her hand, with a smile on her face, and saw Su Ruying flashing in the expression in the room. A little surprised, but also covered up very quickly, "Prince, Mother Tang is filled."

Yun Chang answered, "Let's put it over there. There is a brazier in the room, but it's not cold."

Shallowly, he covered the soup lady with a white fox fur cover, and said, "When the slave servant went out, he saw the prince and Liu Gongzi talking in the courtyard. The lord asked the slave to tell the princess to say that At that time, I saw that the fox fur on the princess's hair was soaked with some moisture, so that the princess took off the brazier while there was a brazier in the house and let the slaves bake it, otherwise the slightly wet fox hair would be uncomfortable against the neck. "

When Yun Chang heard the words, she smiled lightly, nodded, and let the concubine be relieved. Yun Sang took a look and took Dasao to roast it before turning her head to look at Su Ruying. "Sue Su's hair is also a bit wet, let the girl rub it." He stood up and said. , Went to the chair aside and sat down.

Su Ruying seemed to be stabbed to a general level, and suddenly backed away and shook her head. "No need, the plum blossoms are blooming just right outside, while the folks are going out to enjoy the plums while everyone is resting, not Disturbed Princess Rui. "

He turned around and hurriedly left with Aya.

Looking at the appearance of Su Ruying, she looked at her, and said, holding on to her, "What's wrong with this Miss Su family, how can it be as if she lost her soul."

Yun Sang smiled, put her hand on the arm of the chair and supported her head without talking.

However, Asagiagi snorted coldly, "I don't know how the Su family taught it, but he taught such a shameless husband, who is holding on to someone else, and he should have what he deserves. The princesses are all good and harmless, really unreasonable. "

After listening to the words, she even jumped up, "What? The slave said that she wanted to be with the prince all the time. She had previously lost the red thread in the hands with the princess deliberately, but she was thinking about this idea. Why don't you go with Asana to teach that Su Ruying? "

Yun Chang waved his hands quickly, "Do n’t make a fool, but it ’s just a ruthless little girl, but the fate of the family is just that, and she is a wayward spoiled person, but unfortunately has no idea. Besides, anyway, She is also a Miss of Sue, and now cannot afford to conflict with Sue for a moment. "

After sighing, I sighed, sat down obediently, and reached out to the brazier with the big salamander.

Three bird chirps suddenly sounded outside the window, and Yun Sang raised an eyebrow, and heard that this was the voice of the dark guard transmitting a message, but frowned, thinking about what he didn't seem to order.

Asagiri hurriedly said, "It was the slave who had watched the old lady Liu and the long princess fall out, and the old lady said that she would go to the front and ask for justice. The slave thought that the long princess would not let the old lady go to her majesty. In front of him, he ordered a dark guard to come and take a look. If Mrs. Liu encountered something, she would come back and report it. "

Yun Chang's eyes fell on Asagiri and he nodded. "You are very careful. I originally wanted to tell the dark guard to follow, but the prince gave me a secret signal and said he would send someone, and I would I did n’t pay attention anymore. Now that you have someone to follow, what message did the dark guard send to you, to hear? ”

Asagiri hurriedly said, "Dan Wei said that Mrs. Liu met an ambush on the way to the palace, but she did not know whether she was prepared or someone was protecting him in secret. Mrs. Liu was rescued and sent to the palace. Your Majesty should be here now. "

"Someone should protect each other secretly." Yun Chang said lightly, but did not know whether it was the Seven Lords or Luo Qingyan.

"Long princess ..." Qian Liuzheng said something, but suddenly he paused, his face was also straight, and he raised his ears to listen to the movements around him. Yun Chang looked at the appearance of the two and raised an eyebrow. Seeing that she opened her mouth and passed a message silently, someone was eavesdropping.

Yun Sang nodded to indicate that she knew it, and Asagiagi had changed his tone. "The old lady Liu also looked at it and liked to make trouble. In theory, Liu Situ was regarded as a minister of the Middle Kingdom. Why is this lady? But it was so rude and unreasonable. Even if the slave had just arrived in Xia Kingdom, it was also heard by many old people in the government. The eldest princess has been eating fasting Buddha since she went to Ma, and it has been more than thirty years. How is it possible? Is it installed? "

Yun Chang smiled and said, "Yeah, and the long princess is very kind to Wang Ye and me. Wang Ye first came to the Xia Kingdom. In recent months, almost all the court officials in the North have never visited the door. Who is really? It is extremely easy to tell who is false. How can such a gentle and kind person be as uncomfortable as Mrs. Liu said, for fear that even Mrs. Liu will be deceived by others, and she wo n’t even distinguish between right and wrong One clearly understands that this matter has nothing to do with us, so we should not have known about it, so we have to expose it. After returning home, you don't have to fiddle around with it. "

Both Asagiri and Asakusho responded. The three masters and servants talked about some trivial matters, and after about a quarter of an hour or so, they whispered, "Go."

Yun Chang hooked his lips. "The day when Liu Jin came to the Princess Palace, Wang Jin and I came to visit. At that time, Liu Jin was in the Palace of the Princess Palace, but the Princess did not let him out to meet him. The princess also suspected that he had gone to the king and me, and sent someone to visit it deliberately. Now that we have ears next to each other in the Long Princess Mansion, we have to talk about it again. "

Asagiri and Asahi agreed, Yunshang was about to speak, but Asahi said, "Someone is here."

"Can Princess Rui be in the house?" Inquiry came from outside.

Asagiagi hurried to the door and opened the curtain. "Here, is there anything wrong?"

The person outside the door responded, "Prince Rui asked the slave to come and invite the princess, and said that the fifth room on the left was waiting for the princess."

Asagiri answered, thanked him, and heard the man's footsteps drift away.

Taking a dignified hand, he said, "It's done. It's warm now. Put it on."

Yun Sang nodded, stood up, put on the big cock, Asagiri took the wife, and Yun Sang took it, walked towards the door, walked to the door, but stopped abruptly. Why did the Lord tell me to send someone I didn't know? "

Asagiyan and Asakusui also stopped, Asagiyan groaned for a moment before saying, "Is the princess suspicious, cheating?"

Yun Sang nodded gently, and then returned to the room, "Asagiagi, you can go to the guest room that the person just said, look, Lord Wang can be."


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