Eight-year-old Princess: Phoenix Reborn

Chapter 394: Pregnancy turmoil

Several people in the house were stunned, and for a long while, Yun Chang retracted his hands indifferently, and said quietly, "I know." After turning, he turned to look at the steward, "The steward took the doctor to the tent to collect the silver money. Right. "

When the doctor heard the words and stayed for a while, he hesitated and said, "The princess looks a little bad, but I'm afraid it's too much work, or should the grassroots give a prescription for an abortion?"

Yun Chang shook her head. "No need, thank you, Doctor."

The steward quickly walked down with the doctor, and Asagiri and Asakura looked to Yun Sang and hurriedly said, "The princess, the slave, and the doctor are not talking about happiness, and the slave only lets the doctor say that the princess is overly sad and depressed. Yuxin, so she is a bit bad. Can the princess go on as planned? "

Yun Sang's fingers at the end of the bed moved slightly, and then she raised her head and said, "Walk, why don't you go, and being pregnant is more convincing than being sad?"

"But the princess ..." Qian Liu frowned, and Yun Shang knew what she was going to say as soon as she heard her tone, and quickly waved her hand. "Don't persuade me, I'm done. We come to Xia Guo For more than half a year, although it seems that Grandpa Wang is also a prince and has a distinguished status, he has been isolated by the officials of the Central Government. There is no other person who can support Grandpa except Hua Guogong. This time, it is Wang Grande who can stand in the middle of the Xia Kingdom. It ’s a good opportunity. Since Wang Ye gave me such a big deal, I naturally can't live up to Wang ’s trust. "

Yun Sang retracted her hand, slowly stroked her belly, and a smile arose from the corner of her mouth. It was not thin to treat her in the sky, and she was going to be a mother again. In the past, she has always been neglected and deserted. She has never lived a good day. I hope that the child in her belly is still her uncle. In this life, she will definitely use everything to love him and make him this. The happiest child in the world.

Yun Shang ticked the corner of her lips before whispering softly, "You can rest assured that I will protect myself and protect the child in my belly, so that he will never be harmed in the slightest. Just as I told you before, do it . "

Asagiri and Asagi looked at each other before nodding. Qian Yin stood aside and looked at Yun Sang, but she never said anything, but her mouth was full of smiles. "The slaves are really happy for the princess. Both the grandfather and the princess are such dragons and phoenixes. The children born must be very Outstanding. "He paused and stood up sharply again." Slaves have forgotten. Neither Yanagi nor Senjo have had experience in waiting for pregnant women. The princess is also pregnant for the first time. Should I go to a trustworthy uncle? come?"

Yun Chang smiled and said, "It's okay, I have to find it, but I'm not in a hurry, look slowly."

Qian Yin nodded with a smile, Fang turned his head and said to Asagiri and Asahi, who are close to the enemy, "You don't have to be too nervous. The princess has always been modest, and the strategy this time is not too much. It is dangerous, but you must have someone to follow the princess anytime, anywhere, and the secret guards around the princess are increasing. "

Yun Chang heard the words and quickly said, "You don't need to add any more, this is already enough. If you add any more, I can go directly to the barracks as a centurion."

Everyone in the room laughed, but for a while it dilutes the depression and tension caused by the recent series of events.

After a while, the dark guard came back to report and said, "Prince Hui, the doctor followed the doctor who went to the hospital for treatment. The doctor was stopped in the middle, and the doctor said that the princess was happy under threat. The subordinate followed the man who stopped the doctor, and the man entered the palace through the Nangong gate. "

Yun Chang groaned for a moment before he said, "Because of the disappearance of Her Majesty, the guards in the palace are very strict. Even when I enter the palace, I still need to report, but the person can enter the palace directly, except for the queen who does not think of him."

Yun Chang paused for a moment before opening her mouth again. "Send someone to spread the story. I want to let most people in Jincheng know of my pregnancy this evening."

After speaking, he turned around and instructed Qian Yin, "Go to the housekeeper to invite a few more doctors into the house, and invite some of the more prestigious doctors in the city. If there are experts in gynecology and childbirth in the city, it is also Come together. "

Although Qian Yin felt a little strange, she didn't ask, and got up and walked outside.

Throughout the afternoon, doctors kept coming in and out of the King's Mansion. The doctor's face was all sad, and even the housekeeper who kept sending the doctor out was not very good. What happened.

In the evening, the news of Princess Rui's pregnancy spread, and along with it, Princess Rui was overwhelmed by the sudden disappearance of Lord Rui, causing the fetus in the abdomen to be unstable, and it was almost impossible to keep the news. . Throughout the afternoon, the famous doctors in the city kept coming in and out of the King's Mansion to see the clues. In addition to the doctors, there were also some sacred hands specializing in childbirth and childbearing. It was a testament to the rumors of the people.

After dinner, Hua Guogong hurried over again with his wife, Yun Chang was lying on the couch to rest, but wanted to get up to meet himself, but was persuaded by Qian Yin, but the steward took Hua Guo Mrs. Gonghe Guoguo went to the courtyard and entered the inner room. Yun Chang was about to stand up, and was quickly stunned by Madame Guo. The Madame Guo frowned, her face full of concern, "Why are you so confused, you even have it yourself?" I don't know if I am pregnant, what does the doctor say? "

Yun Shang was silent for a moment, with a bit of guilt in her heart. The Madame Guo truly cared about their husband and wife. In the past two days, this is the third trip. Hua Guogong and Madame Guo are very old. Always worry them, but have to tell lies to worry them. Yun Chang bit her lip and smiled reluctantly. "I have heard all the rumors outside and worried my grandmother and grandfather. In fact, it doesn't matter. The doctor said that a good child will be raised."

The granddaughter quickly said, "Then it will be alive."

Although Hua Guogong was still cold on the face, he also said, "You don't have to worry about King Rui. I will definitely find King Wang. You raise your baby at home. Since you are pregnant, those outside are messy. You do n’t have to listen to the rumors. You and the child in your stomach are good, and King Rui will be happy when he returns. "

Yun Sang nodded slightly and smiled, "Okay, I listened to my grandfather. From now on, I will let people stay at the door. Except for my grandfather and grandmother, no one will be able to see it. What's going on outside? I can't listen anymore. "

Hua Guogong smiled, "That's right, I'll send some family guards to the gate of Wang Ruirui's house later. If anyone wants to come in and bother, they will all be driven out."

Yun Shang raised her eyebrows. However, she never thought of the proposal of Hua Guogong but also resolved many of her concerns. She quickly said, "Thank you grandfather."

Guo Gongma glanced around Yun Sang's house, frowning, "You two young couples will not live, and the young women who are waiting in this house are even able to give you some advice. No, this is pregnant. There are so many things to pay attention to, but you have to be careful and careful. Or your grandmother will send you two puppets from the state government? "

Yun Chang quickly said, "I do n’t need my grandmother. Before that, Grandpa had prepared two puppets. Before I had no news in my stomach, I let the two puppets live on Zhuangzi. There is a saying in Ning Guo , I ca n’t go to the house before pregnancy, so that the children brought out will have aura. "

The granddaughter did not force it when she heard what she said, but she was a little disappointed. "I also said that some of my sister-in-law are experts with children. I have brought my children and my grandson, the great-grandson of Yilan. They also brought them. "

Guo Gong's wife was talking, but the housekeeper stood at the door, Yun Chang saw the housekeeper, and said, "The housekeeper is here? But what happened?"

The steward hurriedly said, "Back to the Princess, the palace heard that the Princess was happy, and specially sent the Royal Doctor to ask for the Princess."

Royal doctor? The smile on the corner of Yun Chang's mouth was slightly cold, and she knew that the queen would certainly not believe that she could spread the rumors, but did not want the royal doctor to come to the door so quickly.

Guo Gong's wife was also a little upset. "This is not sick or painful, what is the doctor asking to see?"

But anyway, it was a person sent from the palace, and he didn't dare to neglect, and Yun Chang quickly ordered the housekeeper to invite the doctor. There was also a housekeeper who was with the Royal Doctor. Yun Shang glanced at the housekeeper, and the housekeeper sneered with a smile on his face, and saluted him, "The slaves met Princess Rui, and the queen mother heard that the Princess was happy and listened again. It is said that the princess invited many doctors to enter the house this afternoon. She was worried that the princess would affect the fetus in the abdomen because of the matter of Prince Rui, and she was more concerned about the princess' body. Bring the royal doctor to ask for a safe pulse for the princess. "

Yun Chang smiled slightly, and quickly asked Qianyanu and Qianju to help her sit up a bit, "Thank you for the concern of the queen maiden." Then he looked back at the white-bearded doctor who was behind him and said, "There is labor. Healed. "

The imperial doctor quickly saluted, went to the soft slump and knelt down, and Yun Sang stretched out his hand. Then the imperial doctor opened the medicine box and took out a white silk plaque from the medicine box and placed it on Yun Shang's arm. Put your hand up to start the pulse diagnosis.

Everyone looked at the royal doctor in silence. After a while, the royal doctor retracted his hand and saluted Yun Sang, "Congratulations to the princess, the princess is indeed a vein of joy. But from the pulse, the pulse of the princess is somewhat Fine deficiency, fine deficiency is blood deficiency, five upset and hot, dry mouth and throat, shortness of breath, shortness of breath, dizziness and dizziness. You have to be born and raised, do n’t worry about being overweight, violent movement, the princess is pregnant, to protect the abdomen Fetus is healthy, should rest peacefully, keep a calm state of mind. "<

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