Eight-year-old Princess: Phoenix Reborn

Chapter 389: King Rui returns

It was getting dark, and Yun Chang handed the map to Asagiri, "These points I marked above, you send someone to check them, be careful, these points are easy to defend and difficult to attack. Hidden soldiers and horses, these are all good places, so don't fight against the grass. "

Asagiagi retreated, and there was no news in the palace. Luo Qingyan let people spread the word, saying that he was afraid to return to his house tonight. Yun Chang didn't pay much attention, and asked those who reported to the house carefully about the situation in the palace.

"The queen queen ordered to prevent the leakage of news. All other concubines in the palace just said that her lord was ill, and the doctor said that they should rest in peace, so that other concubines would not disturb her. No one knew about Yunqi Palace. Because Concubine Yungui has always lived in abode, there are not many concubines who come and go on weekdays. "The attendant lowered his head and answered Yun Chang's question carefully.

"Where are those people in the palace now in the palace?" Yun Chang's hand gently looked at the arm of the chair and asked lightly.

The attendant hurriedly said, "Master Wang, Lord Seven, and Captain Su, Liu Situ, Hua Guogong, Liu Gongzi, and others are gone."

"What did they talk about today? Did you hear it?" Yun Chang's hand paused, thinking to himself, Liu Yinfeng's status in Xia Guo was really special, and he was not a member of the royal family. Non-Kingdom officials can freely enter and leave the court. Even such important matters are not hidden from him. They are deeply trusted by Xia Huanyu, which is a bit too special. It is true that Liu Yinfeng has some talents, but there are many talented people. Why is he so special?

Such a thought passed by, and Yun Chang regained her mind, and her gaze fell on the servant in front of her.

The attendant heard the words and rubbed his hands secretly with some cramp, saying, "Here, the little ones don't know. After they entered the hall, the prince kept the door closed. The little ones didn't know they said something in the hall. What? "He paused, then hesitated," but ... "

"But what?" Yun Chang asked quickly.

The attendant responded quickly, "However, when the prince opened the door of the palace and instructed the younger to return to the house to preach, the younger seemed to see that everyone in the temple was standing. Only Liu Jinliu Situ was kneeling on the ground. Why. "

Liu Jin? Yun Chang was silent for a moment, Liu Jin knelt on the ground, why? Liu Jin was high, and only His Majesty and the Queen could let him kneel. Xia Huanyu was not in the palace, so the Queen must have let him kneel. What did he do?

Yun Chang waved his hand to let the attendant retreat. Since Luo Qingyan did not return home, Yun Chang also ordered people to simply prepare some dinners, and after eating dinner, Yun Chang plunged into the study again.

Entering into the study with a slight consideration, he raised his eyes and looked at Yunshang. On the desk in front of Yunshang there were a lot of books and many maps. He murmured in his mouth and didn't know what to say.

After pondering for a moment, Fang walked in front of Yun Sang and said, "Princess Hui, the people who had been sent to the palace have returned the news, saying that Yun Qi Palace has indeed come with a new maid, and it is said to be serving the Princess Qianling. Yes, it's just that Yun Guifei hasn't been out of Yunqi Palace very much. Others don't pay much attention to that person, and others don't know. "

Yun Chang nodded and waved his hands casually, so looking at it, the princess had indeed been hiding in the palace.

"The gates of the palace today are heavily guarded, and the Lord and several adults have not left the palace. The gate of the Palace of the Princess of the Princess is closed, and no one knows what is going on in the palace. However, Liu Situ's palace was unusually ordinary. They were all the purchasers, and the slaves were followed one by one, and no abnormalities were found. "Shallowly whispered.

Yun Chang groaned for a moment and raised his eyes, "Remember those people who bought and bought went to those places to buy, and what did they buy?"

Gently nodding his head, "the slaves let the dark guard remember."

"Okay, let the dark guards ask the vendors. Will Liufu also buy from him before? The content of today's purchases is different from the past, and has the quantity increased." Yun Chang carefully instructed, "make them unusual Bring back the list of things you bought and bought today. "

After a brief consideration, he stood beside him for a while, and saw that Yun Chang had no other orders, and then withdrew from the study.

Yun Sang stayed in the study until she was three days before she returned to the house and fell asleep. She got up early the next day. As soon as she got together, she heard Asagiagi. "The slave listened to the housekeeper. I got up early today, I do n’t know. Who revealed the news, there were incidents in His Majesty in the market, and there were rumors that his Majesty had not been on the ground for two days in a row. Yesterday, several ministers in the DPRK entered the palace and did not come out again. Your Majesty is bad. "

Yun Chang nodded, and sighed softly, "Who came, and who else can be? It must be the princess. It is just her first step to confuse people."

"How long has this rumor been heard?" Yun Chang only wore a jacket and went to the window and pushed it open. It was still dark outside, and it should be considered early. It is the time when many people just woke up to buy food on the street, and when the street started to be lively, even if there were rumors, it would not be too long.

"It's more than a few hours, but the speed of spreading rumors is extremely fast. This is a time that almost everyone knows." Asagiri whispered, glanced at the very thinly dressed Yun Chang, and hurriedly From the side he took Dasao and put on Yun Chang.

Yun Chang nodded. "It's not difficult to spread the rumors. You just need to be disguised as a hawker on the street. People in the teahouse who drink morning tea will tell everyone that it will spread very quickly. And it is extremely difficult to find the source of the rumors. "

Qian Liu quickly said, "Yes, the slaves had heard the housekeeper say that before, they ordered people to find out who was spreading the rumors, but they didn't want to find anyone."

"At this time, many of the subordinates in the family's official house should have returned to the house. You can send someone to stare at the movement of the officials in the Central China. You can stare at a few." Yun Chang thought for a moment, and then ordered With.

In response, Asagiagi called for Asakusho to dress Yun Sang, and hurriedly arranged for him.

Yun Chang counted the time. The Qianfo Temple was some distance away from Jincheng. I was afraid that the Dark Guard who had visited the Qianfo Temple had to return to the house at about noon. Luo Qingyan let the Dark Guard leave her house. It seems In the morning, she could only spend it in the study.

Yun Chang had breakfast and was about to go to the study, but she heard a little surprised voice from outside Liu Yan, "Wang Ye returned home?"

Yun Chang heard the words, hurriedly opened the curtain and walked into the outer hall. Seeing Asagiri standing at the door, he quickly asked, "Is the king back to the house?"

Asagiyan answered, before he said, "Yes, the news from the dark guard just said that Wang Ye is out of the palace and is returning to the palace."

Yun Chang hurriedly said, "Hurry up and prepare some meals and cook a bowl of soup. The Lord is afraid to stay up all night in the palace, and it is cold in the night. Even if there is a brazier, I am afraid that it will be difficult to cook. Make something warm. Warm up your stomach. "

After giving the order, she simply stayed in the outside hall and waited, and surely, in less than half an hour, she saw Luo Qingyan, wearing an indigo robe, entered the courtyard.

Yun Sang rushed forward and handed Luo Qingyan, who was originally in her hands, to Luo Qingyan, and stepped forward to help Luo Qingyan to untie her big sister, and then he said, "Is it possible to have early breakfast? I will prepare it After eating something, boil some hot soup, you can sit down and eat some. "

Luo quietly nodded, and sat down at the table, and Yun Chang quickly ordered the girl to serve and accompanied her to the seat.

"What's wrong? What clues can be found?" Yun Chang asked quickly.

Luo Qingyan raised his hand and rubbed Yun Sang's hair, shook his head, "How can this be so fast, and you and I suspect that this is the princess, because we have found something. But this is only just Our guess is nothing to do with evidence, so we can't talk to them too much. We have to guess all night, who did it, where your Majesty is, and what to do next. "

"The news of Her Majesty's disappearance has spread among the people in Jincheng. I'm afraid that the officials will know about it soon. You will come back at this time, but you want a countermeasure?" Yun Chang asked softly.

The girl brought in the dishes, and Yun Chang quickly got up to pick up the things and put them on the table. The soup was stewed with simple and light chicken soup and mushrooms. Yun Chang gave some soup to Luo Qingyan. Luo Qingyan reached out and took it over, and then he said, "There is nothing to do. I bite and said that Her Majesty was only sick. In curing her illness, the Queen made her look like Her Majesty, lying in the Tai Chi Temple. If the people in the inner hall do not believe it, they will send a few people to see it. "

Yun Chang sighed, "The country cannot be without a king for a day. If this thing spreads, it will cause a big shock. But, willn't the guards be sent to seek His Majesty?"

Luo Qingwen heard the words, holding Tang's hand for a moment, and sneered, "Find, why not find it, but to act secretly. Yesterday, a very funny thing happened in the Hall of Discussion. The original queen wanted to make Su Qi and the three of them took out the Guard ’s deployment token and secretly dispatched the Guard to seek his Majesty, but Liu Jin said that his audience ’s Guard ’s order was stolen the day before. ”

Yun Chang froze for a moment, before she said, "The day before yesterday was not the night when Her Majesty disappeared? How could it be such a coincidence that when Her Majesty disappeared, the token disappeared. And Su Taiwei, Hua Guogong also had a token, Why was he stolen alone? "

Luo Qingyan sneered again, with a bit of irony in his voice, "Where is it? I have been thinking about why the princess would hook up with Liu Jin, after all, Liu Jin is so old, I thought it was long The princess wanted to pull Liu Jin, who had become increasingly rigid in her relationship with the Seven Princes, into her camp. I didn't know until yesterday that what the princess wanted from the audience of Liu Jin was a Guardian order. "<

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