Eight-year-old Princess: Phoenix Reborn

Chapter 648: Unexpected surprise

This meal, it can be said that the guests and hosts are happy.

The night was dark, Luo Qingyan and Yun Chang personally sent the guests out of the gate, and then turned to walk to Nanyuan. Red lanterns hung on both sides of the corridor a few steps away, with a soft light and a bit of joy. Qin Yihe paintings, Yun Chang has let them go back to the Nanyuan to wash things, only Yun Chang and Luo Qingyan walking side by side in the promenade. Yun Chang kept turning her head to look at Luo Qingyan all the way, and made Luo Luo Qingyan couldn't help laughing. He stretched out his hand and held Yun Chang's hand, "Is there something on my husband's face that attracts my wife's attention frequently?"

Yun Chang raised his corner of the mouth and smiled. The smile was more and more soft under the glow of the yellow lantern. And my favorite person. "

Luo Qingyan's eyes burst into joy, and he hurriedly turned to look at Yun Chang: "What did you say? Say it again?"

Yun Sang drew a hint of slyness and laughed before raising her head to the red lantern hanging under the porch, pretending to be puzzled: "Is the prince the most intelligent and resourceful?"

Luo gently shook his head. "No, the next sentence."

Yun Chang held back a laugh, looked at Luo Qingyan seriously, and asked tentatively, "Then ... is the husband the best-looking?"

Luo Qingyan frowned, already seeing that Yun Chang was deliberately teasing her, so she stretched out two hands to hold Yun Shang's shoulders, forcing her to look at herself, saying, "You said, You love me the most, say it again. "

Yun Chang's mouth was tilted, her eyes flickered slightly, like a sly little fox: "Uh huh, okay, you said, you love me the most, I know!"

Luo lightly resigned, staring at Yun Chang with a frown, with a little thought in his eyes. Yun Chang stood in front of him, looking at him with his head tilted, and wanted to see what else he could do. It turned out that teasing him was such an interesting thing. Yun Chang thought.

Such an idea had just scratched his head, Luo Qingyan loosely loosened his hands holding Yun Shang's shoulders, squatted down, held Yun Chang on his shoulder, and walked quickly to Nanyuan.

Yun Chang was startled, only to feel that the sky was turning, and suddenly the whole person was turned upside down, and he hurriedly exclaimed: "Hey, what are you doing? Let me down, is it okay if I am wrong? I am not funny You, I said, I said ... "

Luo Qingyan evoked the corners of his mouth, and his voice was with an obvious smile, "It doesn't matter if you don't say it. When I'm on the couch, I will always have countless ways for you to say it."

I don't know if it was Luo Qingyan who was hanging upside down on his shoulders, his blood was flowing backwards, or because of shyness, Yun Chang's face suddenly became red, and under the reflection of the reddish lantern light, she was even more soft and very beautiful. .


The next day, Yun Sang slept until noon and got up. When she got up, she still felt like she had fallen apart. She couldn't help but secretly blame Luo Qingyan. She could torture her last night. Enough. What Luo Qingyan said he wanted to hear was also said countless times.

Qinyi was called in and washed up, and after breakfast, just picked up the book, Ning Qian ran over.

"Well, Your Royal Highness is really great. Yesterday, I raised a total of three million yuan of silver, not to mention those other things, such as rice, cloth, etc. There are hundreds of thousands of those things. Oh my god, I was taken aback when I heard it. This is almost a year's income of the treasury. "Ning Qian's face was full of wonder, and his eyes sighed unabashedly.

Yun Chang also couldn't help laughing, raising her eyes and looking at Ning Qian said, "It's because of your credit. If you don't cooperate well, I'm afraid there isn't so much."

Ning Qian hooked the corner of his mouth: "Anyway, I spent the master's silver, and I didn't feel any distress. This time, His Royal Highness made great contributions. I just went to the city to take a look. Although the merchants' The silver has not yet been raised, but the porridge shed has been set up outside the city. His Highness himself stared at the porridge outside the city. In addition to a bowl of very thick green vegetable porridge, each person could still eat two small dishes. It is praise and praise. "

Yun Chang heard the words and was very happy in her heart. It seemed that the praised person was not Luo Qingyan, but her.

Perhaps this is the so-called husband and wife body. Yun Chang suddenly flashed such a sentence in her mind, but couldn't help but stunned, lowered her head and mouth slightly.

"By the way, I heard that Xia Huanyu met Xia Houjing after an early dynasty yesterday. Xia Houjing had already set off with the first batch of relief materials in the evening yesterday. Can he send someone to make trouble?" Ning Shallowness said, there was an interest in the eyes.

Yun Chang heard the words and was silent for a while before shaking his head with a smile: "This is not necessary. Xia Houjing's visit was recommended by His Royal Highness. We must not step into this muddy water. If it is It ’s wrong to be wrong, and someone grabbed the handle, but it made people feel that Xia Houjing ’s trip was set by his Royal Highness to remove him. Xia Houjing ’s relief this time will certainly not go smoothly. It's just the ones who set him up, but not us. "

"Not us?" A light of doubt flashed in Ning Qian's eyes. "Who is that? Doesn't Xia Houjing have other opponents besides us?"

"I don't know if he has any opponents in the fight for the throne, but his enemies are not a minority in the relief trip. The previous relief supplies could not reach the victims because the officials were trying to fill their pockets. The material was swallowed up privately, and the officials guarded him, and finally found nothing to check. "Yun Chang's eyes fell on the account book in his hands, and he sighed," This is a mess. "

"Xia Houjing this time, in addition to delivering relief materials, there is a hidden will to investigate and punish corrupt officials. In this way, they are contrary to the interests of corrupt officials. Those corrupt officials will do everything they can. The chain of interests between corrupt officials is much deeper than we imagined. From the DPRK officials to local parents, people on the invisible chain of interests will try their best to get rid of Xiahou Jing. The strong dragon is hard to crush the head snake, Xia Houjing will certainly not be better. "Yun Chang smiled with a smile.

Ning Qian also came to understand and arched toward Yun Sang: "High, Your Highness is very clever."

Yun Chang laughed again, "Yeah, it made me learn a lot."

The two laughed for a while, and Ning Qian only said, "I have already taken Chunlai to the hospital. The original women in the building are not too young, and their appearance is not good. I have left a few slightly better ones. The others have given some silver couples and settled away. I ’m here to borrow a few people from the master. We also have a lot of green houses in various places. This spring, the hospital plans to change its name to Mingfeng. Museum, send the flower queens in the green buildings around this place to this Ming Feng Museum. But the flower ques in this Ming Feng Museum, but have to find the master to borrow, I know that the master and son also have a good selection of color from the various places training."

Yun Chang raised an eyebrow and looked at Ning Qian: "Yesterday I was still thinking about trespassing without mercy, and you vividly expressed the meaning of these words. In a blue building, a Hua Kuibu was cultivated. It ’s easy, you have to **** all the flowers, which is a bit excessive. "

Ning shallow face did not have the slightest shame, just smiled and said, "After all, Jincheng is at the foot of the emperor, coming and going are all noble officials and nobles. The information collected is much more important than in other cities. It should be so. "

"I'm fine, it's just that the old lady in the other green house is unwilling. You have to say it yourself." Yun Chang chuckled, "After all, you're eating meat from others."

Ning Qian smiled and responded: "Okay, the master promised."

"When are you going to open the museum?" Yun Chang asked with a smile.

Ning shallowly calculated before answering: "It depends on the situation of the girls. If it is good, it can be opened in a month."

Yun Chang nodded gently, "then I'll wait for your good news."

Ning Qian responded with a smile, and then broke away again: "The birthday of the Lord is coming, is your Highness going to spend time with the Lord?"

Yun Chang smiled and said, "It will be the autumn test the day after tomorrow. Now there are refugees again. Your Highness is busy now. How dare you disturb His Highness because of this little thing."

"The birthday of the master is a trivial matter. I watched Qin Yi all the invitations yesterday. At that time, my subordinates would have to have a meal." Ning Qian smiled.

"It's like when did I lose your meal." As he said, Qin Yi brought in something with a smile, and put it down with a smile, and then said softly: "Prince, this is fish stew, while Let's try it. The osmanthus fish caught in the lake before. In the evening the kitchen is ready to make a steamed osmanthus fish for the highness.

There are two bowls on the plate, both of which are fish stew. Qin Yi put the other bowl in front of Ning Qian, and smiled, "Ning Qian girl try it."

Ning Qian quickly smiled and thanked, gently stirred with a spoon, and ate a small spoon to eat.

Yun Chang also smiled and took a bite. The fish did not smell fishy, ​​but it was very delicate. Yun Chang nodded softly: "It tastes good."

But looking at Ning Qian frowned, his face seemed a little bad.

Yun Chang said with concern: "What's wrong? But it's not appetizing?"

Ning Qian raised her hand and waved gently, but tightened her brow sharply, ran out of the room with her mouth covered, and Ning Qian's vomiting sound came from the door.

Yun Chang had a thoughtful look and raised his eyes to look out the door.

Qin Yi was terrified: "What's wrong? But what's wrong with this fish?" Then he hurried out.

After a short while, Ning Qian returned to the room, and his face was a little pale.

"How are you?" Yun Chang asked with concern.

Ning shallowly waved his hands, still looking painful: "It's okay, but the stomach is upset." Then, he went back to the table and sat down.

Qin Yi quickly took an empty glass and Ning Qian picked up the tea cup on the table, took a sip of tea, rinsed his mouth, and spit the water into the empty glass.

Yun Sang reached out and put her hand on Ning Qian's other hand. After a long while, she frowned slightly, with a subtle expression on her face: "You are pregnant." <

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