Eight-year-old Princess: Phoenix Reborn

Chapter 635: Mantis catching cicada cardinals behind

Shallow sound of anxiety, he quickly asked: "Then what should we do now? Only the seventh princess ran out of the Prince's House in tears, I was afraid that I was also instructed by the seventh king. Disadvantage to your highness. Otherwise, you might go and arrest Hua Yutong as a threat, and let her tell the truth. "

Yun Chang shook her head, but her expression calmed down gradually: "Since the Seven Lords wanted to slander the Lord to marry him, he would surely prepare a lot of evidence. Now we do not know what kind of cards he has. We are at a disadvantage. "

"Qin Yi." Yun Chang raised her head and looked at Qin Yi. "His Royal Highness will be on the side. You will enter the palace, and you will be sent to the palace every half hour by letter, and then use it. The carrier pigeon came to Fuzhong. "

"Shallow tone, all the dark piles in the life city are on standby, and if there is any news, they can immediately dispatch."

"Huaer, you sent someone to take a quiet walk to the people who bought today, and said that the seventh princess ran to the Prince's House to cry for me and said that the seventh king lingered in the place of fireworks, but never spent the night in her room."

Yun Chang ordered in an orderly manner, all three responded, and all of them exited the door and went to their own arrangements. Yun Sang was sitting in the room, her hand gently looking at the soft edge, her brows frowning.

She does n’t know what kind of evidence Xia Houjing can come up with now, but she has to guarantee that when Xia Houjing comes up with the evidence, she will be one step ahead, find the evidence before Xia Huanyu, and point that evidence to all Change it.

This time, it's not wisdom but speed. With so many hidden stakes in Jincheng, she could finally come in handy.

While waiting, time flies slowly. Yun Sang was awkward, so she looked for a book. Soon after, Qin Yi took a bamboo tube and came in.

Yun Chang's eyes brightened, and he took the bamboo tube to open it, but found that it was not Wang Xizhi's letter, but Luo Qingyan's handwriting.

The letter was afraid of being written in a hurry, and the handwriting was a little scribbled, with only two short lines of words. "All the evidence points to Xia Houjing. This is a fraud. I sent Rocky back to the house. You can dispatch all the dark guards through him. What you use. "

Yun Chang stood up sharply, and she was exactly the same as she had guessed. This time, Xia Houjing wanted to slap the black pot of brothers on Luo Qingyan's head.

No wonder he was so respectful and respectful of Luo Qingyan the other day. He wanted to make the illusion of brothers, friends, and respect, just for today's appearance.

Yun Chang rubbed the note into a ball, with a bit of indifference in his expression. This time, although he got entangled in Luo Qingyan, he ignored her, and she would certainly not let him be happy.

Qin Yi delivered the letter to Yun Sang, and then hurried out again.

Qian Yin and Hua Er also returned to the house one after another. "Prince, everything has been arranged properly."

Ning Qian also Shi Shiran came in behind Qian Yin and Huaer, with a look of good drama on his face: "There is such a big show to see, why didn't the master send me a notice?"

"And me, and me." Wang Jinhuan came in from the door with some gasping breaths. "My light work is good, the news or something must be faster than those little pigeons."

Yun Chang raised her head and looked at the people in the house, and a warm current surged in her heart, "Well, you are all there, what am I afraid of?"

As he was speaking, Qin Yi hurried up again, holding a letter in his hand, followed by a man dressed as a dark guard: "Welcome to the Crown Prince, his lodge, and His Royal Highness to all who are waiting for her. Ordered. "

Yun Sang nodded, reached out to take the letter, opened it, and looked at him, his face stunned: "The first piece of evidence pointing to Lord Seven is the poison in the two adults, the poison of the kiss. The Ministry of Criminal Affairs Interrogated all the pharmacies in the city. In the past two months, only two pharmacies have been sold for hook kisses. They are Huichuntang, Baicaotang, and the people who bought them are all from the Seven Kings ’House."

Ning Qian heard his words and frowned. "Before the day before, I met the Seven Lords in Chunlai Hospital. He was talking to two middle-aged people at the time. I kept a mind at that time. People have investigated the identity of the two middle-aged people. They are the shopkeepers in Huichuntang and Baicaotang. At that time, I was still wondering why the seven kings were with the pharmacy owner. Such a coincidence may be a mystery. "

Yun Chang nodded, and his head turned quickly.

"If Xia Houjing wanted to marry his Royal Highness, Tai Ban asked the two shopkeepers to be brought into the palace, and he would make a confession on the court before the court. The biggest possibility is to say that they The confession of the time, that the seven kings bought the kiss, was told by His Royal Highness. "

When Qian Yin heard that, his complexion was not good. "The Seven Kings really were a fox, and he was afraid that he knew us very well, and none of the pharmacies he chose were our pharmacies."

Yun Chang nodded. "That's it."

"Then how can we break his bureau?" Wang Jinhuan asked quickly.

Yun Chang thought for a while, she didn't know for a while what the seven kings had discussed with the two shopkeepers, what kind of benefits they gave them, and now there is not enough time to investigate, let alone the right remedy.

Yun Shang bit her lip and walked back and forth twice in the room, her eyes fell on Ning Qian, and then she suddenly lit up: "Ning Qian wants to encroach on that spring coming to the hospital. Familiar with?"

Ning Qian nodded his head: "I spent most of the past two days in Chunlai Hospital. I just wanted to see their current model, daily visitor numbers, etc. One or two, they were all more familiar."

Yun Chang bowed his head: "It's easy to do. You and Wang Wanghuan will go to Chunlai Hospital. On that day, Lord Seven will be in Chunlai Hospital. It's certainly not just you who saw it. You take two people who can prove it. I took them to the entrance of Huichuntang or Baicaotang, whichever one is closer, and most of them will be Li Qianmo. When you see him, you will talk to him quietly and let him know The two people in Chunlai Hospital were brought back to the palace together. If the two drugstore dispensers withdrew their confession, they were asked to testify. They said that they had seen the Seven Lords and the two treasurers in a secret discussion in Chunlai Hospital. They will withdraw their confession then. "

As soon as Ning Qian's eyes lightened, he nodded quickly, and quickly got out of the room. Seeing this with delight, Wang said quickly: "Sam, wait for me." Then he chased out quickly.

Although Ning Qian had already done everything with Wang to deal with the first clue, Yun Shang didn't want to wait for the second evidence to come out before trying to counteract it, and raised his head to the lodge: "Since the evidence points to the Seven Kings, Surely someone will be sent to search the Seven Kings Palace. Among our secret guards, can some experts go in and out of the Seven Kings Palace silently? "

Rocky nodded: "The place where the Seven Kings Palace is now well guarded is only near the seven kings' study. The other places are weaker, but now it is a hundred days, and there are not many people who can break in, at most two or three. Just people. "

"Two or three people are enough." Yun Chang whispered softly.

Then he quickly walked to the bookshelf, downed a booklet, opened it and found two pages torn off, took another book, and tore off one page, and handed that book together with three pages of paper. Rocky.

Rocky took it over and looked at the three pages of paper in his hands, a little dazed: "This is ... the two adults' information? Also, the book about the introduction of herbs and kisses and the introduction of herbs?"

Yun Chang nodded: "Before I came to Xia Kingdom, I had Ning Qian collected the information of all the officials in the DPRK. You let people sneak into the House of the Seven Kings, find the yard of the Seven Princesses, and dig a hole in these three pages. Bury it so that people can see that the soil there has been passive, but it should not be too conspicuous. Then, place this book on the shelf in the Seven Princesses House. "

Although Rocky did not know why Yun Chang wanted him to do so, he responded quickly, whistled, and saw two dark guards coming in from the open window. Rocky passed the things in his hand: "Just do what the princess ordered."

The two responded, and quickly jumped out of the room after taking over the things.

Yun Chang frowned and said, "They're waiting in Nanyuan?"

Rocky nodded and responded softly: "His Highness left all of the most powerful dark guards in Nanyuan, and his subordinates' martial arts were regarded as medium among the brothers, and were brought by His Highness."

Yun Chang was silent, her heart seemed to be grasped severely, and there was a slight pain, but more, but she was moved.

A short while later, the second piece of evidence came over.

"It was also the day before yesterday, before the gates were locked, the gate guards saw that the car of the Seven Kings Palace had once left the city. Later, not far from where the body of Qin Tianjian was found in the dense forest outside the city, the mark of the wheel was found. The pattern left by that wheel is a unicorn totem that can only be used by royalty. "

After listening to Qin Yiyun, Yun Sang sneered: "If it wasn't Xia Houjing's scheme, I would have doubted his IQ. If I was carrying a corpse, I would still use the carriage in the Seven Kings' Palace. Can't you find it yourself? "

"The traces here are a little too heavy, but how can this matter be done to His Royal Highness? After all, the cars in the Seven Kings' Palace at that time." Qian Yin said softly.

Yun Chang frowned for a long time before she said, "You feel, if you marry your Highness, what will the seven kings do?"

Qin Yi thought for a while and thought, "Thai Ban is making a fuss with what the prince concubine just said. If the Lord of the Seven Kings instructs someone to kill someone, he will certainly not use the carriage of the King of the Seven Kings to transport it. Someone deliberately used the carriage as a reason to plant misfortune for him. "<

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