Eight-year-old Princess: Phoenix Reborn

Chapter 646: Careful calculation

Xia Huanyu finally agreed to Luo Qingyan's request and ordered the seven kings, Xia Houjing, to go to Liucang, Nanyang, and Siyang for disaster relief.

After seeing the contents of the dark report, Yun Shang handed the dark report to Ning Qian, and his mouth slightly hooked. "When Xia Huanyu heard His Royal Highness' proposal to let Xia Houjing go to the disaster relief, the fear in his eyes was not because of His Highness. He was surprised to have Xia Houjing go. "

After Ning Qian swept the content in a glance and ten lines, he took the opportunity: "No matter who Baiguan proposes, Xia Huanyu will find a way to convince Baiguan from the beginning to let Xia Houjing go. He was surprised because His Royal Highness said that he was right in the heart. . "

After Ning Qian finished speaking, he frowned and turned to look at Yun Sang. "I can't understand your Majesty's attitude towards Lord Seven. I don't know why Lord Seven is able to save him several times."

Yun Chang narrowed his eyes, and there was a hint of coldness in his eyes: "I don't understand either, but one day, all the truth will come to light, and I'm getting more and more curious. Before that, I also sent the dark guard to secretly check Probed, but found nothing. "

Ning Qian bowed his head gently, and then stared at the dark newspaper in his hand for a while: "His Royal Highness is meticulous and knows what Xia Huanyu's mind is, so he took the initiative and took the initiative and took the matter. Added a reputation for guilty of meritorious deeds. It has been repeatedly emphasized that the Lord of the Seven is to save his life and has to go all out to deliver the relief materials to the disaster area. In this way, if this matter is done After that, the seven kings will not be able to make credit for it, and will not be able to forgive the death. If it is done, it should only be so, and it will not work. "

Yun Chang also laughed and gave a soft nod: "Yes, Your Highness is thoughtful, but whether it is Xia Huanyu or Xia Houjing, this pit has to jump."

The two were talking, Qin Yi came in, holding a piece of paper in his hand. "Prince, please see, Your Highness has invited the rich merchants in the city to come to Fuzhong for dinner. How about preparing these dishes?"

Yun Chang took it and looked down, "Almond tofu, Yulong hot pot, sweet and sour lotus root, Lohan prawn, grain Fengdeng ..."

Yun Chang frowned slightly, raised her eyes and looked at Yun Chang, "You dishes are comparable to the palace feast in the palace."

"Isn't your Highness yesterday saying that you want to prepare a special banquet? The slaves prepared it in accordance with the highest hospitality banquet in our house. By the way, Princess, may I ask the opera team?" Qin Yi asked softly.

Yun Chang shook her head and was silent. "I always felt that what His Highness wanted was definitely not such a menu. This is not a hospitality banquet, but this is a scene for those businessmen. Hongmen Banquet. If you want to get silver from them, you can't do it ... "

Yun Chang groaned for a long time, but Ning shallowly opened his mouth with a smile: "Five grains, I feel it. The name of this dish is a good sign."

When Yun Chang heard that, her eyes brightened, and she laughed, "It is indeed a good sign."

Not long after noon, Yun Chang was about to take a nap, and Luo Qingyan had already returned. Yun Chang was somewhat surprised: "How come back so early today?"

Luo Qingyan smiled and said, "There is still a banquet in the evening, and Her Majesty recruited Xia Houjing into the palace to discuss the disaster relief. I will go back to my house first. Can the evening be arranged?"

Yun Chang nodded softly, "Everything is OK, so rest assured."

"Madam, I'm very relieved. Are you going to take a nap?" Luo Qingyan said, looking at Yun Chang's head without any beads, the robe had been removed, leaving only a home-made jersey. He asked softly.

Yun Chang nodded lightly. "Just after having some trouble with lunch, I wanted to take a break."

Luo Qingyan took off his suit and looked at Yun Chang with a smile. "I'm a bit sleepy, let's take a break together."

Seeing Yun Chang raising her eyebrows, Luo Qingyan also laughed, "Rest assured, I am really a bit sleepy today, what is the business? Did n’t I always follow you for a nap?"

Yun Chang smiled and said, "Doctor Chen took the rest downstairs. Although Doctor Chen had just entered the house, Bao'er liked her a little, and he didn't want to let go."

"Okay," Luo said lightly and smiled, then lay down on the side of the couch, and whispered softly, "Then let's rest."

Luo Qingyan said that he was really as tired as he himself said, but he was very tired, but he was very well behaved, just holding Yun Chang to sleep. Yun Chang closed her eyes and soon fell into a dreamland.

After sleeping for an hour, the two awakened, and lay in the crib for a while before getting up.

The dinner post was posted yesterday. Yun Chang and Luo Qingyan read the book in the room for a while, and heard someone whispering: "His Royal Highness, Princess, some guests have come to the door."

Luo Qingyan nodded his head slightly, put down the book in his hand, turned around and smiled at Yun Sang and said, "Since it is asking for someone, we should have a asking attitude, let's go and welcome the guests."

Yun Chang bowed her head and asked Qin Yi to comb her an extremely simple hair bun. She wore only a sarong and a wooden mule, and stood up. Luo Qingyan saw Yun Chang's dressing different from the past, raised his eyebrows, his eyes flashed with appreciation.

"Your Highness, change your clothes, too." Yun Chang whispered softly.

Luo Qingyan saw that Qin Yi also brought out a commoner. Luo Qingyan reached out and touched it. Although it is commoner, regardless of the work style, it is excellent, and the hand feel is not bad.

Qin Yitiluo also changed his clothes lightly. The two men left Nanyuan together and went to Linshuiju.

Linshuiju is an observation deck built on the lake. Even in the hottest summer days when the lotus blooms, Yunshang does not like to go to Linshuiju. If it is getting colder today, and there are no lotus leaves to enjoy on the lake, Linshuiju is not a very good place. I am afraid that the scenery in any small courtyard in the house is better than Linshuiju, but Yunchang is still the same. The banquet was arranged in Linshuiju.

There are already four or five people here. Xu is invited by the prince. Each one looks proud and wears extraordinary clothes. Jade is a good jade, and the clothes are the most fashionable and most expensive. Some of them are embroidered with gold thread even when they are clothes. They look very rich, and there are some things that they ca n’t even call Yun Sang, but they look good. Phase, since extraordinary.

Yun Chang glanced at it as if she were seeing moving golden dolls. With a grin at the corner of her mouth, her smile was even brighter.

"The prince is here, and the prince is here." Qin Yi also learned to sing and sing in the palace.

The people sitting in the room heard the words, and quickly got up in a panic, without daring to raise their eyes, and hurriedly saluted: "Caomin met His Royal Highness and his Royal Concubine."

Luo Qingyan was rare and gentle, and his mouth was also smiling with a smile: "Everyone is a noble guest invited by this palace. You don't need to be so polite. Just stand up and sit alone. This kneels at every turn. This palace does not like . "

Several people responded quickly, stood up and sat back in position.

Luo gently smiled, and the light glanced at the few people, "I don't know who each of you is. It is better to introduce it personally, so that this palace can be well known."

Yun Chang picked up the teapot on the side and poured a cup of tea for Luo Qingyan, and poured himself a cup, then sat quietly watching the show.

The people were flattered and looked at each other, and introduced them from right to left: "Caomin Qian came, is the shopkeeper of the Longfeng Building, in addition to the Longfeng Building, there are several restaurants."

Yun Chang raised her eyes and looked at the middle-aged man who was blessed. She had been to Longfenglou, but the shopkeeper she saw was not the one in front of her. I am afraid this is the real owner.

"Money comes, this name is awesome." Luo Qingyan also said with a cocked mouth, "Longfenglou has visited the palace several times, and the food in the store tastes very good."

"Don't dare to be, dare not to be, Your Highness is ridiculous." The money came to a smile with his eyes narrowed, fearing that he was extremely happy, but still pretending to be modest.

The man next to Qian came and said, "I've seen His Royal Highness, Cao Min is called Aunt Su Jingyang, and his family is a dart player. If his Highness wants to put a dart in the future, even if we come to the dart player, we will definitely not take any money."

Yun Chang's eyes fell on the aunt Su Jingyang. The man was in his thirties and was tall and strong, because he was a martial arts man, with a bit of pride. This aunt Sujia Yunshang has heard of it. Generally speaking, darts are usually only one place. However, the Gusu family opened the darts to every city in Xia Guo, only received darts worth at least 5,000 silver, and never lost darts. It is rare for Yun Chang to see a rich dart with a dart, this Su family has the ability.

Luo Qingyan arched his hand at the man: "Thank you so much."

The next businessman, Luo Qingyan, also let them introduce themselves one by one. Luo Qingyan has a good memory. If he continues to introduce it, he will write down the names of all the people. All the businessmen will kneel separately. Sitting on both sides of the room, a low table was in front of them.

Yun Sang swept away. There were a total of twenty-seven people and three women. The person representing Xiao Jilai had a strange face, a young man in his twenties with a handsome face.

Xiao Ji's rise is very fast, and Xiao Ji's owner is also very mysterious, which has frequently attracted people's attention. The man said that his name was Xiao Yun.

Yun Chang narrowed her eyes. She was very familiar with the name. Before she was wearing men's clothes, she introduced herself this way. After the man finished speaking, he blinked slightly towards Yun Chang, and Yun Chang smirked and laughed. It turned out that Ning Qian came easily.

"Everyone here is here, let's get started." Luo said softly, turning around and glancing at Yun Sang. Yun Sang nodded gently, clapped her hands, and Qin Yi let him be already here. The waitress waiting outside the door came in with a plate and put down five plates in front of everyone, all covered with covers.

Luo Qingyan took the lead in opening the plate, his eyes fell on those five plates, a flash of smile flashed in his eyes, and he looked up, "You don't need to be polite, please."

After everyone heard the words, they quickly opened the plate, and when they saw the contents of the plate, their faces became very wonderful. <

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