Eight-year-old Princess: Phoenix Reborn

Chapter 639: Secrets in handwriting

Wang Yizhi turned and glared at Wang Yuanjun before he looked calmly: "There is some speculation in Wei Chen's heart, but he just needs to look at the booklet that Wang Shangshu presented at the beginning ..."

Xia Huanyu nodded and handed the discount to Liu Wen'an. Liu Wen'an walked down and handed it to Wang Xizhi. Wang Xizhi opened it and looked at it for a while, and remained silent for a long time, until Wang Yuanjun was a little impatient, and then he opened his mouth lightly: "Wei Chen said that he had never seen these two memorials, and there was a reason for that. Some confirmations were made, but Wang Shangshu still needed to answer a few questions. "

"Let's talk." Xia Huanyu said lightly.

Wang Jizhi responded quickly, "I wonder if Wang Shangshu can give an answer?"

Wang Yuanjun's eyes flashed anxiety quickly, and he waved impatiently: "Ask and ask, if I know something, I will tell you naturally."

Wang Xizhi nodded with a smile: "Fang Cai Wang Shangshu said that it was Mrs. Wei who told Wang Shangshu that previously Wang Shangshu had written two memorials of the same content and presented it to Her Majesty, but His Majesty never approved it."

Wang Yuanjun was a little confused, so he nodded softly, "Yes."

Wang Xizhi also nodded, "Well, can Mrs. Wei have said, when were these two passbooks presented? If Wang Shangshu forgot to ask this question, it doesn't matter, and introduced Mrs. Wei into the palace. Just ask the last question. "

"Mrs. Wei said that it was before the full moon feast of Prince Xiaojun." Wang Yuanjun answered with a frown.

Yun Chang raised a corner of his mouth and laughed, his eyes fell on Wang Xizhi's body, but Wang Xizhi also laughed.

"Okay." After Wang Yizhi said it, he salutes Xia Huanyu. "The rest of the questions don't have to be asked by Weichen. Weichen already has the answer."

"Oh? Come and listen." Xia Huanyu moved a little forward and sat up straight.

Wang Xizhi whispered: "Just like the question of the Princess Fei Cai said that the letter was said to be the Prince's handwriting, the problems of these three memorials are also on this handwriting."

"The Minister of North Korea and China loves calligraphy a lot, and there are a lot of people who love calligraphy and painting. It should also be known that the longer the time is, the weaker the writing will be. Many collectors of calligraphy and painting like that old ink. However, Wei Chen has been this female officer for so long, but she also found that there are two adults in the DPRK that are somewhat different from everyone's preferences. That is, Master Qin Tianjian Wei and Hanlin Academy Fellow Meng. The inks they like to use are both Huaian ink. What are the characteristics of Huaian ink? Presumably most people know it. "

Wang Xizhi's complexion was indifferent: "When the Huaian ink was just written, it would look slightly lighter, but the older it was, the more it looked like new ink, and the edges of the characters would have a black stroke slightly darker than other places. The longer the day, the darker the black stroke. "

"Master Wei presented two memorials and wrote the third one. Logically speaking, it should be that one memorial is not approved before it will be resubmitted. The government is busy, and His Majesty generally approves the cycle of a memorial. It is five days. That is to say, the third memorial should be at least ten days later than the first memorial. However, the ink on the three memorials is exactly the same. To five days. "

Wang Yanzhi raised his eyes and looked at an officer standing about 50 or 60 years old standing in the ranks of Baiguan on the left: "Mr. Meng, come and see, as I said?"

The man lowered his head and did not hear Xia Huanyu's voice, so he responded and walked to the side of Wang Xi, took the three memorials to see, "The king's official said that these three passages are extremely, I ca n’t say it ’s five days, I ’m afraid that there are n’t even three days. ”

Wang Yanzhi heard a faint smile on his face, thinking that it was because the suspicion was finally eluted, and his heart was happy.

Wang Xunzhi knelt down on the ground suddenly and exclaimed: "Your Majesty, some people intended to plant loot and frame Wei Chen, and also forged a fake letter, intending to stigmatize His Royal Highness, asking His Majesty to find out about this matter, and to clear up the government and to correct Chao Gang, so as not to be deceived by treacherous villains. "

The corner of Yun Chang's mouth slightly tilted. Wang Xizhi knew that if Xia Huanyu was the master of her, the weight would be inadequate, and he deliberately pulled Luo Qingyan. After all, slandering His Royal Highness is more serious than the crime of framing a female officer.

No wonder Wang Xizhi was able to stand out from so many people in the harem and win the position of this female officer. This clever and calm appearance, among the people under her, was afraid that only Ning Qian could do it.

Xia Huanyu nodded, "Li Qianmo obeys."

Li Qianmo heard the words, and quickly responded, and came out of the crowd.

Xia Huanyu chanted: "The matter will be left to you to investigate, and within three days you will find out the true murderer who framed His Royal Highness Prince and Wang Xizhi."

Li Qianmo quickly took the will.

Yun Chang saw Wang Yuanjun's face a bit ugly, not to mention that he had vowed to identify Wang Xizhi, and promised that if he was found to be vilifying Wang Xizhi, he would be punished with the crime of accomplice. That is to say, Xia Huanyu just ordered Li Qianmo, who is the servant of the Ministry of Criminal Affairs, to investigate the matter, but he did not do it as the Shang Shushu, and he has already expressed his attitude.

It's no wonder that Wang Yuanjun's sweat faintly appeared on his forehead. He even felt a bit unstable when he was kneeling.

After Xia Huanyu's order was over, there was a little impatience on his face, and he looked up and looked at Wang Yuanjun: "Wang Yuanjun is afraid that he is really old enough, and even if the matter is not found out, he screams. Hudi ran to the Taiji Temple to toss, and the widow looked at your poor health, so he didn't have to face up. "

Wang Yuanjun's body was weak, and the sweat on his forehead fell down, "Weichen led the order."

Xia Huanyu then looked to Xia Houjing again, "What happened to the Seven Kings and the King of the Seven Kings?"

Xia Houjing smiled, with a bit of bitterness on his face: "The sons and daughters let the emperor handle it."

"The only widowed person then said that the prince broke the law and committed the same crime with the people, and he was thrown into the prison, and asked to be cut off after ten days." Xia Huanyu stood up, looking slightly tired: "Retreat."

Liu Wen'an quickly sang: "His Majesty retreated."

He quickly helped Xia Huanyu to enter the side hall, and Wang Xizhi also bowed his head and followed Liu Wenan and entered the side hall.

Yun Chang slowly stood upright, walked to Luo Qingyan, raised her head with a smile, "You can worry about the body being broken."

Luo Qingyan reached out and knocked on Yun Forehead's forehead, and smiled, "Madam hard." He reached out and held Yun Shang's hand, and turned to leave Tai Chi Temple.

After Xia Houjing's side, Xia Houjing's voice came with a bit of gloom, and came from beside Yun Chang: "I have some regrets, and I couldn't marry you. If I marry you, I'm afraid this will soon mine."

Both Yun Chang and Luo Qingyan heard these words. Yun Chang turned his head with a smile, and the smile on the corner of his mouth was a bit cold: "No, Lord Seven, your biggest mistake is to choose to be against your Highness."

If Luo Qingyan started to Xia Kingdom, Xia Houjing would be able to recognize the situation and join Luo Qingyan's camp. Luo Qingyan is not a person who can not tolerate people, even if one day he becomes the emperor, Xia Houjing will be It is not difficult for the rich and laid-back prince to be idle. But he just wants to argue with Luo lightly ...

Even if she had the ability to reach the sky, Luo Ning Yunshang couldn't compare with Luo Qingyan. Xia Houjing just never met her at the beginning. What she wants to do is to constantly strengthen herself, strong enough to stand side by side with Luo.

Yun Sang turned her head to look at Hua Yutong. Hua Yutong's face was also pale. Xu Shi hadn't recovered from the loss of chastity caused by the old man's body examination, and then heard that Xia Houjing was beaten into the sky. The news was a bit desperate in the eyes.

Yun Chang slowly opened her eyes. She could not deny that she was still soft-hearted towards Hua Yutong, but she also understood that if she was soft-hearted, Hua Yutong would surely continue to be used by Xia Houjing, and she would never be able to leave Xiahou at that time. Jing's palm is up.

Yun Chang and Luo whispered out of the palace, got on the carriage, and went straight to Prince's House.

Back to Nanyuan, Ning Qian, Qian Yin, Qin Yi and they all stayed in front of the small building in Nan Yuan. Qin Yi held Baoer in his arms and looked at Yun Sang and Luo Qingyan with a smile.

Yun Chang couldn't help raising a big smile, ran quickly, held Bao'er in his arms, and sighed softly: "It's a victory."

Qinyi had received the biography of the flying pigeons in the palace, and laughed, "The prince concubine is humble, but the slave-in-law heard it. Her Majesty personally made a decision to put the seventh king into the prison, and it will be ten days later. Asked, how could this be a victory? "

Yun Chang's smile faded a bit: "By the count, the two lives of Qin Tianjian and Hube Shangshu, it is right to cut down the seven kings, but it is so rushed by Her Majesty this time, but it makes people feel He was protecting Her Royal Highness for the Queen Queen. "

Luo smiled softly and said, "No matter what the reason is, it will be fine if the goal is achieved."

Qian Yin also smiled and said, "Your Highness is right. Tonight, we have to sing a song about wine and celebrate it."

Laughter all over the yard.

Qin Yi also said with a smile: "The slaves felt that if they celebrated, they should call Wang Xizhi out of the palace, but the slaves heard it. This time, Wang Xizhi is a hero."

Yun Sang said with a smile: "How can I be so proud that I don't know how many people are staring at us now. We have to be more careful. I have to be caught by someone."

"Yes." The crowd laughed.

Yun Chang went back to the room with Luo Qingyan, listening to the laughter coming downstairs, Yun Shang put the asleep Bao Bao on his crib, and shook it gently before raising his eyes to look Xiang Luo whispered, but saw Luo Qingyan standing by the window, seemingly thoughtful. <

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