Yun Sang stood up with a smile, walked to Luo Qingyan, and looked out. In the lake outside, the lotus and lotus have withered, and even the lotus leaves have withered. Yun Sang did not see anything special. Then he turned around and looked at Luo Qing and said, "What is the Lord thinking?"

Luo Qingyan reached out and embraced Yun Chang's shoulder, and said softly, "Shang Er feels, this time, can Xia Houjing be removed?"

Yun Sang was silent for a long while before shaking her head gently: "I always felt that people like Xia Houjing could not have no rear move. He was smart in everything, how could this be so easy?"

Luo Qingwen heard the words, and then laughed: "Fortunately, my **** is as shrewd as ever, not dazzled by this temporary victory."

Yun Chang reached out and stunned Luo Luo, whispering the flesh around his waist, and then whispered, "What is His Highness going to do?"

Luo Qingyan stood quietly for a long time before he said, "I saw the bankers in Liucang, Nanyang, and Siyang a few days ago. They all said that there was almost no rain this summer."

"Huh?" Yun Chang was somewhat inexplicable. I wondered why Luo Qingyan said this thing suddenly. He was still talking about Xia Houjing. Is there any connection between these two things? Liu Cang, Nanyang, Siyang? Yun Chang secretly thought about the map of Xia Kingdom in his heart. These three cities are adjacent to Ning Kingdom and not far from Kangyang.

Luo Qingyan saw the confusion in Yun Chang's eyes and laughed, "I want to use this to force him."

Forcing Xia Houjing? How to force?

Yun Shang was a little confused, but Luo Qingyan looked like he didn't intend to explain. He smiled and lowered his head and kissed Yun Shang's forehead.

Yun Chang wanted to ask again, but heard Baoer's cry came.

Yun Chang secretly made a terrible noise, quickly ran to Bao'er's bed, reached out and touched the diaper under Bao'er, and it was really wet.

Yun Shang held Bao'er, turned around and saw Luo Qingyan's eyes fall on Bao'er, with a look that Yun Chang didn't understand: "What's wrong with him?"

Yun Chang rarely heard him ask Baoer, and smiled, "Nothing, just pee."

Luo Qingyan's eyes fell on Bao'er's face, he was silent for a long time, then moved away again.

Qin Yi and the grandmother seemed to hear Baoer's cry, and hurried up, seeing Yun Sang holding Baoer, Qin Yi quickly asked: "Prince Princess, Lord Xiaojun, did you pee?"

Yun Chang nodded and handed Baoer to the grandmother: "Take it and change the diaper."

The grandmother responded quickly, holding Baoer out of the house and going downstairs.

Luo Qingyan's eyes looked at the grandmother, and she was silent for a long while before she said: "This grandmother looked good, but only after the business gradually grew, she had to learn to crawl and learn to walk. Although Zheng Qiming is now in our house, Zheng Qiming is not always with the industry. It is better to find a woman who has some medical skills to take care of the industry in order to prevent any accidents. If medical poisoning is studied, People are the best. "

When Yun Chang rarely heard Luo Qingyan caring about Baoer so much, he blinked and said with a smile: "His Royal Highness, he is his body."

Luo Qingyan heard the words, then laughed, and reached out and knocked Yun Chang's forehead: "You're not ashamed, but you can't always follow the industry side, you have to stay with me."

Yun Chang giggled when he heard the words, learning what Luo Qingyan was like, picking up his toes and knocking Luo Qingyan's forehead: "Your Highness, you are not ashamed ..."

Luo Qingyan fixed his eyes on Yun Chang, his eyes were full of softness. Rao was thick-skinned, and she couldn't help it, so she spit out her tongue and said, "Uncle Huang will look at me like this again, and he can't hold it anymore."

Luo Qingyan leaned down and hugged Yun Shang, walked to the couch in three or two steps, placed Yun Shang on the couch, leaned over and took a deep breath: "Well, if you treat me If you have any other ideas, you don't need to control them. "

Yun Chang heard the words, his face flushed with redness, and he bitten Luo Qingyan swiftly, snorting: "Uncle Huang is talking nonsense, I don't think of you in any way."

Luo Qingyan didn't want to be entangled in these four words, only smiled and said, "Well, I have a disagreement with you." Then he bowed and kissed Yun Chang's eyes.

Yun Chang just felt like a small flame was burning in his heart, and his body was a bit hot.

Luo Qingyan's hands had already untied Yun Shang's belt and slid into the clothes. Yun Chang's body was stretched. Luo Qingyan's eyes were a bit unbearable. When I was wearing a dress, I heard the voice of a painting coming from outside: "Prince Qilu, Madam Guo is here."

Yun Chang heard the words, and the cluster of small flames that had just ignited in his eyes disappeared instantly, and quickly pushed Tyre to whisper: "His Royal Highness, my grandmother is here."

Luo Qingyan felt a little angry in his eyes and snorted, but did not move.

Luo Qing could not stand up, and Yun Chang couldn't stand up. Yun Chang bit her lip, and then pulled La Luo's soft arm: "His Royal Highness ..."

Luo Qingyan bowed his head and looked at Yun Sang, without concealing his discomfort.

Yun Chang sighed and had to whisper softly: "His Royal Highness, let me get up, and tonight, let His Royal Highness take care of it."

Luo lightly raised an eyebrow. "But did you say that?"

Seeing him like this, Yun Chang felt helpless, and responded quickly: "Yes, he said it with his own body.

Luo Qingyan then laughed, slowly stood up, with a little expectation in his eyes: "Then I look forward to the performance of the concubine."

Yun Sang got up quickly, quickly adjusted her clothes, and went to the bronze mirror to check her own bun. Fortunately, the bun was never scattered, but it was still able to meet people.

Yun Chang confirmed again and again before coming downstairs.

The lady-in-law was already waiting downstairs, holding Baoer who had just changed her diaper in her arms, and her face was full of smiles: "I heard that Baoer was wetting the bed.

Bao'er didn't understand, he just smiled and wanted to grab the grandmother's hair.

The grandmother hurriedly said, "Master Xiaojun, don't grab slave's hair. You haven't put on shoes yet, slaves will wear them for you."

Bao'er didn't comply, so he reached for it.

Yun Chang looked at it with a smile, walked to the Madame Guo Guo and sat down. The Madam Guo saw Yun Chang, turned and smiled, and said, "I have heard about Yutong ..."

Only when Yun Chang heard the picture that the granddaughter was here, she already knew that the granddaughter had come for this matter, and she felt a little helpless: "I still underestimated the seven kings ..."

On the face of the Madame Guo, she always calmed down: "The road was chosen by her, and she is not too small, and she should bear the consequences. We mistrusted her, but now that she has stood by the seven kings, you will There is no need to leave anyone with any feelings. "

The words of Madam Guo Guo were very similar to Yun Chang's thoughts. Yun Chang smiled and said, "Yu Tong was only fascinated by Xia Houjing for a while. For so long as a couple, Xia Houjing never touched her, so This shows that Xia Houjing had never had Yutong in his heart. Yutong is not stupid, and he will want to understand it later. "

The grandfather heard that Yun Shangshang had sympathy for Hua Yutong, she reached out and grabbed Yun Shang's hand, lowered her voice and said, "Since you have someone check her body today, such a shame, she only I'm afraid I will hate my whole life. Don't you think about her again, otherwise she will bite back later and regret it too late. "

Yun Chang thought about it, Fang nodded and answered.

Guo Gongfu's talent also said: "Your Majesty really want to cut the Seventh Lord?"

"The intention is this, but my grandmother has been in Jincheng for so many years, and naturally knows that if you really want to get rid of Xia Houjing, I'm afraid of difficulty." Yun Chang answered softly.

The Lady Guo Guo nodded her head slightly, sighed, and said nothing for a while.

After a long time, Guo Gongfu talentedly gathered next to Yun Chang and whispered: "I have nothing to do with the seven kings. In today's situation, the old man has resigned, and we have no use holding these things ... "

Guo Gong's wife gathered next to Yun Chang and whispered a few words, and Yun Shang's eyes were a little stunned, and she nodded slightly, "I see."

The Madame Guo sat for a while before leaving.

Yun Sang hugged Bao'er and sat in the room with her mouth slightly tilted, as if there was something happy.

For a long time, Yun Chang raised her eyes to Qin Yi, and smiled and instructed: "Qin Yi, go to the storeroom to find some new and interesting accessories to prepare. Minger will come with me to the Seven Kings House. Now the Seven Kings After entering the prison, I and the seven princesses have always sympathized with the sisters, and they should be comforted by reason. "

Qin Yi heard the words, and suddenly stared, "Going to the Seven Kings' Palace? Looking for the Seven Princesses? The prince is not just with the Seven Princesses ..." Qin Yi paused, and then continued, "Is it broken?"

Yun Chang touched Baoer's tender little hand and said with a smile: "When did I say that I broke up with the Seven Princesses?" Yun Chang said, trying to hold Baoer upstairs, but saw that the picture was taken again A woman in a cape came in.

Yun Chang's eyes fell on the woman, with an unbelievable look on her face: "Wang Xizhi?"

The woman took the cape off, revealing her face covered under the cape, but it was Wang Xizhi.

Yun Chang frowned, "Now that this matter has just passed, why did you come to Prince Edward?"

Wang Xizhi smiled and responded softly: "The Princess is assured that today, Her Majesty must have known that the slave is the Princess, and then she went to the side hall and asked her. His Majesty's expression, he knew that he already knew it, and he simply put it out.

"Oh?" Yun Chang raised an eyebrow. "Your Majesty asked you to come?"

Wang Xizhi nodded his head and smiled brightly: "His Majesty said that he would let the slaves come to invite the prince and the prince to take the prince Xiaojun to the palace together, and have a dinner in Weiyang Palace tonight.

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