Eight-year-old Princess: Phoenix Reborn

Chapter 641: Father-son game

For dinner? Yun Chang raised her eyes and looked at the painting, and said softly, "Prince Prince has gone to the study, please invite Prince Edward."

When the picture was answered, he went out of the hall to the study. Qian Yin is a self-familiar. It is very curious to see this strange woman who helped Yun Shang bring down the Seven Lords in the legend. He rushed up and said, "I was always curious when I heard people talking about what happened in Tai Chi Hall. How did you find out that the three memorials were wrong? I always felt that this was the only thing for Princess Concubine and Boss. Insight. "

Wang Bizhi bent his corner of the mouth and said softly, "You are not wrong at all, you should ask the princess. I only had to remind the princess to pay attention to the handwriting on the three memorials. Yes, if it wasn't for the Princess, I would have been very disturbed at the time. "

"But wasn't everyone above the main hall at that time? The seventh prince was also there, and His Majesty was there, so many people were there, how could the Crown Prince remind you?" Qian Yin's eyes widened.

Seeing her like this, Wang Yezhi also felt a bit funny, and laughed: "Sometimes the reminder does not have to be loud. I found it with the other two memorials. There is still a letter. Wang Shangshu slandered that the letter was written to me by the Prince. After receiving the letter, the concubine kept looking for errors on the handwriting. However, I felt that the concubine was as familiar with His Royal Highness. To find some mistakes in my heart, I should It's very easy. The handwriting alone seems to be too weak, and it seems to have no confidence. "

"I saw the princess taking a special look at me, and guessed that the princess must be reminding me. When I heard her keep mentioning the handwriting, I tried to find the mistakes and omissions of the three memorials from the handwriting, and it really made me look for flaws. "Wang Xizhi smiled and looked at Yun Chang.

With shallow admiration in Qian Yin's eyes, he blinked and turned to Yun Chang: "Is it really like the lady Wang said?"

Yun Shang also did not conceal the admiration in his eyes, and nodded his head: "When Wang Yuanjun mentioned the three memorials, I kept thinking, since they mentioned it, I'm afraid I have to temporarily find the memorial package. It's too late to count. "

"After thinking about it for a long time, I thought of Wang Yuanjun saying that Qin Tianjian had entered two passes, and he found the third one. However, when he presented to His Majesty, he said that Qin Tianjian was only a few days ago. I found that the sky is different. I guessed that I was afraid that they were not fully prepared. After all, Xia Houjing returned to Jincheng on the day of the full moon feast of Baoer. They could arrange the time of this bureau, but only a few Today, the only thing you can find is the difference in handwriting. When were those words written, many literary literary can recognize them from their own, there is no shortage of such talents in the North, and we only need to mention them at that time. Come take a closer look and you will know the truth. "Yun Chang answered with a smile.

"But Wang Xizhi's performance was much better than I expected, and he could remember what the characteristics of the ink of the Qin Heavenly Prison were, and this was a blow." Yun Chang raised his eyes and looked at Wang Xizhi.

Shallow sounded two beeps, and his face was full of amazement: "Not to mention that the lady Wang can recognize the handwriting, and there are valid reasons to say it. Let's say that the lady Wang can still guess the princess's every move in that situation. The intention is already very powerful. "

Yun Chang nodded with a smile, with a little appreciation in her eyes.

"This is just a coincidence. Qin Tianjian looked at a low-key person, but he was very fond of showing off. I also heard him and others show that the ink he used was extremely precious and rare, and listed the characteristics of that ink. I just have a better memory. Others, exactly the same three seals, it ’s just a casual rush in five days. ”Wang Xizhi saw that Qian Yin and Yun Chang were both gentle and relaxed a lot, responded with a smile. .

Several people laughed and heard the sound of footsteps. Yun Chang turned her head, and it was Luo Luoqing's words.

Wang Xizhi hurriedly spoke to Luo Qing: "I have seen His Royal Highness."

Luo Qingyan nodded his head slightly, and frowned slightly, and went to sit next to Yun Chang: "Your Majesty let me and the princess enter the palace for dinner?"

Wang Yizhi responded, "Yes."

When Yun Chang saw Luo Qingyan's face was not very good, he knew what he was thinking. After passing Baoer to Qin Yi, Yun Chang whispered: "No matter, the dinner is set in Weiyang Palace, and there are still queens and queens. here I am."

Luo Qingyan put his hand on Yun Chang's hand and nodded gently: "Well, then pack up and go to the palace."

Yun Sang nodded and asked Qin Yi and the grandmother to change clothes for Baoer, prepare Baoer's diapers, and took a small piece of clothes to spare, and then came out of Prince's House with Luo Qingyan and got on the carriage .

Luo Qingyan got on the carriage and kept frowning, Yun Chang reached out and touched Luo Qingyan's forehead, and smiled, "His Highness is afraid of Xia Huanyu's remorse, and wants to let Xia Houjing?"

Luo Qingyan bowed his head softly: "Yes, I know Xia Houjing will certainly not be closed for a long time, but I have not set it up yet, but it is not the time."

Yun Chang smiled and said, "The matter is handed over to the body, and if His Majesty mentions it later, the body will say that although the seven kings are royal sons, but these are two lives, and they are still the most important ministers. Two lives. If they were released just after they entered the prison, it would be detrimental to the imperial majesty. They should be closed for a few days, and then find a suitable time to find a suitable person to let them go. four."

Luo Qingyan bowed his head lightly, reached out and held Yun Chang's hand, and sighed softly, "The one who knows me is the same as you."

After entering the palace, Wang Xizhi took their family directly to Weiyang Palace, and Weiyang Palace was more deserted than when Su Ruji was there before. There are a lot of people in the palace and the palace, but they just let Yun Chang feel, a little more leisurely, a little less restrained.

Queen Hua and Xia Huanyu sat in the main hall, as if playing chess. The queen of the queen side saw Yun Sang and Luo Qingyan, smiled and bent over to show hello, the queen of hua should be a bad loser. She waved and shuffled all the chess pieces on the board. Waved: "No more, no more, no two games and no win."

Seeing Yun Chang and Luo come in softly, Queen Hua's eyes lightened, and she waved toward Yun Chang: "Yeah, Boa. Hurry, let me hug."

Yun Chang took Baoer from her grandmother's arms with a smile, and hugged him behind the emperor. The empress took it, and then said to Yun Chang: "Go and play chess with my grandmother, he's afraid it's boring. It ’s hard to meet my opponent, and he took my stinky chess basket for a while. "

Xia Huanyu waved his hand: "I am already too familiar with the way Princess Chess plays chess. Come on lightly."

Yun Chang also said with a smile: "I am afraid that my mother-in-law is afraid that my mother-in-law and I are almost the same. I will lose to Her Majesty. Let the palace go down. I also want to see if Her Majesty and His Highness are better. Then. "

Xia Huanyu raised an eyebrow and separated the black and white pieces on the board. Without a word, Luo went quietly and sat across from Xia Huanyu.

Yun Chang stood aside and watched with interest. Luo Qingyan said that the style of playing chess was a wild way, which made people puzzled, but she was very good at calculations. Often, her opponents hadn't come back. It has already lost a large area. Xia Huanyu is somewhat restrained, but the father and son are the same in their bones, but I don't know who is better.

The two made several hands, and Yun Chang still looked dizzy and couldn't feel the pulse at all.

After almost half a game, the situation on the chessboard became a little clearer. Xia Huanyu's sunspots were almost surrounded by siege to Luo Qingyan's Baizi, but Luo Qingyan didn't panic. Instead, he died. Suddenly, Xia Huanyu's life door was caught.

After half an hour, it was Luo Qingyan who finally won.

Yun Chang couldn't help laughing, Luo Qingyan was a person who was never willing to cheat, not even his own father gave in the slightest.

The Empress Hua also noticed the situation on the chessboard and smiled: "Well, this time I finally lost. I won't draw any more chess."

Xia Huanyu frowned, picked up a **** and knocked gently, his eyes fell on the chessboard, and he said for a while: "Come again."

The queen quickly said: "It's been a long time when you come, and you're ready for dinner." Then she turned around and instructed her discretion.

Xia Huanyu heard that he no longer spoke, and slowly lowered his head to return the pieces to the basket, but he was no longer clamoring.

Yun Chang looked at this scene and felt a bit interesting. Yun Chang always felt that Xia Huanyu was a man of great imperial majesty, and his appearance was almost the same as Luo Qingyan, just watching him in front of Hua Huang It looks like a cat that has been slicked by humans all the time. Where is a tiger? Yun Chang couldn't help but laugh at the corner of his mouth. As the saying goes, it is not unreasonable to drop one thing at a time.

The palace person put the dinner on the table. Xia Huanyu had collected the chess pieces, walked to the Queen of Hua, looked at Bao'er, and watched for a long time. It's just that those eyes are more like a princess. "

The Queen Hua nodded her head and silently said, "Looking at the appearance of Bao'er, you can imagine what the Prince was like when he was a child."

When Yun Chang noticed that Luo Qingyan was a bit stiff, she quickly smiled and said, "I do feel it. There is a bit of imagination between Baoer's eyebrows and her queen mother."

The queen smiled and reached out and touched Bao'er's face.

The family had dinner in peace and quiet, only gossiping about the house, nothing else was said.

After dinner, Xia Huanyu glanced at Luo and said softly, "I just haven't enjoyed playing chess yet. I paid tribute to a pair of chess pieces made of agate some time ago, and I feel very comfortable. Let's go kill another round together. "

Luo Qingyan looked indifferent, and responded gently, and then followed. <

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