Yun Chang nodded: "The carriage is one, but Xia Houjing just shouting injustice is useless. After all, the guard sees the carriage of the seven kings, not our Prince's House. Even if it is overthrown, There must be real evidence. The princess prince's carriage, the pattern on the badger are all different, and they are all made in the city's imperial merchants and Jintai dealers. "

"The Seven Lords wanted to make a confession on the carriage, mostly from two aspects. One was to testify from the shopkeeper of Jintai Motorsport Company, saying that the Prince had ordered him to make a carriage with a pattern in the Seven Kings Palace. Yes, leaving evidence on the carriage identifying His Royal Highness, we have to start with these two things. "Yun Chang whispered softly.

As soon as Yun Chang's voice fell, Qian Yin opened her mouth. "Jintai Auto Dealer has some business dealings with us. Some of the secret piles we have installed were also in Jintai Auto Dealership. I wonder if it can be used."

Yun Chang smiled: "It's useful, I still have the old saying, we don't have time to know who the seven kings are connected to, and we don't know what the seven kings promised. Now we can only solve it simply and rudely. Question, ask our hidden stakes. Can the people in the Seven Kings Mansion have been in contact with the people in the car dealership. If so, they will tie the person directly. If not, they will directly tie the shopkeeper. When Rongcheng looked like that, when the officers and soldiers came to take him away, he died in the palace and only the people in the Seven Kings Mansion had ordered him to be the carriage in the Seven Kings Mansion. "

Qian Yin answered, and Yun Chang said, "As for the seven kings who left something on the carriage, it would be troublesome for Rocky to order people to go to the place where the carriage was placed in the seven kings' palaces."

Rocky also responded, and each took the task to instruct others to do it.

Yun Sang went on to say: "In addition to the carriage, there is a second possibility, which is the gate guard. The gate guard just saw the carriage, but it can also be said that the person who ran on the carriage was not the one of the Seven Kings Palace. People, but more like people in Prince's House. "

"There are only two or three horsemen in the two provinces. They often go in and out of the city gates. The gate guards are very familiar. If the guards say that the Prince's Palace is in a hurry, then we will not be able to jump into the Yellow River. "Yun Chang whispered softly.

This can make everyone embarrassed. "But there are so many gate guards, and the palace's rumors did not say, which one is the guard who identified the carriage in the Seven Kings Mansion? This is no different than a haystack."

Yun Chang nodded, but also a bit sad.

Walking back and forth in the house for several laps was also fruitless.

But I heard Qin Yi whispered softly: "If the gate guard said that the carriage was driven by our coachman, the palace will send someone to our palace to bring the coachman to the palace for questioning ..."

Yun Chang heard the words, and her eyes lit up sharply: "Qin Yi said that it was a breakthrough. Now almost all the coachmen in the house are dark guards. Qin Yi tells you if someone brings them into the palace and identifies them. Any one of them said that the seven kings bought him, and ordered him to drive out of the city in a carriage. You bring some cash, so that no one of them hides five hundred and twenty silver in a hidden place. , Then the seven kings gave them two silver. "

Yun Sang was silent for a while, bit her lip, and went into the palace today to identify these dark guards of the seventh prince, afraid that she would never return.

Qin responded and went downstairs. Yun Sang sat down slowly, looking deeply tired. She laid out counter-attack strategies one by one, but did not know if it would work.

Even in this calm house, Yun Chang can imagine how intense and volatile the Tai Chi Temple will be.

The news that came next was all expected by Yun Chang. First, Xia Huanyu ordered people to bring the coachmen in the palace into the palace for interrogation.

Then he sent someone to search the Seven Palaces. Yun Chang had already set it up, but there was no panic.

After a while, the dark guard came to report the news, and everything they set was taken away.

Yun Chang ticked the corners of her lips, with a smile of indifference on the corners of her mouth.

Another hour later, the palace suddenly heard the news, saying that His Majesty ordered the Crown Prince to enter the palace.

The people in the room were suddenly stunned, and Qin Yi was also a bit surprised. "There was no news from the palace. Why did you suddenly order the princess to enter the palace?"

In Yun Chang's eyes, there was a clear faction, "Wang Xizhi's frequent access to the temple was not convenient, and she felt that the news that was not particularly important was not transmitted. And I also generally know why Her Majesty passed me into the palace."

"Why?" Everyone looked at Yun Chang with a little doubt.

Yun Sang smiled, but it looked like he was not in a hurry. "Go and tell the person who is in the palace, and say I will change clothes and come, Qin Yi, come over and help me change my clothes. . "

Qin Yi responded and took a lilac dress for Yun Sang. Yun Sang sat in front of the bronze mirror and let Qin Yi break up her hair before slowly saying, "Your Majesty declares me to be in the palace Mostly because Hua Yutong shot. "

Yun Chang smiled with a bit of contemplation, and for a long while, she said with a little stunnedness: "After all, she still stood plainly against our opposite."

"I think, most of all, she said that when I was chatting with her, I was quite dissatisfied with Lord Seven and faintly wanted to get rid of Lord Seven. Hua Yutong and I have always been good friends, many people are You know, and Hua Yutong is a person from Washington, and often comes to Prince Edward's palace, and everyone will believe her. "Yun Chang looked at the picturesque woman in the mirror, her eyes lightened a little.

"How can Princess Seven do this? Prince Fei was still thinking about her ..." With a little anger in Qian Yin's eyes, Yun Chang saw her eyes in the bronze mirror, but she wanted to kill Hua. Yu Tong looks like.

Yun Chang laughed: "Everything is for her?" Yun Chang shook her head. "I just want to stand for my position. I just want to win over her to do things for me. Of course, she has a good temper. But because of that interest, we were able to come together. "

"But now that she has chosen the Seven Lords, she has betrayed me so much that I will no longer show mercy. I admire her somewhat. Sometimes, women dare to give up for love more than we think. Many. Hua Yutong stepped forward and gave up like her relatives and friends. I do n’t want to evaluate her for doing this right or not, it ’s worth it. I only know that I ’ll never be with her again. People on the same road. "

Qin Yi slid her hair skillfully, and nodded his head: "It's not the same thing if the path is different."

After Yun Shang finished her dressing, she slowly stood up and instructed: "Ning Qian should be back soon. If something else happens later, let Ning Qian make a decision. You all follow her arrangements. Painting Let me go to the palace with me ... "

The painting was a little flattered when she heard the words, and she quickly responded, walking up to Yun Chang's side, raising her hand, and Yun Chang slowly walked out of the house and walked towards the door.

The coachmen were brought into the palace, and Yun Chang had to order a dark guard to drive the carriage.

After entering the palace, the palace man who passed on the message took Yun Chang to the gate of Taiji Temple and stopped. The housekeeper at the door saw Yun Chang, and quickly saluted, and sang, "The princess is here."

"Transfer ..." After a while, the response came from the temple. The housekeeper bent down and said quietly, "Prince, your Majesty is affectionate."

Yun Sang smiled slightly, and instructed the painting to wait at the gate of the palace, and then slowly dragged the long skirt into the Tai Chi Hall. The Tai Chi Hall stood with Baiguan on both sides, and the seven kings and Hua Yutong kneeled in the hall. The middle position. Luo Qingyan stood at the forefront of the official on the right, and fixedly looked at Yun Chang.

Yun Sang didn't squint, her smile was shallow, and she knelt down two steps in front of Hua Yutong: "Children and lords meet Your Majesty, Your Majesty Wan'an."

Xia Huanyu's voice was still soft: "Prince concubine flattened."

Yun Chang stood up, glanced around the temple, and laughed again.

Xia Huanyu raised an eyebrow and looked at Yun Chang: "Why is the princess smiling?"

Yun Chang quickly salutes again: "The son-in-law was just thinking that when he was in the house, he only said that His Majesty summoned him when he came to the Fuchu. He did not say that it was in this Taiji Hall, and there were so many civil and military officials. I knew Then the son-in-law wore a Korean suit. Now that it is here, it seems a little less serious. "

Xia Huanyu's eyes flashed slightly before he smiled and said, "No problem."

Yun Chang quickly said: "I don't know what your Majesty called his children and ministers?"

Xia Huanyu finally got to the topic: "A murder case occurred in the city yesterday, can the Crown Prince know?"

Yun Chang smiled lightly and nodded softly: "I heard it yesterday, but I didn't pay special attention to it, I don't know who the deceased was. Today, the seven princesses came to the house, and the sons and daughters knew that it was actually Qian and Wei.

"Then you know who the killer is?" Xia Huanyu said again.

When Yun Chang noticed that many eyes fell on her, Yun Chang lowered her head and said, "The seven princesses came to the house to cry, saying that all the evidence found pointed to the seventh king, and a guard brought him in. The palace said that His Majesty wanted a court hearing. However, the truth has not yet been found out, and the true murderer is unknown.

Before Xia Huanyu spoke, one of the ministers on the side said, "This case is strange. Most people deliberately marry the seven kings. Just before the seventh princess said that when she was chatting with you, you seemed to be talking to seven Prince Wang is quite dissatisfied. I don't know about this, but the Crown Prince directed someone to marry the Seven Princes?

When Yun Chang heard the words, he couldn't help laughing: "This adult said that this is really the funniest joke that this concubine has heard this year."

The official heard Yun Chang saying something like that, his face was a little bad: "What does the princess mean?"

Yun Chang stopped laughing, raised her eyes and looked at the official: "This concubine really has a lot of dissatisfaction with Lord Seven, but adults only know it, and they don't know why ..." <

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