Ning Qian looked for a moment, withdrew her hand, hid it in her sleeves, and lowered her head for a while, and didn't speak. The light in her eyes changed, but she could not see how much joy she was about to be a mother.

Yun Chang's eyes fixed on her, and he asked softly, "Will I ask Qin Yi to tell Wang Jinhuan to tell him this?"

Ning Qian quickly shook her head and was silent for a while before she said, "What should I tell him? I didn't plan to have this child."

"No? Why not?" Yun Chang frowned, and silenced Xu Xu. "I have had a good chat with Wang before, and he is sincere to you. Now that you have children, why not give him a chance? Wang Jinhuan Looks a little bit peachy, but not necessarily a good husband and father. "

When Yun Sang finished speaking, she raised her eyes and made a wink at Qin Yi. Qin Yi nodded slightly, and then went out of the house while Ning Qian didn't notice.

Ning Qian bowed her head and said nothing.

Yun Chang sighed lightly, "I know you are aware that you have experienced so many things before that you are not worthy of Wang Huanhuan. If you want to think like that, you are blaming me for arranging you to do those things. You receive all the training with me, and you are smarter than me and learn everything faster than me. I have never considered you as a subordinate. The two of us are more like friends. In my heart, you are better than anyone , But now because of me, you have no right to even have the right to pursue happiness ... "

Ning's shallow face was full of pain, and he quickly shook his head and said, "No, it's not because of these."

"Why is that? I don't believe you have no affection for Wang Jinhuan." Yun Chang also hurriedly pursued the victory. "In fact, I don't think you have to think so much. Since it is Wang Jinhuan who likes you, things in his house are given to him. He's going to deal with it, you just need to rest with him at ease. "

"I think about it, I think about it." Ning Qian muttered to himself, eyes full of struggle.

Yun Chang no longer persecuted, just sitting quietly without speaking.

"Baoer, you can see your mother right away." Just after the house was quiet for a while, Yun Chang heard Chen Miaosi's voice coming from the door, accompanied by Baoer's cry.

Yun Chang hooked his mouth, and it was not necessary to guess that Yun Chang knew that this was Qin Yi's arrangement.

"Prince, Prince, come soon, Lord Xiaojun keeps crying. I can't help it." Chen Miaosi hurriedly opened the curtain and hurried in.

Bao'er's voice became clear, Yun Chang quickly reached out to pick up Bao'er, stood up and walked back and forth in the house, and at the same time he softened his voice and said, "Don't cry, don't cry, Baoer don't Cried."

Bao'er really stopped the tears, and looked at Yun Chang with a pair of watery eyes wide open. The small appearance made people's hearts melt.

Yun Sang moved slightly, went to the table, sat down, and handed Baoer to Ning Qian, and smiled and said, "Among us, you have at least embraced Baoer. When you come, if you don't hold it, you will be born. "Baoer will be your little master in the future, but he will be happy to please."

Ning Qian was surprised for a moment, and was so annoyed by Yun Chang's words that he reached out to take over Baoer, but was at a loss.

Xu Shi was aware of Ning Qian's distress, and Bao'er took a nap. "Hey" laughed, and everyone in the room laughed.

Only Bao'er in Ning Qian's arms stretched out his finger and covered it in his mouth, so he looked at Ning Qian with some uncertainty. Ning Qian quickly pulled Bao's finger out, his eyebrows were wrinkled, and his voice was light. Many: "Who made you eat your finger? Uh?"

Baoer laughed again and again ...

Yun Sang wiped the saliva of Bao Er with Jinpa, and then raised her head with a smile and looked at Chen Miaosi, "Is Baoer very naughty?"

Chen Miaosi shook her head and said, "The prince Xiaojun doesn't admit birth and doesn't cry often, and he has a good temper."

When Yun Chang heard the words, she laughed out loud: "How big is this? You can see that you have a good temper, and you really boast when you think about it."

Xu grew up in Changbai Mountain since he was a child. Chen Miaosi looked at her face like a gentle and demure woman, but in fact she was pure and lively. Yun Sang hooked her mouth, thinking about Chen Miaosi's temper, and she was very good with Bao'er. Unlike her grandmother and other subordinates, she had patience, but she was also willing to play with Bao'er.

Yun Sang asked Chen Miaosi to sit down, and the three of them smiled around Baoer for a while.

"Shallow, shallow!" But there was a sound from far away. It didn't seem to come from the door, but farther away. Yun Chang saw Ning Qian's body a slight meal, and then she evoked. He laughed at the corner of his mouth, and the king was stupid enough to rejoice.

Ning Qian knew why Wang Jinhuan came over, raised his head and looked at Yun Sang, and passed Baoer to Yun Sang, with a bit of helplessness in his eyes. Yun Chang did not deny it, and smiled, "Wang Jinhuan is also your child's father. In any case, he has the right to know, right?"

As soon as the words fell, I saw that the bead curtain at the door was lifted up vigorously, only to see a red shadow flash, Wang Jinhuan stood in front of them. He paused for a moment before stopping completely.

"Shallow, shallow, Qin Yi said that you are pregnant, but is it true?" Wang Jinhuan asked without cheating the smile on his face.

After waiting for Ning Qian to answer, Wang Jienhuan hurriedly said, "I have a handsome appearance, and my shallow beauty is unparalleled. Our two children must be the first beauty in the world."

Yun Chang couldn't help but laugh: "The best beauty in the world, if a girl is okay to say, but if it is a boy, it may not be a good thing."

"Both men and women are beautiful. I'm so happy ..." Wang Jinhuan said, looking at Ning Qian, frowned, and quickly pulled Ning Qian up, "Don't you sit for too long, they said there was It's not good for a child if a pregnant person sits too long. "

Just pulled up and hurriedly said, "But they also said, can't stand too long, then go, let's go back and lie down."

"Well, what do you want to eat at night, you can't eat cold, you can't eat cold."

"Then don't go to the Mingfeng Pavilion. The fragrance inside is too heavy. I have to sneeze even when I go in. The fragrance is not good for children and may cause miscarriage."

"Well, why are you standing up, sit down and sit down!"

"..." Yun Chang and Chen Miaosi looked at each other, and the scene was simply breathtaking.

Yun Chang couldn't help laughing, raised his eyes and looked at Wang Huanhuan, "Well, what are you doing to let Qian Qian stand up and sit down for a while? What are you going to do now? of."

Wang Huan heard the words, and hurriedly helped Ning Qian sit down. It looked like he was holding a fragile vase in his hand.

Sitting Ning Qian holding her seated, Wang Jinhuan hurriedly ran to Yun Sang and stood still, staring at Baoer in Yun Sang's arms, looking at her for a while, then raised her head and said to Yun Sang: "Prince I just gave birth to Baoer. I know what I should pay attention to during pregnancy. Can you tell me? "

Yun Chang couldn't help laughing, and glanced at Ning Qian, seeing that although there was a bit of helplessness in her expression, there was no slightest rejection, and she had a bottom in her heart.

"The ones you just said are all true. Whether standing or sitting or lying down, you can't take too long. You need to exercise properly. It doesn't need to be too deliberate. What you should do on weekdays is just that. Do n’t be too fierce. Pay special attention to the food above. It ’s cold, cold, dry, and there are a lot of things you ca n’t eat. There are also fragrances that are not completely unscent, just taboo. I have sorted out some taboos for me, and I'll let Qin Yi find them for you. "

Wang Jinhuan nodded again and again, looking like a teacher.

Yun Chang groaned for a moment, but the smile on the corner of her mouth was a little sly: "Yes, there is one more important thing that needs attention."

"Huh? What?" Wang Jinhuan quickly looked up at Yun Chang, Yun Chang glanced at Ning Qian, and smiled badly: "Shallow is pregnant, the first three months and the third month of labor cannot be in the same room, otherwise the fetus in the belly Extremely vulnerable. "

As soon as Yun Chang's words fell, Ning Qian's face suddenly turned red. Wang Jinhuan had another expression, and when he saw his eyes widened, his eyes were filled with sorrow, "Ah? Can't intercourse? The first three months, the next three months, and the sixth month, the pregnancy was only October. That's not Only four months ... "

Before the voice was over, he was interrupted by the annoyed Ning Qian: "Wang Jinhuan."

Yun Shang seemed to have heard the voice of Ning Qiang's teeth, and smiled more happily, "Well, even if it was four months in the middle, I had to be careful and restrained."

Seeing Wang Jinhuan still looked downcast, Ning Qian stood up suddenly and walked outside.

Wang looked like he was happy, a flash of panic flashed in his eyes, followed hurriedly, followed Ning Qian, and even vocally said, "Shallow, be careful, don't go too fast, there are stairs, be careful, you must not I fell ... "

The voice gradually went away, and a room of talent burst out laughing.

"I never thought that Wang Gongzi had such a temperament, it was really funny." Qin Yi, who had just entered the room, smiled. "Finally, the slave went to find Wang Gongzi, and said that Ning Qian was pregnant, but did not want this child. Prince, you didn't see Wang Jinhuan's expression at the time, it was really funny. "

"The face was incredible, and after a few hops, I hurriedly asked the slave, really? Really? The slave did, and he ran around the yard twice, and then stopped suddenly. Footsteps, said, wait, do n’t want it? Then he made Gonggong run quickly. But he was frightened by the slave, and then came back in a hurry. "

Yun Chang also laughed, "Ning Qian is accompanied by such a person, and his life will not be boring. It's good, we are about to have a happy event in our house." <

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