Yun Chang heard the words, and the smile on her face was a little bit colder, and her eyes fell on Su Ruying, who was shrinking to the corner of the bed. She was in the room before, but she thought that Su Ruying was just too obedient to the Queen and Su Qi's words did not have her own idea, so she approached Luo Qingyan in every possible way, and also wanted to enlighten Su Ruying so that she could give up on her own and look for the person who belonged to her.

As a result, I was afraid that Su Ruying had just thrown those words that Yun Chang had said out of the clouds as soon as she went out.

"Ms. Su said that Lord Cairui was in your house? Did Miss Su dazzle and have hallucinations? After I left the house from Miss Su, my girl-in-law was called by me to deliver something to Prince Rui. Asagiri, you come Tell Miss Su, what is Wang Ye doing just now? "Yun Chang smiled sneer, looking at Su Ruying with a bit of pity.

There was a bit of confusion in Qian Liu's eyes, and everyone seemed to be looking at her, and she seemed to be a little panic. Then she hurriedly lowered her head and said, "When returning to the princess, only when the slave found the king, Wang Yegang and Liu Gongzi said, After that, I was going to the guest room. I met Hua Guogong halfway. Hua Guogong was arguing that the games of Long Princess Mansion were too boring. He took the king to play chess in the pavilion where we played the wine order. Now, there should be a lot of people in the palace of the Princess Princess. "

Yun Chang heard the words, and Fu turned to look at her face with disbelief. Su Ruying, who had some tears in her eyes, smiled and said, "Ms. Su is a girl's house that has not yet left the cabinet. I am afraid that this abnormal behavior is also related to the medicine in this room. The princess also sympathized with Miss Su's encounter. It happened that I saw all the adults and husbands were there. Miss Su can also find a fair, but this Some things can't be said indiscriminately, and Grandpa is also a royal middleman. Miss Su is so stigmatizing the reputation of Grandpa, but I'm afraid there is something wrong. "

Su Ruying gritted her teeth and kept shaking, Yun Chang sighed, "We are here, and the mood of Miss Su is afraid that it will be difficult to stabilize. We are after all outsiders. Miss Su, a girl with yellow flowers, has experienced this. Things ... let's go out and avoid it first. What about Miss Su's daughter-in-law? Why not? Why not wait for Miss Su to change clothes? "

After the crowd came out a girl dressed as a girl, narrowed her shoulders and walked to the bed where Su Ruying was hiding, biting her lips and not talking.

Yun Sang gently swept the master and servant over there, and she turned around and walked out of the door of the guest room, walking towards the pavilion with Asagiri and Asana.

"The princess ... then Su Ruying ..." He smiled slightly and opened his mouth.

"Cough ..." Asagiri quickly pulled his hand, and coughed twice to interrupt her.

Yun Chang only pretended not to hear it. When he walked into the pavilion, Luo Qingyan and Hua Guogong played chess in the pavilion, seemingly deadlocked. Hua Guogong scratched his head and scratched his ears, and looked like he was racking his brains. Luo Qingyan said very indifferently, glanced at Yun Chang, and beckoned with a smile.

Yun Sang walked to Luo Qingyan and stood beside her. When her eyes fell on the chessboard, she couldn't help laughing. No wonder Hua Guogong looked like this. Just looking at the chess pieces on the board, the sunspots were almost countless. Can go.

"Resolved?" Luo Qingyan said without looking at Hua Guogong, turned and held Yun Chang's hand, and asked softly.

Yun Chang smiled with a smile, but didn't want to say a word. She smiled and took a step forward, twisted a sunspot from the chessboard, and lost her son. "

Hua Guogong quickly reached out and patted Yun Sang's hand, and snorted, "Go away and walk away, as my chess skills still use your little girl to make trivia?" Just looking at the chessboard I swept up, but looked up at Luo and said quietly, "It's your turn, I've set down."

Yun Chang heard that she almost laughed, but tried to hold back. She obediently returned to Luo Qingyan and watched the two play chess. After a while, Hua Guogong lost. He hummed a little, "I don't know how to let the elderly, I really don't know how to respect the old and love the young. Forget it, don't play chess with me, and go back to what kind of drinking order. Playing chess with you has no meaning. "

Yun Chang smiled and said, "There is something in front of me. I'm afraid this little banquet will not be held."

After hearing the words, Hua Guogong raised his head and looked at Yun Sang, his face had disappeared, and the look of the old urchin was deep, with a deep expression in his eyes, "What did you little girl do?"

"My grandfather wronged me, I never did anything." Yun Chang smiled.

As I was talking, I saw someone coming up and saying, "Prince Rui, Princess Rui, public security in China is really embarrassed. Your majesty has an urgent call to see the princess, and the elder is mainly in the palace hall. Today ’s small feast is here. So far, I'm very sorry. "

Luo Qingyan was not surprised at all, only nodded slightly, and stood up, "Since this is the case, let's say goodbye first, and say it to the princess for us."

The man responded eagerly and quickly, and Luo Qingyan took Yun Shang's hand, got out of the pavilion, and went out of the Meiyuan.

Others should have been informed of the matter, all walking out of the garden in twos and threes. When Shen Yilan saw Yun Chang, he hurried forward and held Yun Shang's hand, "There is nothing left and right today, and Chang Er might as well sit in the government office?"

Yun Chang paused, and then quickly smiled, "It's a little late today, there is still something in the Fuchu, and you can only go to the grandmother to ask for some comfort, so it's better to go tomorrow, tomorrow morning me Come here. "

Although Shen Yilan was a little disappointed, she nodded with a smile. "Okay, I'll go back and talk to the old lady, and say you're going to the house tomorrow, the old lady must be very happy."

Yun Chang glanced at the people who came out of Meiyuan, but did not see Su Ruying, Yun Chang stepped out, and followed Luo Qingyan to get out of the Long Princess Mansion and got into the carriage.

Returning to the King's Mansion, Luo Qingyan was called by the housekeeper, and Yun Sang returned to the yard. Qian Yin was busy getting married, and she was not in the room. Yun Sang took off her big sister, and Fang was facing Qian Liudao. After a while in the carriage, I was a bit hungry. Asagiagi went to tell the kitchen to make some snacks. "

Asagiyan replied and retreated. Yunshang Fang raised his eyes and looked at the light, and said quietly, "When you and Asakusa first entered the palace with me, what did I say?"

After scrutinizing carefully, Fang bit his lip and lowered his head. "The slave knew what was wrong, and the slave became taboo again. He almost talked about opening Su Ruying in the Princess Long Palace."

Yun Chang nodded, no emotions on his face, "the same thing, I don't want to say the third time, you go down and find Qian Yin to take the penalty."

Gently nodding his head, quietly raised his eyes and looked at Yun Chang's look before he retreated.

After a while, Asagiri walked in and looked a little hesitant, watching Yun Sang sitting on a chair reading a book, standing next to Yun Sang, and looking at Yun Sang from time to time.

Yun Chang couldn't help looking at her, so she opened her mouth. "Just say what you want to say. Look at me and I thought something extraordinary was happening."

Asagiagi froze and Fang opened her mouth. "Prince, let's talk about her, and she will be more straightforward. She didn't mean it, you don't blame her."

Yun Chang knew that what she wanted to say was a matter of discretion. When she heard the words, she put down her book and raised her eyes to look at Asagiagi. "You have been with me for a while, and I should have discovered it. I am not A person who is holding the frame of the master. Because there is no other master in the King's House except me and the prince, I have less control over you. But not because of this, you relax and we are here. There are many people in Xia Kingdom, almost everyone is jealous of us. If you do n’t pay attention, you will be wrong. If you catch the handle, you will be in trouble. It is not a problem to speak straight, but if you do n’t know the time It's straightforward, but it's easy. "

Asagiri nodded and nodded, "Slave knows that slaves will be happy and talk about it when they come down."

"You are transparent, you know what you are doing. You and Qianji are participating in the training together, and they come to me together. Since they have different feelings, it is good for you to talk." Yun Chang nodded, Fu You The eyes fell on the book.

After a while, Dim Sum came up and Luo Qingyan also returned to the room. Yun Shang put down the book, stood up, and helped Luo Qingyan to untie her grandma, and handed it to Asagiri, Fu reached out and touched Luo Qingqing's hand, smiling, "The king ’s hand is warm, in the room There are many children in the brazier, but when he stays, he is afraid that he will feel a little stuffy. Asagiagi will push the window open. "

Luo smiled softly and said, "I'll go to the desk to read a book and just push the window there."

Asagiyan answered, and pushed the window over the desk. Luo Qingyan took a snack from Yun Chang's plate and put it in his mouth, and ate it carefully before turning around and looking at Yun Chang with a smile, "After passing through Jing Wenxi, I Then I knew that all the women who admired me were femme fatal beasts, and now I myself have taken care of those worries, is your wife satisfied?

Yun Chang listened to Luo Qingyan's ridiculous tone and couldn't help laughing, raised his hand and patted Luo Qingyan's arm and said, "Master Wang is aware of this, and he is extremely satisfied with himself. "Frown." She frowned, "Su Ruying is afraid of ruin, but a beautiful woman like that. But Su Ruying is gone, but the queen will certainly not give up, she is afraid to return I have to find a way to plug people in our house. Today is Su Ruying. Maybe Li Ruying and Zhao Ruying are all right. "

Luo Qingyan frowned when he heard the words, quite earnestly, "Mrs. worry is also possible. If so, there is only one way to stop the Queen from thinking."

"Oh?" Yun Chang turned his eyes and raised an eyebrow at Luo Qingyan, "What can I do?"

Luo smiled softly and said, "I'm just afraid that Lord Rui can't be humane." <

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