Soon after Liu Yan went out, Yun Chang heard the sound of footsteps walking towards the house again. Someone said Luo Qingyan was waiting for her in other rooms, but someone came towards the room ...

Yun Chang winked at Qian Ji, and he looked around quickly, grabbing Yun Chang's waist, and leaned on the roof beam. Seeing that the curtain was lifted off, Yun Sang quickly pulled back her gaze and retracted her eyes, trying to hide herself above the beam.

There was no sound for a while, Yun Shang leaned out her head carefully, and saw a gaze staring at her with a smile. Yun Chang froze, Fang Shu breathed, and jumped directly from the beam, the people below quickly opened her arms and put her in her arms.

"Why are you here? Only someone who didn't know said that you were waiting for me in the guest room next to me. I was suspicious and asked Asagiri to explore." Yun Chang smiled and looked at Luo Qingyan, softly Cried.

"Oh?" Luo Qingyan raised an eyebrow. "It was just someone who told me to let me wait for you in the fifth room on the left-hand side next to me. I thought that I had mentioned before that you would rest in this room. , Came over and looked, but never thought but found two little mice hiding on the beam. "Luo Qingyan said at the end, the ending rose slightly, with a bit of ridicule.

Yun Chang blinked. What did the man lead Luo Qingyan and her to the room?

Luo Qingyan also blinked and smiled, "Go and see?"

Yun Chang nodded. "Go and see what they want to do."

Luo spoke softly to the window, pushed it open, and jumped out of the window with Yun Chang, counting the fifth room on the left, and stopped outside the window.

There was a gurgling voice inside, and then Yun Chang suddenly heard Su Ruying's voice sounded, it seemed a little nervous, and there was a little trembling in her voice, "Master, why do you want to cover Ru Ying? Eyes, Ru Ying is ready, you ... will you come in? "

Wang Ye? Yun Chang froze and turned to look at Luo Qingyan beside him. It became clear in the heart that the man asked Luo Qingyan to talk lightly, only to want to let Luo Qingyan have a relationship with Su Ruying, and then draw himself in again, it is a good act of arrest.

However, Luo Qingyan said here, who are the people in the house?

While Yun Chang was very curious, a voice of a man sounded in the room, "My king likes to blindfold his eyes when he does this, so that he can fully feel the throbbing of his body." A word was particularly bitten. When the voice fell, I heard Su Ruying sigh, and then there was an intermittent and forbearing voice, "Ah ... Lord, slow ... slower, Ru Ying is painful ... good pain……"

Yun Chang turned his eyes to Luo Qingyan, and the sound in the room was similar to Luo Qingyan's voice, but it was only about five or six minutes. If you are a little familiar with Luo Qingyan, you can hear it. The difference comes.

Yun Chang was listening, and she covered her ears with Luo Qingyan behind her. Yun Chang froze, raised her eyes and asked Luo Qingyan, Luo Qingyan pulled a sneer, opened her mouth, and said silently, " Stop listening, it's not good to keep listening to these dirty things. "

When Yun Chang heard the word, she almost laughed, but she remembered that when she was in Ning Guo, she seemed to have listened to the corner several times with Luo Qingyan, and almost all heard it. content.

After a while, Yun Chang suddenly saw a dark guard appear in front of them, and Yun Shang pulled Luo Qingyan's hand over her ears, and the room was still screaming light and heavy, that dark guard Gesturing, "It seems that someone is looking for the princess and hasn't seen it for a while, and is now preparing to ask others to open the door together."

When Yun Chang heard the words, he hooked his lips, and also, such a wonderful show, how could she have done it without her? Yun Chang thought, raised his eyes and glanced at Luo Qingyan, Luo Qingyan reluctantly smiled, grabbed Yun Chang and walked into the main courtyard of Mei Yuan, Yun Chang stood together with a slight discretion Under the plum tree was pretending to look like a plum.

Sure enough, somebody came looking for him, "Why is Princess Rui here, and the Lord is in a hurry to find the Princess?"

Yun Sang turned to look at the man with a panic on his face. "Ah, it happened. When I saw the plum blossoms in the courtyard, I just watched the plums and forgot the time. Wang was just anxious. "And asked again," Which room is this? "

The man quickly said, "The princess, please come with the young."

Yun Shang responded quickly, and followed the man to the backyard guest room. When he walked to the door of the guest room, he was seeing Mrs. Shen Yilan and Liu Yinfeng and other people coming together. Yun Shang looked at the huge The lineup couldn't help laughing, "Well, why are you all here?"

Shen Yilan quickly stepped forward and held Yun Chang's hand with a smile, "Isn't that the next game hidden in this room?"

"Oh?" Yun Sang raised her eyebrows, but suddenly heard a loud scream from the room, seeming to be extremely joyful, but also extremely painful, after the scream, there was a respite, "Master Wang, Lord Wang , I can't do it anymore ... "

Although the voice is not the same as the voice of ordinary talk, it also makes people know that Su Ruying's voice is heard. Everyone's face is a strange look, and his eyes fall on the closed door, Shen Yilan trembled slightly, holding Yun Shang's hand and whispering, "Why don't you see Lord Rui, Lord Rui?" There was a little anxiety in the voice.

Yun Chang smiled and said, "I don't know, I wasn't with Wang Ye." Yun Chang's voice was not small, everyone heard it very clearly, and many people's faces became a little strange. .

Yun Sang looked like she didn't know, "What's wrong? Didn't you say that there are next questions in the room? Why didn't you get in? Let's deliberate and open the door for the big guys."

Shallowly, he walked to the door of the room and opened the door, but hurriedly covered his nose. "Prince, there is a strange smell in it, it seems to be a medicine."

Everyone heard the words, all of them were stunned, Yun Chang raised an eyebrow and took a bottle of medicine out of his sleeve. "Give one to the big one."

After listening to the words carefully, he quickly responded, took it from Yun Shang, and sent one to everyone. Yun Shang took one to eat, and Fang walked into the room, and the doors and windows in the room were closed. It's dim, and you can hardly see anything. Slightly walked over, pushed the windows before and after, Fang saw the situation in the room.

There was a bed in the room. The two on the bed seemed to be completely unaffected by the outside. They were still roaring and jubilating. From time to time, a blushing and red-sounding voice was heard. Nodded, went to the bed, and suddenly lifted the curtains on the bed.

The situation on the bed was reflected in everyone's eyes. Su Ruying was lying on the bed without kneeling, and a man was kneeling behind him. The man was well-groomed, but he was holding a horn in his hand, and he was repeatedly entering and leaving Out action. I'm afraid it's a little heavy under the medicine, even if they have been exposed to everyone's eyes, the two still did not stop.

Yun Chang's gaze fell on the man. The man was afraid that he was already in his forties and had an abominable face.

Yun Sang retracted her eyes, and secretly looked at the expressions of everyone in the house. The servant who had brought her before had discovered that something was wrong, and while everyone was not paying attention, she quietly moved out of the door, just afraid that she wanted to Go ventilate and report.

Yun Chang groaned for a moment, quietly raised her hand, took Xiaoyu flute from her sleeve, and quietly blew. Putting Yudi in his sleeve, he raised his eyes, and Yun Chang saw Liu Yinfeng watching her movement. Yun Chang's body gave a slight meal, Fang smiled, and turned her eyes.

"No sense!" Madam Hua snorted coldly, her face a little cold. "Come, get some cold water, and wake the two up, it's too ridiculous."

The lady next to Mrs. Hua responded quickly, went out and hit some cold water, and slammed them into the bed. The two trembled violently on the bed, and Fang returned to God a little. .

"Who doesn't want to live, and even poured cold water on this girl?" Su Ruying pulled the quilt to cover her body and turned around, but was frightened by the man in front of her, and took a two-step back, and retreated to the corner, His face was full of fear, "Who are you?"

The man was much more awake than Su Ruying. Yun Chang looked at it, only he was never fascinated by the medicine. Only then did he look like he was pretending, and he looked at the beautiful woman in front of him. He smiled, "Hey, slaves are the people who sweep the floor of the Princess Palace."

Su Ruying's complexion was so pale that when she turned around, she saw Yun Sang and a group of people standing in the room and staring at them, and hurriedly raised the quilt a little bit higher. "How are you here? What about Lord Rui? "

The man patted his head. He was trembling because he was being watched by everyone, but he was still very clear when he talked, "The slave is called Wang, and the slave is just cleaning the yard, but I suddenly hear the lady in the house." Wang Ye Wang Ye was called a minion, and the minion rushed in, and the lady gave the horn to the little one. This thing, hey, the minion's mouth was also used secretly. I took off and thought that the young lady wanted to help you do this, so I took this horn to help the young lady ... "

Su Ruying looked at Mr. Jiao, and her face was even paler, and hurriedly said, "Nonsense, you nonsense! It's clear that Lord Rui is in the house, and I heard his voice."

Yun Chang smiled coldly, and was about to speak, but heard the voice of Asagiri came from the outside, "The princess, the grandfather asked the slave to come to you, the grandfather is playing chess with the Hua Guogong, and the slave to take the princess over ... "<

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