Eight-year-old Princess: Phoenix Reborn

Chapter 647: Treacherous than a traitor

"This is it?" Qianlai frowned first and asked in a low voice.

Yun Chang raised her corner of her mouth and laughed, slowly reached out and opened the plates one by one, her eyes fell on the five plates of food, and said softly: "The name of this dish is called Wu Feng Feng Deng, which are tofu made of soybeans. , Roasted wheat, rice, millet porridge, and sorghum wine. "

Seeing that the merchants present were all in a bad mood, Yun Sang opened his mouth again: "The greatest wish of Her Majesty and His Royal Highness is that the grain is abundant and the people live and work in peace. His Royal Highness was just named Prince, and this is also the first I once had a light meal with everyone, and my concubine thought, maybe this dish can better express His Highness ’wishes. Although the nobles are merchants, scholars, farmers and businessmen, the status of merchants is often the lowest, but His Highness is very Attaching great importance to businessmen, today is the first banquet in Fuchu after His Highness was crowned Prince, and I invite you who can call the wind and rain in the business world. Your Highness is also willing to join hands with you to create a prosperous world. "

Although Yun Chang's voice was gentle, her speech was concise and powerful, which made people feel a little bit uncomfortable with their enemies. Moreover, according to Yun Chang, the sentence is true. Since ancient times, although merchants have controlled most of the wealth of a country, they have always been ignored. Everyone talks about businessmen, they all have a smell of copper. The daughters of many good people are also unwilling to marry businessmen.

Yun Chang's remarks poked their pain.

Gu Su Jingyang picked up the bowl of sorghum wine, stood up, and raised the bowl: "I'm not very good at talking, but I just said that the prince is a hero, and the prince is a prince. Yong people admire most, just for the words of the prince, my aunt Su Jingyang, must respect the prince and the prince. "

Luo Qingyan turned around and looked at Yun Chang. Yun Chang smiled and took the lead to bring up the wine. Luo Qingyan hooked his mouth and raised the bowl: "Done."

The three of them looked up and drank the wine. Gu Su Jingyang laughed and sat down.

There are also people who dismiss Yun Yun's words, "The words of the princess are pretty good, and the play is also sung very well. The grain is abundant, and the prince is entertaining us at this time, all he wants is to get us out of the city. Those refugees. But those refugees outside the city are dead or alive. What has to do with us? Why do businessmen have a lot of interest and do nothing that benefits them? "

Luo Qingwen heard the story, and casually put down the wine bowl in his hand, and then he just laughed and said, "Liu shopkeeper said very well, this palace banquets everyone, the main purpose is indeed to hope that everyone can come out. With the help of money, this palace has properly resettled the drought-stricken refugees inside and outside the city. I also know that businessmen are profitable, but this palace has an idea that can be a win-win situation. You earn your silver, and I have my reputation. Now that there are no outsiders, let me talk to you for discussion. "

Luo Qingyan stood up, walked out from behind the low table, and walked to the middle of the room.

"Everyone is a leader among businessmen, and naturally understands that only by opening more and more shops and by knowing more and more people about their own things can there be more and more customers and earn more. Silver. I haven't negotiated in this palace. I don't know how you let more people know about your shop and what you sell in your shop. Would you like to tell us?

As soon as Luo Qingyan's words fell, some people responded: "I have good things in my shop, and there are many repeat customers. Word of mouth is like a cloud."

"Every shop will make people stand at the shop door and sip."

"When I sell jewelry, I will give some jewelry to the husbands and gentlemen of the noble officials. Others saw it and felt that the style was good. I would ask them where to buy it."


Luo Qingyan listened quietly for a while, then smiled, his voice raised a bit, overshadowed everyone said: "I have a way to let your shop and the best things in your shop be Most people in Xia Kingdom know that you can listen. "

The eyes of everyone looked at Luo Qingyan, and even Lian Yunchang looked at the past with a smile.

Luo Qingyan took two steps before he said, "If you contribute to the disaster relief, this palace will help you do three things. The first thing you can do is write on your shop on top of what you have donated. The refugees will be grateful to you for their names and main business. Nearly 2,000 refugees from inside and outside the city will arrange to send them back to their hometown after the disaster. "

"From Jincheng to Liucang, Nanyang, and Siyang, there are nine cities to pass, let alone small towns. The refugees, thanks to your kindness, will spare no effort to tell the people they met on the road, themselves Who is your benefactor and what his shop sells. In this way, many people will know you. "

Luo Qingyan smiled and looked at some people who were moving, "This is one, the second ..."

"Since you donated two silvers and donated things, this palace will naturally issue a notice to write your name and the name of your shop on the notice to tell Xia Guoxia, your kindness. On the notice board The ranking order is based on the amount of donated materials. As soon as the notice is published, the palace will send people to all prefectures and prefectures, and all will be posted. At that time, will not most of the Xia country know your name? What is it that you want to sell and where you want to open a shop? It is not easy. How can you open a shop like a cloud? "

Luo Qingyan glanced across the crowd, with a smile on his lips, "This is the second, this is the last ..."

"Every three years, we have to re-employ the Emperor's merchant, and next year is the time to recruit the Emperor's merchant. This palace has already spoken to His Majesty. The Emperor's Merchant should not only be good enough, but should also be anxious about it. Think about it. In the future, if Emperor Shang is recruited, whether it can stand up in time during such a catastrophe is also one of the most important reasons. "

Luo Qingyan investigated it early in the morning, and one third of this group of businessmen were imperial businessmen. Moreover, most of the others who failed to become emperor's businessmen were in competition and were compared. They had a desire for emperor businessmen in their hearts.

After Luo Qing said something, everyone below was silent for most of the time. Yun Chang raised her head and looked at Xiao Yun, who was posing as Ning Qian, and quietly handed a wink.

Ning Qian smiled and patted the table. "Xiao Ji has just begun. Although he has made some achievements now, he is still inferior to everyone. Every one of His Highness's words, Xiao is very interested. That Xiaomou was willing to give out fifty thousand silver, five thousand stones, and eight hundred pieces of cloth to help the disaster. "

As soon as Ning Qian's remarks came out, everyone in this room was wide-eyed, as if very surprised.

Yun Chang almost laughed out loud. Ning Qian really was her confidant. This move was so compelling that she used it very well.

Although the conditions proposed by Luo Qingyan are very tempting, but everyone is just watching. If others were to say first, maybe it would be a few thousand or two thousand things. It would be more like relief, if it becomes That situation is really not what Yun Chang and Luo Qingyan want to see.

But when Ning Qian opened his mouth, it was fifty-two thousand silver, five thousand stones, and eight hundred pieces of cloth. This was almost the revenue of many shops for several months. I'm afraid that in their opinion, Ning Qian is really crazy.

What's more, Xiao Ji is not too prominent and wealthy. It has not appeared in Jincheng for less than a year. Compared with the other people in this room, it is almost worthless to mention, but he can come up with so many things. It is a bit difficult for others to speak less than this amount.

Luo Qingyan also raised his palm and smiled, and said loudly: "Okay, the graciousness of the shopkeeper Xiao, this palace has thanked thousands of refugees on behalf of others. Come!"

The steward hurriedly pushed in the door from the outside and came in.

Luo gently said: "Go and get a memorial, and this palace will give the father the emperor overnight and tell him the generosity of the shopkeeper Xiao!"

The housekeeper responded quickly, and hurriedly retired. After a while, he took a memorial, and brought along with him ink and paper.

Luo Qingyan wrote a pen and wrote Xiao Yun's name and donated property on it.

After Luo Qingyan finished writing, before the pen was set aside, someone patted the table and stood up again: "The shopkeeper Xiao is so kind-hearted, and my aunt Su's family can't want to let him, a little aunt Su's sell Things can only be used as darts, and only silver is fine. "

Yun Shang hooked his mouth and laughed. This aunt Su Jingyang looked at a five big and three rough man, but he would be able to calculate. No wonder the darts in the Gu Su family can also run Xia Kingdom. He was afraid that he could see the situation clearly. The starting price of Ning Qian was too high. There must be a price increase and no reduction in the back. In this way, the more people shouted in front, the less they came out. Clear reputation.

None of the people present were foolish. Looking at the performance of Xiao Yun and Gu Su Jingyang, they also found a few ways and shouted: "Eighty-two thousand silver, all the refugees will not come to Longfeng Tower to eat in one month. Cashier! "


Less than half an hour later, Luo Qingyan wrote the three pieces of memorials in his hands. Luo Qingyan really did what he had promised before, and when the memorial was written, he immediately ordered the people to rush into the palace while His Majesty had not yet rested.

Everyone felt that this was the time when they won the credit in front of Xia Huanyu. After a few praises, His Royal Highness spoke faithfully. Only Yun Sang knew that Luo made such a move lightly, in order to prevent this scammer from going out of the Prince's House door today, and turned his back on his face. If Xia Huanyu Minger rewarded these businessmen in the early dynasty, they want to repent, but they have no way out. Naturally obediently, how much is promised and how much to hand in.

Yun Chang laughed secretly in the heart. Everyone in the world said that treacherous businessmen, trespassers, and trespassers, but in front of Luo Qingyan, the treacherous of these businessmen is just a joke. <

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