Eight-year-old Princess: Phoenix Reborn

Chapter 395: Leave the house

After hearing that, the lady in state Guo felt a little nervous. "Don't you need to prescribe medicine? Shouldn't you prescribe some medicine?"

The imperial doctor quickly shook her head and said, "Medication is not as good as food, and the princess is pregnant. It is a three-drug poison, and you need to be cautious. The princess usually eats food that nourishes the kidney and yin, and in ordinary food, you can Eat more food such as Tremella, Tofu, Lily, Yam, Turtle, Crab, Duck, etc. "

Yun Chang also nodded, and instructed Asagiagi to write down all these things said by the imperial doctor.

After it was over, Yun Chang instructed the housekeeper to reward the housekeeper and the doctor for some silver money and send them out.

The granddaughter of the country is also a bit nervous, "Sanger, you remember the words that the royal doctor said, don't worry about the things next to you, just leave the light things to your grandfather, and lie in bed every day, If you lie down and feel uncomfortable, go to Fuzhong. "

The mother-in-law asked for many things to pay attention to during pregnancy, so she was anxious to leave herself in the King's Mansion, and said that she stood up and left the King's Mansion for more than half an hour.

Yun Chang then lifted the quilt and walked down from the soft bed. He walked to the table and picked up what the royal doctor said should be eaten. He smiled coldly and tore the paper sharply. To the brazier in the house.

Seeing that she was stunned, Asagiyan hurriedly said, "Why is this princess? Is there any problem with these ingredients?"

Yun Sang smiled and said, "The queen also took a little thought, and the royal doctor looks very good. He also said that the medicinal supplement is not as good as the food supplement, but if the princess really followed these ingredients he said, I made it to eat, I'm afraid that it won't take March, and my unborn baby will be gone. "

"What's going on? These things are quite unusual." Asagiri still had a very puzzled look, and she looked at Yun Sang with a gaze.

Yun Chang said this, "The Physician recommended a total of seven ingredients. These seven ingredients are indeed good for people with fine pulses, but not all are suitable for pregnant women. The queen is afraid of the situation in my province. I also know very well that most of the girls who are waiting for me are mostly little girls in their teens, and I am pregnant for the first time. I know very little about some taboos during pregnancy. I am a medical practitioner, but I do not understand taboos during pregnancy. . That's how she took advantage of it and wanted to kill my unborn baby. "

Asagiri and Asakusa heard the words, their faces were very angry, and quickly said, "The queen's heart is too poisonous!"

Asagiri quickly asked, "Prince, what ingredients are bad?"

"Crabs and soft-shelled turtles, both of which are cold in nature, are not harmful to ordinary people and are very nutritious, but those who are pregnant can't eat them, especially crab clips and turtle shells. Be careful, it will lead to a small labor. "Yun Chang slowly said, walking back to the couch and lying down.

Asagiyan frowned, "It seems that I still have to quickly find an experienced sister-in-law to follow the princess, and slave-sisters and shallow-thinking have to be good at looking at related books, lest they be counted but do not know the reason Then. "

Yun Chang nodded with a smile, "You just arrange it."

For two days, Xia Huanyu and Luo Qingyan still had no news, and Yun Chang couldn't stay behind the door, lying in bed all day and all day, except for eating and eating Christine, almost never got out of bed. Hua Guogong also talked about his temperament. On the second day, he sent nearly a hundred family members to guard the door. Almost no one let him in. Yun Chang had the housekeeper watch at the door the other day. If there were some important people coming, he would also make a report, but no one else came except Liu Yinfeng and Shen Yilan. Yun Chang made a special trip to the housekeeper to invite a doctor, and went to the King's House every day to ask for a pulse of peace, but he heard that the doctor who followed the doctor said that the doctor would be robbed daily.

With a spectrum in Yun Chang's heart, she let Asagiri and Asagi prepare for the next move.

On the third day, it was still not bright in the early morning, and Yun Chang got up early, letting Yun Shou, a female dark guard, become Yun Chang's appearance, lying on the bed. Yun Chang took Qian Liu and Qian Ji to take advantage of the night to disguise herself as a servant of the King's Palace.

One month ago, Yun Chang let the people who bought and bought go to Yishui Pavilion in Qianshui every day to see what new style jewelry is in the court. Yun Chang took Asagiri and Asakura to the Ishiya Shrine, and there were other people in the shop. The shop's second child quickly greeted the three of them, "Hey, are you here? Our shop today There are a few new styles of jewellery in it that haven't been sold yet. You can go upstairs with me to see if there is a princess that can be seen. "

Yun Chang nodded with a smile, and went upstairs with the shop's second child, Qian Shui had already waited upstairs, and there were three women standing behind him, who were not much different from the three of Yun Shang and his face. The faces of the three are exactly the same.

The three of them went into the inner room and took off their clothes and changed them to the three outside. The three took a few jewellery boxes from the hands of shallow water, and hurriedly followed the shop's second downstairs.

Downstairs came the laughing voice of Xiao Er, "Troublesome three more words in front of the princess, if the princess doesn't like it, just return it."

Then the pretty girl voice seemed to be responding, "Relax, the princess has always been very satisfied with what you have in your shop."

As the voice faded, Asumizu took Yunsang into another room. On the table in the room, a map was placed, and Asamizu pointed at the road, "Master, your subordinates are on the map according to your map. These points have been ambush. These days, I have never seen frequent soldiers and horses moving in these places, but there are a lot of grains and weapons that have been transported continuously. "

Yun Chang nodded. "The princess is preparing for the next thing."

Shallow water also nodded slightly. "When is the master going to leave?"

Yun Sang was silent for a while, Fang Road said, "Tonight, I went to a place and took a trip. As a secret army to protect the emperor, the Guards were divided into the Guards and the Royal Forest. The Guards were stationed in the Guards. In the barracks, I was afraid to be closely watched by the princess. Once someone was transferred, most of the princess would receive the message. Many people in the Yulin Army and Xia Guo knew that the Yulin Army existed, but did not know where the Yulin Army was and how many people .This time we besieged the princess's Tibetan soldiers, we had to use the power of the Imperial Army. "

"The master knows where the Yulin Army is?" A ray of light flashed through the eyes of shallow water.

Yun Chang smiled and shook her head. "I don't know where Yulin Jun is."

Shallow water froze, a little puzzled, "The master ..."

Yun Chang smiled, "Although I don't know where the Yulin Army is, I know where the Yulin Army's commander is. Wang Ye once told me."

Yun Sang stayed in the Yishui Pavilion for a whole day, and the night gradually came down, the sky became darker, and the lights outside went out one after another, and the whole Jincheng began to quiet down. Only in the street "咚! —— 咚! 咚!" Beat more loudly, three more.

A few people in black came out of the back door of the Ishiya Shingui Pavilion, and then they walked into the night, and disappeared into the side alley.

After half an hour, there were several knocks in front of a humble low door west of Jincheng. I don't know who the bark of dogs came from the yard, and it was especially clear in the middle of the quiet night. There was a squeak inside the door, and then there was a sound that seemed a little sleepy, "Who? Midnight, let people not sleep?"

The door was yanked open, and a middle-aged man in a thin robe looked out of the door with a faint tung oil lamp. When he saw it, he saw a darkened token.

There was a flash of condensation in the man's eyes, and he quickly pulled a few people outside the door into the door, looked around, and then quickly closed the door again.

The man held the tung oil lamp and walked in front of it. He pushed open the shabby door that was missing a hole. The door was blocked with straw and grass. The inside was also very rude. What kind of wood table is used, and a few legged benches are all the furniture in the house.

When the man entered the room, he turned his eyes and looked at a few people, with a little alertness on his face, "Who are you?"

Yun Chang heard that he stepped forward and lifted the **** cloak hat, looked at the man, and said, "Have you been Liu Ming? The righteous son of the father-in-law Liu Wen'an in the palace, the commander of the Royal Forest?"

Liu Ming frowned when he heard the words, and didn't answer yes or no, he just frowned at Yun Chang, "Who are you?"

Yun Chang smiled and said, "I'm Ning Yunshang, Princess of Rui." Yun Chang said, and took out the jade card representing her identity from her sleeve and handed it to Liu Ming.

"Prince Rui?" Liu Ming looked at the jade card in his hand over and over again, and asked with a bit of confusion, "Why is this guard order here? How did you find it?"

"His Majesty is missing, can Liu Tongling know?" Yun Chang also learned what he looked like, and did not answer his question, but asked him another question.

Liu Ming didn't answer, but his look let Yunshang know the answer.

"It seems that Liu Tongling is aware of this. Liu Tongling's righteous father is waiting by His Majesty. He is His Majesty's most trusted person. Naturally he also knows. His Majesty handed over the Guard's deployment order to Prince Rui." His face was calm and his eyes fixed on Liu Ming's body. "And Lord Rui was also taken away a few days ago."

"Prince Rui was handed over to me by the Guard ’s order before he was taken away, and he told me the address of Liu Tongling. Let me find an opportunity to come to Liu Tongling and let Liu Tongling help to do one. Yun Chang said with a smile, "This matter has something to do with Xia Guojiang Shanshe. I wonder if Liu Tong is willing?" <

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