Liu Ming's eyes fell on Yun Sang, and he was silent for a long time before he said, "Prince Rui, now that the guard order is in the hands of Princess Rui, and Princess Rui has also found here, she is not willing to say anything. Now. "

Yun Chang smiled slightly, nodded, and told Liu Ming what happened during this period of time. He also took out the map left by Luo Qingyan and handed it to Liu Ming. The soldiers and horses are divided into nearly ten points and are hidden in these places, each with 20,000 or 30,000 people. There must be their own way of contact between these points. Once something happens, they will quickly move to other points. Send a signal to let others at the other points either rescue or just be alert. Therefore, we must also have enough people at the same time to besiege these points at the same time and defeat them all in one fell swoop. "

Liu Ming didn't respond. He drew his fingers across the map and stared intently at the map on the table. After a while, he raised his head and said, "It would be best if we could win it in one fell swoop as the Princess said, but if not, we We must also do everything we can to stop them from transmitting signals so that we can gain time for us. "

After Liu Ming said, he turned to look at Yun Sang again, and looked a little bit in his eyes. "This map is here. The princess said that if the princess is a long princess, what method would she use to transmit the signal? Is time for everyone else to see? "

Yun Shang raised her eyebrows, and her mouth slightly ticked. This Liu Ming was also unwilling to lose. Only then did she silently hold the token to order the Royal Forest Army. Liu Ming was kind to her, but Because obeying the tokens in her hands, but not obeying her. This time, she is testing Yun Chang, to see if she can really have the ability to make Yu Linjun pleased to submit.

Yun Chang's eyes fell on the map. She saw the map countless times, and she had almost firmly remembered it in her mind, but she never really thought about the way in which the princess and the horse would come. connection.

If it ’s an ordinary method of communication, there are nothing more than fireworks, letters, and pigeons. There are some special sounds like her and Dark Guard, but these are limited. If the fireworks are in daylight, they are almost Invisible Letters and pigeons take longer to communicate, and special sounds must be close enough to be heard.

These methods are obviously not the way to contact the princess and soldiers.

Yun Chang carefully looked at the points marked by Luo Qingyan, and those points had no regularity, scattered around the Thousand Buddha Temple.

Yun Chang's hand trembled slightly, before she thought of it? These points are scattered around the Thousand Buddhas Temple. Yun Chang narrowed her eyes, probably because the long princess usually spends more time in the Thousand Buddha Temple in the name of faith in the Buddha, so these soldiers and horses are hidden near the Thousand Buddha Temple.

Yun Chang's hand landed at a point next to the Thousand Buddhas' Court, squinting slightly, and a bright smile twitched the corner of his mouth, Fang raised his head, "I know." Yun Chang whispered softly.

"Oh?" Liu Ming seemed to be in a daze looking at the tung oil lamp on the table. He heard Yun Chang's voice and turned his eyes, looking at Yun Chang, "Prince Rui said?"

Yun Sang smiled, pointing at a point near the Thousand Buddhas Temple, with a soft voice, but with a little confidence, "This is a point near the Thousand Buddhas Temple. I only found out that the other points don't seem to be much The law is basically centered on this point, scattered around the place near and far. And I found that the Thousand Buddha Temple was built on the top of this mountain called Kirin Mountain, and on the Kirin, it was considered to be hidden. Among these places of the soldiers and horses, the highest place. Being in a high place has the advantage that it can be seen in the low places around it, and it can clearly see the surrounding low places. "

Liu Ming nodded. "The princess is telling the truth, but the princess still hasn't told me how to communicate with them."

"Feng Huo." Yun Sang smiled, her face calmed, as if she had a brazen face, "Feng Huo was actually used quite a lot in the battlefield. If the points near the Thousand Buddha Temple were attacked, it would only be necessary to ignite the damp at the height of Kirin Mountain in the day The branches of the tree will emit thick smoke, and if it is lit at night, the dry branches will ignite an open flame. These points around you can see that the fire is on the Qilin Mountain, and you can know that there is an accident. If something happens in any place around this, you only need to Ignite the beacon, and you will be able to see it on Kirin Mountain, and if you pass the message to other points on Kirin Mountain, you will all know it. "

Liu Ming heard a word, and smiled for a long time. "I used to think that the princess was outside of Liyang and Kangyang, so that Liu Jun, who is the most tactical and tactical in Xia Guo, suffered, but it was a market rumor and exaggerated. But I was surprised to see the Princess's speed and ability to deal with it. "

Yun Chang's eyes were still very calm, and she asked Liu Ming with a smile, "Will the leader Liu be willing to help this princess?"

Liu Ming knelt down on one knee, and bowed his hand toward Yun Sang, "The general will wait for the Princess to dispatch."

Yun Sang smiled, stretched out her hand and gave a helping hand to Liu Ming, and smiled, "I'm just a woman, I ca n’t be a gift like you, but I ca n’t delay it. I know the Yu Linjun convened, I ’m afraid I still need some Time, can Mr. Liu tell me, when can we act? "

Liu Ming stood up and frowned, thinking for a while, "Minger will be out of the city in the middle of the forest in the western suburbs in the evening."

Yun Chang froze slightly, a little surprised on his face.

Seeing this, Liu Ming quickly said, "If the princess thinks it is too late, the general will now call for the staff, but in the middle of the night, I am afraid that the movement will attract attention."

Yun Chang immediately shook his head and said, "No, no, Minger will do it in the evening. I was surprised that the time was so short. The action of Yu Linjun was really fast."

Liu Ming was so embarrassed by Yun Chang that he looked a little embarrassed, raised his hand, scratched his head, and smiled, "The Royal Forest Army existed to protect the safety of Her Majesty and Jincheng. In the dark, it ca n’t be too far away. Therefore, the ordinary Yu Linjun actually lives in Jincheng like an ordinary people. When the Taiping was in the heyday, there was no mission for several years. It was really the same as the people. , And walked around with neighbors, looking for a man who can live on, and at the age can still marry a wife and have children. Because they are all in Jincheng, it is not difficult to convene. "

Yun Sang was stunned, as the saying goes, faint in the city, really is the true meaning. Hiding soldiers and horses in barren mountains and wild forests like the princess princess, although it seems to be concealed enough, it is also very easy to find. Like ordinary people, Yu Linjun hides in the market like this. I'm afraid that ordinary neighbors get along well and know that he is Yu Linjun.

Yun Sang smiled and arched toward Liu Ming. "That being the case, the princess will wait for the good news of Liu's leader. Minger is in a western suburban forest, waiting for Liu's leader." Then he stood up. Say goodbye.

Liu Ming quickly sent Yun Sang out of the door. When Yun Sang hurriedly returned to the Yishui Pavilion in shallow water, the sky was already a little bright. Yun Sang washed it at will. After using breakfast, she was going to go out and was asked by Asagiri and Asakusa. Stopped, "The princess is not as good as she is now, and she is afraid that she will not be able to rest tonight, or she has to hurry. The princess didn't sleep all night. Today, we can't let you go out anyway. You'll be born here and rest. "

Yun Sang looked at the two helplessly, sighed, went to the bed, took off her shoes and lay on the bed. "Well, I'm probably the first person to be so strict with a girl." He laughed, pulled up the quilt to cover his body, and said softly to Asagiri and Asahi, "Help me put the bed down, it's too bright."

Slightly smiling, he stepped forward and lowered the bed veil, facing Yun Sang Road, "The maid who came to buy in Fuer will come here, and the slaves will go and look, and ask how the Fuzhong is."

Yun Sang answered softly, and felt that her head was a bit heavy, and once she closed her eyes, she could no longer open it, and slept heavily.

When he woke up, it was already ten o'clock in the afternoon. Yun Chang opened the bed tent, but did not see Asagiri and Asana, so she yelled softly, and then Asagiri opened the door and walked in.

"The princess is awake?" Asagiri smiled, took the clothes and waited for Yun Sang to put them on. "This is the clothes Sister Asami prepared for the princess. It's not like the wide robes and big sleeves you usually wear, but it's also light and convenient. action."

Yun Chang froze for a moment, then smiled, "At this time, I prefer men's clothes."

Asagiagi slaps his head and pats his head, "Slaves have forgotten that Sister Onomine once said that the princess especially loves men's clothing when going out. Slaves then prepare it. It's cool outside, and the princess should lie back on the bed. . "

Asagiyan went out and deliberately walked in. "The maid who got up early today said that when Mrs. Liu visited the princess in the house yesterday afternoon, the steward only said that the princess was taking a nap, and the doctor asked the princess You can't get out of bed at random, so as not to move your baby's breath, Mrs. Liu will sit in the flower hall and leave. "

Yun Chang heard the words, frowned, and turned his head to look at the deliberation, "Mrs. Liu? I haven't had much friendship with her, why did she go to visit King Rui's Mansion?"

Yun Chang was silent for a long while, and said, "Don't just stare at Liufu for a moment these days. If there is something abnormal, order the Dark Guardian to report it."

He nodded carefully, and said, "Slaves heard that rumors about His Majesty are getting more and more on the street today. Some even said that His Majesty was seriously ill and it was no longer good. Some people said that His Majesty was missing, only I'm afraid that there will be less evil. Because of these rumors, people are heartbroken everywhere, and officials exchange frequently ... "<

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