Eight-year-old Princess: Phoenix Reborn

Chapter 632: Her temptation

The master and servant were talking happily, and then they heard the voice of the painting coming downstairs: "Are you the light girl?"

Yun Chang raised her eyes and glanced at Qin Yi, stuck her tongue out, and said with a smile: "I really can't say it, I'll come right away."

As soon as he finished speaking, Ning Qian's voice came from outside the door: "What can't I say? Is the master saying me?"

Yun Shang still smiled, her head nodded and said, "I was still asking Qin Yi, saying that I haven't seen your figure in these two days, and I don't know what you are sitting on?"

Ning Qian walked down to the stool beside Yun Sang and sat down, sighing: "After returning to Jincheng, the master has not arranged an errand for me, isn't this afraid that the master will say I have a casual meal? I went out and looked around Qian Yin A bit of Xiao Ji's shop. "

Yun Chang raised an eyebrow, and quipped with a smile: "You have been staying with the King for a long time, and you even talk like him."

Ning Qian froze, raised his eyes and gave Yunshang an unceremonious glance. Yunshang quickly smiled and told Rao: "Okay, don't say anything, you have always been in business. You talk about it, Xiao Ji now how is it?"

Ning Qian's complexion was a little bit serious, "Qian Yin is a seedling in business, and Xiao Ji's shop is quite good in her hands. I also looked at the books, and they were clear and very good."

Yun Chang bowed her head. She now knows her account books almost daily.

"Master, I plan to come down in a green building in Jincheng and resume my old business." Ning Qian said suddenly.

Yun Chang stunned, opened her mouth and looked at Ning Qian for a while, then said softly, "Why did you suddenly think of this crop? Wang Jinhuan could agree?"

Ning Qian glanced at Yun Chang with a slight contempt on his beautiful face: "What does he have to do with disagreement?" He paused before saying, "Before I had run the youth house in Ningguo, I knew the youth house. Among them is where all kinds of news come together, and it is most convenient to use the girl in the blue house to collect some information. "

Yun Chang thought for a while and said, "I don't have any opinion to open the Qinglou, but your appearance is easy to cause suspicion, but I will not agree with you anyway."

Ning Qian didn't bother about this, nodded and said, "I ran a few laps in the city in the past two days, and I also chose a target. There is a green house in the south of the city called Chunlai Hospital, which has been open for some years. It is one of the best in the city, but the girl in the building was old this year or two, and when she walked, she was cold. I saw that the yard was in a good location and the area was large enough, but I could take it down and refurbish it and run it well. It's definitely going to be a sign. "

Yun Chang had no doubt at all about Ning Qian's ability, and smiled and said, "You can do it. You can tell someone how much money you need in the beginning, and I will order it for you."

Ning Qian agreed, and the two talked a little more, and Ning Qian just left.

Ning Qian had just gone for a long time, and Wang Jinhuan came, his face disappeared, and his brows frowned, seemingly depressed. Yun Chang doesn't need to know about his coming, it must be related to Ning Qian, and Ning Qian just had something to do with her, then smiled and said, "Look at Wang Gongzi Yintang becoming black, but what's wrong with it recently? Love scene Frustrated? "

Wang Jinhuan raised his eyes and glanced at Yun Sang, and he was reluctant to lie on the table: "The princess is going to make fun of me, only come here briefly, but said you want to open a green building?"

Yun Chang poured a cup of tea with a smile and pushed it to Wang Jinhuan: "Yes."

Wang gave a sigh of sorrow and began to yell, "I told her not to open the green house, not to open the green house, why didn't she listen? She was a girl's house, and it was so dangerous all day long. And she's so good-looking, if she's seen ... "

Yun Chang couldn't help but chuckle and laughed, but didn't let Wang Jinhuan see his face turned up, "I know that you have a good opinion of Ning Qian, but when you were in Ning Guo, you met her, not in the Qinglou In the middle? Could it be that you despise her for this? And Ning Qian raised the matter herself. What if she insists on doing this?

Wang Jinhuan was silent for a long time before answering in a muffled voice: "I never looked down on her. If I looked down on her, I would not have tried so hard to stay with her. If she insisted, I would only be able to Yes, but I will take good care of her and not let anyone take her away from me. "

Yun Chang raised a smile, "If so, why do you care so much? We have just told her that she wants to open a youth building, but she will never be allowed to list, and she should."

"Really?" Wang looked up cheerfully, a light flashed in his eyes.

Yun Chang sipped her tea with a smile: "Since that is the case, I am still waiting to drink the two of you."

Wang Huan was happy, and stood up and walked around the house for a few laps, and then smiled and said, "Since the Crown Prince is so kind to me, I also told the Crown Prince that something is fine."

"Huh?" Yun Chang raised an eyebrow. "What's the matter?"

Wang Jinhuan smiled happily: "When Tong Qian came to investigate the situation in Chunlai Hospital yesterday, I saw the seven kings in Chunlai Hospital, and they were with a few officials of the Central Government and North Korea."

Yun Chang narrowed her eyes, but suddenly she had an idea in her heart, and she raised her eyes and smiled, "Thank you."

After Wang Jinhuan left, Yun Chang raised his head with a smile and looked at Qin Yidao, "You said, what kind of girl would the seven kings like?"

Qin Yi groaned for a while before, "It's probably the kind that is gentle and water-like. Although the Seven Lords looked at the gentle and elegant, with a strong spirit in his bones, he should like the girl who is more meek." Qin Yi smiled, " However, the slaves felt that it would be better to give this question to the young girl. The young girl knew what kind of girl could best capture the thoughts of the seven kings, and she would definitely be able to cultivate such a girl soon. Come."

Yun Sang smiled and nodded, with a bit of sternness in her eyes: "Jian Qiang just said that there was nothing to do, I would tell her to do it."

Luo Qingyan said that he hadn't returned home until dinner time, but sent someone back to say that he was a bit busy, and came back later. Yun Chang ate dinner by herself and accompanied Baoer to play with her in the house together with her paintings and grandma.

Soon after dinner, Qin Yi entered the room and whispered, "The crystal osmanthus cake was delivered to the Seven Kings' Palace. The attendant who delivered things said that he was meeting the Seven Kings when he went. After he explained his intention, Lord Seven personally took the basket and said he would deliver it to Princess Seven. "

Yun Chang narrowed his eyes and smiled, "OK."

In the early morning of the second day, just after having breakfast, Yun Chang heard people coming and said that the Seven Princesses had come.

There was a moment of thought in Yun Chang's eyes, and he nodded, so that the seven princesses were brought over.

When Hua Yutong entered the room, he saw that Yun Chang was holding a rattle to play with Bao Baoer, and he followed him up, walked to Yun Chang and looked at Baoer in the small bed, and said with a smile, "The prince of the county is so cute. "

Yun Shang raised her head with a smile, and handed the rattle to the painting, and said, "Look at your appearance, but you like children, and now the seven kings have returned to Jincheng, so it's better to have one yourself."

The smile on the corner of Hua Yutong's mouth faded: "How can I have that blessing?" He sighed, and then continued, "You know, I'm from Washington, and the Seven Lords are all defenses. I have no chance to connect to the seventh Prince, let alone a child. "

Yun Chang smiled and said, "The Madame Guo Guo mentioned to me a few days ago that Grandpa Guo wanted to quit the old resignation. I discussed with my grandfather. I felt that my grandfather was really young, and it was time to enjoy it. It ’s time to be happy, but also very much support his decision. And this time after the resignation of the Grandpa, not only him, but he also ordered Washington to stop interfering with the affairs of the Central China government. By then, the seven kings will naturally not be embarrassed again. With you. And you are the seven princesses of the eight children, and it is right for the seven kings to have children with you. "

Yun Shang saw a flash of surprise in Hua Yutong's eyes. Hua Yutong's eyes widened and he quickly said: "Why did the Grandpa suddenly decide to resign? Now the family of the Su family is defeated, but the queen of Hua is enjoying her favor, Prince It has just been sealed. It is the time when Washington is most glorious, why is it at this time ... "

Yun Chang smiled lightly and said, "This time, the decline of Su House also gave us a lot of warnings. Su House relied on Su Qi's high weight, but Su Ruji took control of the harem, and she was proud and arrogant. This has caused misfortunes. We in Washington can no longer follow the old path of the Soviet government. Sometimes, it is not a good thing that the river will retreat. "

Hua Yutong still seemed a little unprepared, but he just bit his lip and didn't speak. Yun Chang smiled and said, "This is also a good thing for you. Although Washington is not involved in government affairs, it is also a family of Xia Guo, and I still have Prince Edward. The position of your prince is only to be preserved. And because of Washington ’s retreat, you can have a lot less burden. If you like Lord Seven, you can no longer retreat because of Washington. If you do n’t, you can boldly pursue what you love. ”

Hua Yutong sighed again, but with a bit of sadness in his eyes: "Even if Washington retires, what can happen? Lord Seven Kings and His Royal Highness ..."

Hua Yutong bit his lip and didn't say any more.

After a moment of silence, he whispered again: "I and the Seven Lords have no fate."

Yun Chang smiled, "Since this is the case, if you want to leave in the future, I will help you. By the way, the seventh king has returned to the house for a few days, but I do n’t know what the seventh king did after he returned to the house recently ? "

After hearing the words, Hua Yutong was stunned and silent for a moment before answering softly: "In the last two days, there is nothing unusual about Lord Seven. He has to come back at dinner every day, and stays in the study when he returns."

"This is really strange. I heard the Prince said that recently, the seventh prince was quite quiet, and he respectfully respected the prince every day. He was so quiet when he returned to the house, and he didn't know what to do. "Yun Chang's voice lightened a little, as if muttering to herself. <

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