Yun Chang was very puzzled. "But Liu Jin's audience ’s order for the Guards was only one-third. Even if the princess could get a hand, it would be impossible to deploy the Guards. What's the use?"

Luo Qingyan took a sip of the soup, and only smiled, "She never thought about sending the Guards. What she wanted, but we couldn't dispatch the Guards."

"Then she missed her Majesty's precautions against her ..." Then he paused suddenly, raised his eyes and spoke to Luo softly, "Since Her Majesty can think of handing over the Guard's dispatch order to you in advance How could it be so easy to get into the hands of the princess? On that day, did n’t we talk about her Majesty's attitude towards Princess Yun Gui and Princess Qianling? Yes, since this is the case, the eldest princess uses her mother and daughter as the bait, how can Her Majesty be unprepared? "

Luo Qingyan held his hand slightly for a while and groaned for a moment before saying, "Now no one knows what happened that day and night, and nothing is found in Yunqi Palace. All the palace people were killed with a knife and clean."

Yun Chang bit her lip, always feeling that Xia Huanyu would be so easy to hit the princess's plan. It was a little unusual, and she groaned for a moment and said, "Can I go to the palace?"

Luo gently shook his head, "I'm afraid it's not yet possible. You can stay in the palace with peace of mind, and I'll take you out of the house later."

Yun Sang knew that Luo Qingyan wanted to protect her. She was afraid that the long princess would strike her. Although her heart was moved, she smiled and said, "The prince does not think that I am an ordinary woman, but I know that the prince is worried about my safety. The princess captured her majesty. The next step must be to remove the prince and the seven princes. I am the best bait to threaten the prince. But the prince, now the princess is unknown, if it can be used to lead her out , It's not bad. "

Luo Qingyan still just shook his head, "There are many ways to get the princess out, and I won't let you take risks."

Yun Chang heard the words, knowing that there was no room for discussion, so he didn't mention it again. When Luo Qingyan put the empty bowl on the table, he quickly said, "The king is busy all night, go first Lie on the couch for a while. "

Luo Qingyan gently reached out and embraced Yun Shang's shoulder, and sighed softly, "No, I just want to look at you when I come back and give you a peace report. I still need to carefully move Yunqi Palace in and out. Check it and I'll go to the palace. "

Yun Chang didn't expect Luo Qingyan to enter the palace so fast, he stunned, and then quickly said, "The weather is cold, then the prince wears a little thicker, and then he enters the house, from the cage. After a long time, I turned over a quilted robe to put on Luo Qingyan personally, and put on a big coat for him, saying, "Although I'm afraid that Wang Ye is busy, occasionally take a nap during the air strike. , Feel still should sleep. "

Luo gently replied, and instructed Yun Chang not to worry too much in the house, so he went out.

Luo Qingyan left, and Yun Chang also went to the study, but within an hour, the dark guard hurried in and panicked, "Hey, concubine.

Yun Sang was looking at the map. Hearing that the dark guard said something like this, he suddenly raised his head, his throat was a little tight, "What did you say? There is something wrong with the prince? What happened? Not so many dark guards follow, how can it happen? "

The dark guard hurriedly said, "It is the Lord himself who told him not to follow too many dark guards, saying that he was only going to the palace. The palace was heavily guarded, and the dark guards were not needed. There were twelve dark guards who originally followed the royal guard. The two went. According to the secret guardian who returned to the government to report to the government, the grandfather was in an alley about to turn to Shangwu Avenue. At that time, dozens of assassins in black suddenly emerged from both sides, and the two guards hurried on. The former protects the grandfather, but the grandfather whispered a dark guard thought to leave and report to the house. The three and the man in the black struggled for about a quarter of an hour, and the grandfather was captured by the assassin.

Yun Chang held the map and clenched consciously. The map was scratched and wrinkled. After a while, Yun Chang loosened. The smile on the corner of the mouth gradually cooled. Luo Qingyan said that she would not let her do it. The bait led the princess out, and he went by himself. As soon as the dark guard said Luo Qingyan kept the dark guard who was with him in the house, Yun Chang knew what he was doing.

An Wei looked at Yun Sang, and there was a look of anxiety on his face, "Prince, what shall we do now?"

"What to do?" Yunshang stood up and instructed Asagiri to take her aunt to cover her. "I'm going to the palace."

The dark guard glanced at Yun Sang, his face hesitated, "Go to the palace? This ... Wang ..."

Yun Chang knew that he wanted to say that the Lord had told her that she could not enter the palace, and Yun Chang sneered, "Now that the Lord has been arrested, who cares about my little princess? Prepare a carriage and enter the palace."

Xu Shiyun's face was too scary, and the dark guard didn't dare to disobey her order. He hurriedly prepared the carriage, followed secretly several dark guards, and sent Yun Chang to the gate of the palace.

Yun Sang saw a number of Korean and Chinese officials gathered at the gate of the palace, and whispered in front of the palace gate. They looked a little dignified, the palace gate was closed, and several guards stood in front of the palace gate. Yun Chang also glanced at the Baiguan who gathered in front of the palace door, and then said to the guard who was guarding the door, "Let me go in, I need to report to your Majesty and Queen Queen."

The number of times Yun Chang enters the palace is not insignificant. The gate guards knew Yun Chang, and glanced at Yun Chang before whispering, "Prince Rui, it is not a small embarrassing princess. ... "

When Yun Chang heard the words, he quickly said, "I know that bothering the elder brother of the guard told me that there was something wrong with Lord Rui. As long as the word came, no matter whether the queen lady would like to see me or not, it would be fine."

The guard was silent for a moment before he nodded and turned, opened the palace door a little, and went in.

"Princess Rui also wants to enter the palace?" Yun Sang stood in front of the palace gate with Asagiri and Asuka, and heard the inquiry coming from behind her.

Yun Chang groaned for a moment, then turned around, and saw a man in an official uniform standing behind him. Yun Chang recognized the man as Qiu Guangji, the emperor's prince, and frowned quickly, bit his lip, and then gently Nodded his head. "Yeah was in the palace yesterday with his majesty and seven lords. They discussed matters. They got up early today and went back to the palace. After a while, they went back into the palace. After the assassin, the assassin took the grandfather away ... "

Yun Chang's face was full of Zhang Huang, and seemed to be a little overwhelmed. His eyes were full of anxiety. Qiu Guangji heard a word and hesitated for a moment before he quickly said, "This day, under the imperial city, such a thing happened. It's ridiculous. "

Yun Chang nodded with a pale face. Qiu Guangji could not bear seeing Yun Chang's appearance, and sighed, "Prince Rui, rest assured, King Rui will be fine."

"Thank you, Lord Qiu, for good words." Yun Chang saluted Qiu Guangji.

Qiu Guangji didn't have the heart to bother Yun Shang any more, so he stepped back and talked to other courtiers who were waiting. Yun Chang often heard the words Rui Wang in the words from there.

It took a while before the palace door opened again. The guard stepped out before and followed a palace man behind him. Yun Chang recognized that the palace man who was serving beside Xia Huanyu seemed to be called Xiao Anzi.

Before Yun Chang said, Xiao Anzi quickly said, "Prince Rui, come with the slaves."

Yun Chang nodded, and as Xiao Anzi entered the palace, Yun Chang saw that Xiao Anzi did not seem to be taking her to the Palace of Justice, and was a little bit surprised, "Little Anzi father? What are we?"

"Going to the Taiji Temple side hall, now the queen mother-in-law ordered her Majesty to rest in the Tai Chi Temple side hall. The Queen Queen and the seven princes and several adults in the Chaozhong are now in the Tai Chi Hall side hall." Xiao Anzi responded quickly.

Yun Sang nodded, followed Xiao Anzi to bypass the long steps in front of the Tai Chi Temple, walked up from the other side, and walked in from behind the Tai Chi Temple Main Hall.

This should be the place where Xia Huanyu usually rested. It was very beautifully decorated, and was decorated with dragons everywhere. The queen and several others were in the outer hall. The queen was seated to the right of the main seat, and the others They all sat in the temple, but Liu Jin's face seemed a little pale.

Yun Chang quickly walked to the palace and made a ceremony, "The court lady met the queen maiden, the queen mother millennial."

The queen's eyes fell on Yun Sang, and she said quickly, "Princess Rui should be flat. When the palace heard the letter from Princess Rui, it seemed that Prince Rui had something wrong?"

Yun Chang nodded quickly, "Yes, before the Lord Ye stayed behind for less than half an hour, he hurried away from the house again, and met the Assassin halfway. The Lord had only two Dark Guards by his side, and the number of Assassins was numerous. The Dark Guard was lost, and the Lord was taken away by the Assassin. "

"Oh ..." The queen raised her eyebrows, her voice prolonged slightly, but there was no more text.

Yun Sang groaned for a moment before she said, "The princes feel that the man who has taken away the Lord Ye must be the same person as the one who has taken his Majesty."

The queen's eyes sank slightly, "Who told you that your Majesty was taken away? King Rui?"

Yun Chang just remembered that the queen of Xia Huanyu's accident ordered her to be sealed tightly, and she turned quickly in her head, saying, "The prince never told his courtier about the affairs of the kingdom, but this matter has already been passed on in the city. There are a lot of versions of Mr. Storytellers in the teahouse. In the morning, the people in charge of purchasing in the Fuzhong heard the rumors, and when they returned to the house, they reported to the courtiers. The courtiers thought that Her Majesty never called the king to enter the palace. There were precedents for overnight discussions. In addition, when I entered the palace before, I saw many officials guarding the palace gates. The news that the queen queen's mother told her that her lord was ill and was healing, but now the queen queen and the adults are in the Tai Chi Hall, but Without entering the inner hall, only in the outer hall, the court woman guessed arrogantly, for fear that the rumors among the people were not groundless. "<

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