Eight-year-old Princess: Phoenix Reborn

Chapter 629: Pretend to be drunk

Yun Sang nodded slightly, responded with a smile and said quietly: "My grandfather and grandmother worked hard for Washington for a lifetime. Now that the children and grandchildren are full, it is time to take a good rest."

The granddaughter also laughed. "Yeah, you are all right now, and your son-in-law is OK, so I'm relieved."

Yun Chang talked with his granddaughter for a while, and then saw Luo Qingyan's servants coming in: "Prince, the seventh prince is here, and he is noisy in the garden to see the little prince ..."

Yun Sang frowned, some did not understand what Xia Houjing wanted to do. Looking at him today, he was respectful and respectful of Luo Qingyan, but his mind nowadays is only a passerby. Okay.

"The seven princes are not easy to associate with each other, and my mind is too deep, so let Baoer contact him, I'm always afraid that he will do anything to Baoer." Madam Guo Guo quickly whispered.

Yun Chang groaned for a moment before he said: "He is still not in front of His Majesty, tearing his face with us in the presence of civil and military officials, if we refuse, it seems a bit unfriendly. His Royal Highness has just become a prince, and always returns I have to leave a good impression to Baiguan. Since he offered to see Baoer in front of everyone, it would be a bit unwise to kill Baoer. And he wants to face me in front of him It's not easy for Bao'er to poison, plus I put poison avoiding pills on Bao'er's body, it should be okay. "

The Madame Guo thought for a while, but also felt that she had overreacted, and then nodded, "Be careful about everything."

When Yun Chang responded, she raised her eyes and said to the granddaughter, "The grandfather is still drinking outside. If the grandmother is sleepy, take a rest in the house."

The granddaughter of the country responded, and Yun Chang took Bao'er, took Qin Yi and the grandmother out, and walked towards the garden.

When the garden was lively, a group of people were toasting at Luo Qingyan. Luo Qingyan was afraid that he drank a lot. Although it didn't seem to matter, he looked at a place from time to time. .

The seventh prince sat next to Luo Qingyan, sighing "His Royal Highness", and he was very happy.

"When His Royal Highness was crowned Prince, the brother-in-law was still in the border, and it was the brother-in-law's fault, and the brother-in-law punished himself for one cup. Fortunately, the younger nephew's full-moon feast has caught up, otherwise Really regretted her death. However, Her Royal Highness came to the door, and his brother and sister had a drink, and His Highness had three drinks. "Xiahou Jing Haha smiled, holding a wine glass in his hand, and drank a glass when he looked up.

Hua Yutong also followed the Seven Lords, and sat beside the woman talking, but from time to time, his eyes swept in the direction of the Seven Lords.

Yun Chang's footsteps were a little, and the words spoken could be deceiving, but the true feelings from time to time in the eyes could not be deceived, Hua Yutong, I was afraid he was really caught in it.

Yun Sang retracted her eyes, walked to Luo Qingyan with a smile, and glanced at Lord Seven before whispering: "The Lord is not going to irritate our Highness again, I'm afraid that our Highness will not be able to find the Northeast and Southwest for a while."

Xia Houjing heard a laugh and laughed, and then turned around and saw Baoer held in the arms of the grandmother. With her eyes flashing, she quickly walked in front of the grandmother and said with a smile: "This is my little nephew, isn't it?"

Yun Chang nodded slightly, thinking in his heart, it seems that the Lord of the Seven Kings wanted to make Baiguan know him again by the battle of the previous days. Returning to Jincheng this time, he showed a much more cheerful temperament than that of the seven ill-fated Grandpas.

At least, the Seven Lords would never laugh so wildly.

Xia Houjing reached out and teased before raising his head to look at Yun Shang: "The princess will not mind letting me hold the business for a while."

Yun Chang's face still had a gentle smile: "Wang Ye is the uncle who inherits the business, how can I mind?"

When Xia Houjing heard the words, he laughed, reached out and took Baoer from his grandmother's arms, took a few steps, and then smiled, "The undertaking is really too small, and I dare not work hard. Now. "

Yun Chang said with a smile: "Isn't the children all that big? The Seven Kings looked at them and liked them. It's better to have one by themselves. There is a kid who is more lively. Seven Kings have been married for more than half a year and want children. At the right time. "

When Xia Houjing heard the words, he was silent. Yu Guang, at the corner of Yun Chang's eyes, saw a glimmer of loss in Hua Yutong's eyes, but quickly covered the past.

As she said this, Bao'er suddenly burst into tears in the arms of Lord Seven, and Yun Chang froze, and saw that the robe in front of Lord Seven was wet, and she suddenly understood in her heart, but she couldn't help crying. I really have a rapport with myself, knowing that I don't like the Seven Lords, I did such a trick.

But on the surface, he pretended to be extremely flustered, and exclaimed quickly: "Oh, that's bad, the business pissed."

The grandmother heard the words, and with a little panic on her face, hurriedly took Baoer from Xia Houjing.

Yun Chang repeatedly commanded: "I haven't rushed to bring the Jun Wangye back to the yard to change my clothes." Then he turned quickly and said to the seventh Prince: "I'm really sorry ..."

Xia Houjing's complexion was a bit poor, and he frowned at his robe, but also gritted his teeth and raised his head, and smiled: "Anyway, children, it's just an inadvertent move."

Yun Chang quickly instructed Qin Yidao: "Quickly take the seventh prince to find a room to change clothes, and then take his new clothes to the seventh prince to change."

Qin Yi responded quickly, and Xia Hou Jing left Qin Yi behind him.

Yun Chang looked at Xia Houjing's figure gradually disappearing behind Xinghuamen, then turned around and smiled a little sorry to everyone, and then returned to the garden.

The grandmother was changing the bellyband and pants for Baoer in the room, and had just taken off the original dirt. Baoer was lying on the bed naked, and Yun Chang patted Baoer's **** with a smile, her eyebrows with a smile "You guy, you really pick it."

Bao'er didn't understand anything, but he smiled heartlessly, and Yun Chang laughed.

After changing the small bellyband and clothes for Baoer, Yun Sang stayed in the house, taking Baoer for a while to rest. Just woke up stupidly, he was awakened. Yun Chang opened her eyes and saw Luo Qingyan being helped back by a few servants. She also walked upside down, seemingly drunk.

When Yun Chang saw this, she quickly got up and picked up Bao'er, and instructed the servant: "Place your highness on the couch."

The attendant responded quickly, and helped Luo Qingyan to the couch. Yunshang ordered people to call the grandmother and gave Baoer to the grandmother. Then she bent down and took off the shoes and socks for Luo Qingyan. He covered it.

The attendant retired, and Yun Chang ordered someone to fetch water, and twisted the parcel to wipe Luo's face lightly.

Luo lightly said the smell of wine, Yun Chang frowned and snorted: "You can pretend to be drunk. You have to drink so much honestly, are you drunk, uncomfortable?"

Luo Qingyan frowned, and seemed to be a little uncomfortable. He stretched out his hand and grabbed Yun Shang's hand. Yun Shang shrank back, but couldn't retract it. Then he put the parcel in the basin and the other hand Also went to Luo Luo gently and held his hand.

Luo Qingyan slammed behind him, and Yun Chang suddenly fell on Luo Qingyan's chest without notice.

Luo Qingyan practiced martial arts all the year round, and his chest was very hard. Yun Chang frowned, and a crutch would want to knock it down. His hands were tightly clamped, and Luo Qingyan came up with a slightly lazy voice above his head: "Ma'am, are you going to murder your husband?"

Only then did Yun Chang come to understand, Luo Qingyan just said he was pretending to be drunk, but he also made her wait. Yun Chang was so angry that she opened her mouth and bite at Luo Qingyan.

Luo Qingyan was in pain, took a deep breath, and gave a soft "hissing" sound. Yun Chang was afraid that he would bite Luo Qingyan, and quickly released Luo Qingyan.

But he heard Luo Qingyan's chest gently shake, and a few depressing laughs came.

Yun Chang frowned, raised her head, and stared at Luo Qingyan, Luo Qingyan's eyes were clear, except for the very heavy taste of wine, where there was a trace of drunkenness, "You, you know, bully me."

Luo gently hugged Yun Chang with a smile and whispered: "I don't bully my wife, who will you bully?"

Yun Chang snorted and did not answer. Luo gently rolled over and pressed Yun Chang under him, with a flash of evil charm in his eyes: "Well, I heard people say that when you are half drunk and half awake, do that thing, I feel very happy. When they came to toast my wine, I was thinking, I don't seem to have tried this yet. Why not try this with my wife? "

Yun Chang's eyes widened when she heard the words, her face flushed, "What are you talking about?"

Luo Qingyan loved her so much that she was still talking, so she laughed and covered Yun Shang, her face clinging to Yun Chang's face tightly, and her voice was a little lighter: "Isn't Shang Er Love doing that with me, eh? "

That "hmm" was almost lingering, Yun Chang couldn't help getting goosebumps on his back, shaking his head like Bao's rattle: "No ..."

Luo Qingyan laughed again: "Isn't it not love, then love?" Then he slumped down and kissed Yun Chang's mouth.

A rush of wine came in like this, and Yun Chang felt that the wine was too heavy and almost smoked himself drunk.

It's just that the sky is white, and there are so many guests in the middle of the house, and the lady in the state is still resting in the courtyard. Luo Qingyan wants Hu to come, and Yun Chang is naturally not dependent. He then intended to break free of Luo Qingyan's shackles and escape.

But before getting out of bed, he was pulled back by Luo Qingyan. Luo Qingyan confined Yun Shang with one hand in his arms, with a slight smile on the corner of his mouth, "Well? Still want to run? Except mine In your arms, where else can you go? Huh? "

While talking, I also stretched out my other hand and lowered the veil ...

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