Eight-year-old Princess: Phoenix Reborn

Chapter 628: Crown Prince playing hooligan

The smile in Xia Huanyu's mouth was also a little ironic. After hearing Xia Houjing's words for a long time, Fang nodded and said, "Oh? That's the case, then the old seven has done a great job. Once this is settled, discuss When it comes to merit rewards, you are indispensable. "

After hearing the words, Xia Houjing seemed to be very happy, and he stumbled a few heads, pretending to be modest and honest: "The sons and daughters are just doing their best to stabilize our Xia Guojiangshan."

Xia Huanyu glanced at him lightly, his eyes were a little colder: "Let ’s stop here today, the widows will deal with it later, this palace still needs to be cleaned up for a while, then you go back to your own house first . "

Yun Sang and Luo Qingyan said, and Xia Houjing quickly led the order, and slowly withdrew from the Taiji Temple.

The three walked down the long stone steps together. Xia Houjing turned his head and looked at Luo Qingyan and Yun Sang with a smile on his lips. "I heard that today is the full moon banquet of His Royal Highness His Royal Highness and His Royal Concubine, but I do n’t know. Is it an honor for my brother to drink a glass of full moon wine from my nephew? "

Luo Qingyan did not respond, and Yun Chang smiled shallowly and said, "I am very welcome."

Xia Houjing seemed very happy, and he grinned and laughed: "Thank you Prince, then my brother and sister have just entered the city, and they are all dressed up. They are not well-dressed and should not see anyone. They will go back to the office and change one. Clothes, then came to the door to congratulate. "

After stepping down the stone steps, Xia Houjing stood in front of the carriage and waited for Luo Qingyan and Yun Sang to get on the carriage. After waiting for their carriage to start, he boarded the carriage himself.

Yun Chang opened the curtain and glanced at the swaying figure of Lord Seven, with a slight coldness in the corner of his mouth, "I'm more and more unaware of Lord Seven."

Luo smiled softly and said, "You don't need to look through him, just look at me."

Yun Chang heard the words, only half a while later that Luo Qingyan was actually teasing her, then he glared at Luo Qingyan and stopped talking.

Luo smiled lightly, converging with a look of joke, "You were so revengeful to him when you were in Lingxi City. He was very revengeful. You still need to be careful."

No need to remind Luo Qingyan, Yun Chang also knew to be careful, then nodded gently, leaning on Luo Qingyan's shoulders, I didn't know what to think.

After a long while, Yun Chang frowned, and sat upright suddenly: "I suddenly remembered that the previous banquet in the house, Yu Tong did not come."

Luo Qingyan turned his head to look at Yun Sang, and remained silent for a long while, then opened his mouth quietly. "Before I watched you have a good relationship with that Hua Yutong, I never said. But you should also find something wrong, Hua Yu Tong, I'm afraid that we haven't gone all the way with us. We can't stay here. "

Yun Chang heard the words, a little stupefied, and remained silent for a long while, then lowered her head.

She found many things wrong, and she didn't think about it. Hua Yutong may have been bought by Lord Seven. She also sent someone to follow Hua Yutong, but she never investigated the matter too deeply. . It is because she feels that Hua Yutong, in fact, should be counted as one of the few friends who can speak in Xia Kingdom. She always holds a little hope for this friendship.

However, Luo Qingyan would not say such words for no reason. Since he said it, he would be sure of it.

Yun Chang's hand trembled slightly, and her eyes were closed gently to prevent the emotions in her eyes from leaking.

Luo Qingyan reached out and embraced Yun Sang, and said softly, "If you want to keep her, it is not impossible, but it is guaranteed that she will never be our enemy."

Yun Chang's eyes brightened, and he looked up and looked at Luo softly, smiled and nodded, and said, "Hi Royal Highness."

Luo Qingyan said she was happy, and then she laughed, reached out and touched the bun above her head, and said softly, "From the uncle, to the grandfather, to your highness, this title has been changing, and I always feel Some are not suitable. When only the two of us are here, you still have to call these vacancies. "

Yun Chang blinked, raised his head, and spoke softly to Luo, but he was in a good mood and followed his words: "Then what do you want me to say? Softly?"

Luo Qingyan smiled, "I feel that, if you call me husband or relative, I will be happier than talking softly."

When Yun Chang heard the words, she couldn't help but reached out and twisted Luo Luo's soft meat around her waist, smiling, "Old and unruly."

Luo Qingyan's expression changed suddenly. "Ma'am, are you disappointing that I am old?"

Yun Chang blinked and nodded without hesitation: "After all, more than ten years older than me." Then he couldn't help but laughed, held out a finger in earnest, raised Luo Qingyan I looked at his chin left and right, and said, "Well, it's so handsome and extraordinary, and I'll barely get it."

Luo Qingyan frowned, looking very distressed, and leaned down to bite Yun Shang's shoulder.

Yun Chang screamed in panic, "How do you bite?"

Luo Qingyan smiled, his expression was full of joy, "Well, although you are eighteen years old and you look like a man, you can only be cheaper than my old man."

Yun Chang was laughed at by his rogue character, raised his fist and fell on his chest: "It's time to let those civil and military officials look at your rogue and see if they dare Let you be this prince. "

The rogue Prince is suddenly serious again: "The tenth day of next month will be your birthday. Last year, I have time to celebrate your good birthday, and I will make it up for you this year."

Yun Chang heard that she was embarrassed. Except when she was fifteen and aunt, she did not have a birthday for a few years, but she almost forgot when her birthday was.

Luo Qingyan smiled and said, "I'll take a rest that day. It's better, let's sleep at home for a day."

Yun Chang's face blushed suddenly. "Rogue."

The two laughed and went to the entrance of Prince Edward House. After getting out of the carriage, they saw that Prince Edward House was also surrounded by guards. Hua Guogong stood at the door with a large knife on his waist. Mo Kai's posture.

Yun Chang looked at it, and then he couldn't help but twitch his mouth: "What is your grandfather doing? Is it because you want to raise a knife?"

Hua Guogong glared at Luo Qingyan and Yun Chang, with doubts in his eyes: "Well, aren't you in the Laoszi Fengting Pavilion? How did you get out of the carriage?"

After a pause, before Luo Qingyan said their answer, he pulled Luo Qingyan and said: "I just went out to investigate and found out that the horseshoes and shouts around the Prince's House were just bluffs. But two or three hundred people wanted to scare the old man. Fortunately, the old man noticed something was wrong and ran out to take a look. Then he decisively asked the guard to bring someone to take down all of them. But I was worried that something would happen. Look at the door. "

Yun Chang finally couldn't help laughing and said quickly: "The grandfather is assured, now that the rebellion has been calmed down, the anti-thief **** it, it's okay to catch it."

Hua Guogong heard that his eyes were bright, but he was still a little bit lost: "So fast? I thought there was going to be a fierce battle ..."

After a little loss, he cheered up again, "Fortunately, the old man continued to go back to drink."

Yun Chang raised his corner of the mouth and laughed, "Okay, this is a great day for Baoer full moon, let me accompany you for a few drinks."

Hua Guogong was very pleased to hear Yun Chang say this. After pulling Luo lightly, he hurried into the house and walked towards the garden.

Luo Qingyan and Yun Sang's appearance caused a riot. Everyone looked at the still sitting figure in the storm pavilion, and looked at the two in front of them.

Yun Sang ordered people to blow a whistle towards Fengbo Pavilion, and several people in Fengbo Pavilion walked down, but they were only disguised as dark guards and wore their clothes.

Yun Chang smiled, greeted the guests to continue drinking, and took the painting to the Nanyuan.

In the courtyard, Mrs. Guo was sitting in the room, holding a rattle in her hand, which was teasing Baoer. The sound of the rattle was very cheerful. Baoer's gaze was fixed on the rattle in the hands of Mrs. Guo. Qin Yi and the grandmother stood aside, and couldn't help but smile.

When Qin Yi saw Yun Chang come in, she quickly greeted her: "The princess is back."

Yun Sang nodded slightly, walked to the crib, smiled and looked at her very happy Baoer, and said with a smile: "This is a heartless and heartless."

The Madame Guo put down the rattle and smiled, "Is everything safe?"

Yun Chang nodded and said, "All in control."

Yun Chang picked up the rattle before thinking about it. It seemed that the rattle was bought on the street the last time. Now it comes in handy. Seeing that Bao'er also likes it very much, Yun Chang shakes it.

"It's okay, it's okay, I'm afraid that there will be something wrong." Madam Guo Guo smiled, "Although Su is not as old as before, but after all, he has accumulated for so many years. The camel is bigger than a horse. "

Yun Chang smiled, "Now it's just a dead camel. After this incident, North Korea is afraid that it will be cleared."

The granddaughter nodded his head: "To whom are those people in the DPRK facing these years? Your majesty can't count it, but it's not time yet. Now that this incident is happening, it's just a chance to clean it up. Clean up some misaligned guys in the DPRK. Fortunately, I will try it in the autumn, and just make up some positions to give young people some opportunities. "

After a pause, Guo Gongfu said: "The old man is also old, and now it is time to resign."

It's not surprising that Yun Chang was in the background. When the Queen of Queens was Queen, in order to avoid her Majesty's hegemony in their foreign countries, she also unloaded the armor for a while. Washington should avoid suspicion. <

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