Eight-year-old Princess: Phoenix Reborn

Chapter 631: I wish him peace and joy

When Yun Chang instructed Qin Yi to return to the house after preparing the dishes, Luo Qingyan's expression had returned to normal, and he was sitting on the soft couch reading a book.

Yun Chang saw that the book in his hand had not been turned over for a long time, and then looked at Luo Qingyan, his brow lightly, and did not know what he was thinking. After blinking, I was a little curious in my heart, and walked silently to the soft collapsed edge. When I looked over to see what book Luo Qingyan was holding, Luo Qingyan had raised his head. Yun Chang blinked and laughed.

"What book are you reading? I haven't seen you turning pages for a long time." Yun Chang sat down softly.

Luo smiled softly and said, "I'm not reading, I'm thinking of something."

Yun Chang feels a bit more surprised. Luo Qingyan has always been calm and self-sufficient. What kind of problem will make Luo Qingyan frown?

Luo Qingyan seemed to understand Yun Chang's thoughts, so he put the book aside and whispered softly: "There are two things that have made me a little tricky recently. One is the imperial examinations. I don't have many people in the North Korea. Therefore, it is only possible to make an idea from this autumn test. It is difficult to choose some people who can participate in the autumn test in Wu Wei. Wu Ju is okay to say that it is their housekeeping ability, but this civilian is a bit difficult. "

When Yun Chang heard this, she laughed: "Why should your Highness choose from among her secret guards?"

Luo said quietly for a moment, "Only those in the Dark Guard are better to control, aren't they?"

Yun Sang nodded, but shook his head again: "Although Dark Guard can kill us, but as His Highness said, this strategy of ruling the country is almost ignorant. Liu Qiyu from Ning Kingdom, now to the North Korea Li Qianmo. These two are not actually my dark guards, but it is because I have done some favors to them and solved their urgent needs ... "

"Liu Qizheng is because of poverty in his family, but he has no ambitions to fulfill his ambitions. I gave Yin Liang and let him secretly worship under my grandfather's door, and my grandfather's reputation is outside. Her younger sister, Qin Qi, calligraphy and painting, their family treats me as a benefactor. Although Li Qianmo's family does not lack silver or two, he is a filial son, his mother is seriously ill, I ordered someone to take his mother to seek medical advice. Qinggao literati is actually a lot of promises, and knowing grace, the most important thing is that the net worth is clean, others will not be suspicious. "Yun Chang smiled lightly.

"And even if the person we choose becomes the official, can we not send secret guards to stare secretly? If we have some thoughts that shouldn't be born, we can solve them very quickly."

Luo Qingyan silenced for a moment, then nodded his head gently. "Mrs. said very much, then I ordered the dark guard to quietly collect the situation in their homes among the talented people in the states and cities ..."

Yun Chang nodded with a smile: "His Royal Highness said that there were two things that troubled him. One of the things that Qiu tried was, and what was the other?"

Luo Qingyan listened to Yun Chang asking such questions, but turned his head to look at Yun Chang, frowning for a long while, and said: "The second is for Xiahou Jing."

"Huh?" Yun Chang was a little bit rare. "What inconvenient things did Xia Houjing make her Royal Highness so difficult?"

Luo Qingyan shook his head with a bitter smile and said, "Just because he didn't do anything unreasonable, but he behaved very well. When I met him, I would be polite and thoughtful. After two days of negotiating government affairs, he always did everything. I am respected, and whenever I make a decision, I must first listen to my opinion, and if I have anything that contradicts him, then follow me. Even privately, only I and him, I want to anger him several times , He always looks humble. "

Yun Chang also frowned when he heard the words: "The Seven Lords are just afraid of hating us. How could they be so respectful to you? It's too unusual for people to do the same thing afterwards."

Luo gently nodded, "Yeah."

"I'll post the next post, and ask the seven princess Minger to go to Liyuan to listen to the play together." Yun Chang smiled.

Luo Qingyan stretched out his hand and clasped Yun Chang's hand, his eyes were full of softness. "The princess is thinking of her husband so much, it is really nothing to repay for her husband, it is better to just let it be."

Yun Chang reached out and patted Luo Qingyan's hand, "What did you say?"

Hearing the sound of footsteps from outside, Yun Chang stood up quickly and said, "It should be Qin Yi and their food and drinks. We just let them directly to the house."

As soon as Yun Chang's words fell, he heard Qin Yi's voice sounding outside: "Prince, Prince, and slaves brought wine and vegetables."

"Come in." Yun Chang Yang cried.

Qin Yi opened the curtain and let the girl with a plate behind come in.

"The weather was hot, and the slaves prepared some wine and iced fruits and vegetables, and the bamboo leaves were green. The slaves thought, the prince and the concubine would have a drink today, and they would not hold Baoer up later. The slaves also prepared some ice cubes and put them in the house for the summer heat. "Qin Yi smiled softly, and at the same time ordered the people to put the wine and ice bowls.

Yun Sang nodded and smiled, "Baoer has been playing this afternoon, and only slept for a little while. Waiting for the grandmother to let Baoer fall asleep for the milk earlier."

Qin Yi responded with a smile, and retired with her sister-in-law.

Luo Qingyan kept listening to the gossip of the master and servant silently, and when Qin Yi left, he went to the table and sat down, poured a glass of wine, and bowed his head casually and asked: "Boer ... Noisy? "

Although Yun Chang was a little surprised that Luo Qingyan would ask about it, she was very happy. She sat next to Luo Qingyan and laughed, "No, we're so cute, even our grandmother said that Let ’s take it very well. We do n’t cry and do n’t recognize life. ”

Luo Qingwen heard the words, and then became silent again, with a little thought in his eyes, before he said, "What kind of person do you want Baoer to be?"

Yun Chang thought about it and said, "Well, be safe and happy. Although I always feel that in a home like ours, it is too unrealistic to say peace and joy ..."

Luo Qingyan raised his hand and gently touched Yun Chang's hair, smiling: "Yes, our Boa will be safe and happy."

Yun Chang suddenly remembered Chen Xi, "I don't know how my brother is, and he is almost two years old. He should be talking a lot. My brother is one year older than Chen Xi. If they are together, maybe they will Be a good playmate. "

Luo Qingyan looked at the smile on the corner of Yun Chang's mouth, and then fell silent. He poured a glass of wine and pushed it in front of Yun Chang. "Prince Chen Xi will be fine."

"Um." Yun Chang nodded.

Zi Yunshang and Luo got married lightly. Such a chance to drink is rare. It should be said that it has never happened before. The two had a happy conversation and kept drinking until late at night.

The consequence of indulging in alcohol is that Yun Chang slept until the afternoon and woke up the next day. After waking up, her head felt a little painful.

Qin Yi quickly called for Qin Yilai, and Qin Yi quickly brought a glass of hangover soup in. "When the prince went out in the morning, he said that the princess drank a lot of wine yesterday. I was afraid that she would have a headache when she woke up. I know the wine and soup, and I ’m still warm.

Yun Chang nodded, rubbing his temples to raise the bowl, and drank it. The hangover soup has a weird taste, which is not good, but the effect is very good. With less than half an hour, Yun Chang was completely awake.

"Where is Baoer?" Yun Chang asked, looking up.

Qin Yi smiled and said, "Slave took a walk around in the morning, and now she just sucked milk and went to sleep."

Yun Sang nodded gently, thinking of what Luo Qingyan said yesterday, thinking about it and saying, "Should the osmanthus bloom in these two days?"

"It's on, it's been on for two days. It hasn't rained much these days. The sweet-scented osmanthus blooms very well." Qin Yi answered softly.

"I remember that Ningguo's pastry is made with osmanthus, called crystal osmanthus cake, crystal clear and sweet. Xia Guoren likes sweet, but I have never seen this pastry in Xia Guo. You ordered to go I picked some fresh osmanthus flowers and ordered them to be sent to the Seven Kings' Palace to invite the seven princesses to taste some of them. "Yun Chang said softly.

Qin Yi raised her head and glanced at Yun Sang, and then she answered. When she was going to go out to prepare, she was stopped by Yun Chang again: "After I'm done, I will send dinner to the Seven Kings Palace."

Qin complied, and after returning to the room after commanding.

"Why didn't you see Wang Jinhuan and Ning Qian for the past two days?" Yun Chang said curiously.

Qin Yi laughed when he heard the words: "Recently, the girl Asahi stayed with Asahi, and she followed Asahi every day to inspect the situation in each shop. The son of Prince Wang ran behind Asa girl. "

Yun Chang also laughed: "The two of them are happy for the enemy, but I look at Wang Jinhuan's posture, I'm afraid we will soon have a happy wine to drink."

After Yun Chang said it, she saw Qin Yi's smile with a bit of strangeness, and raised her eyebrows, "Is there anything else I didn't know happened?"

"Well," Qin Yi said, "I heard some fun when chatting with the dark guard in the house when I was free the other day."

"It's about Wang Jinhuan and shallow?" Yun Chang immediately became energetic and quickly said, "What's interesting? Listen to it?"

Qin Yi smiled and said, "Dan Wei said that although the Prince Wang always walks behind the girl Asahi in the daily life, she never stays in the night, but she always stays in the girl's yard. Let ’s go. Prince Wang, he did n’t go back to his yard to sleep some days. ”

Yun Chang laughed loudly when he heard the words, with a bit of slyness in his eyes: "This is not something Ning Qian can hear. Although Ning Qian has been in the green building for so many years, he dares to look at anything It said, but it was a twist of temper. If she heard us talk about her like this, she would turn her face. I am afraid that Wang Jinhuan would not even be able to touch Ning Qian's clothes.

With that said, he groaned for a moment, and his eyes rolled around: "Presumably, we will soon be able to not only drink the wedding wine, but I can also prepare the full moon wine together." <

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