Eight-year-old Princess: Phoenix Reborn

Chapter 650: An anachronistic rain

When Luo Qingyan returned to his home, Yun Chang told him about Ning Qian and Wang Wanghuan. Luo Qingyan looked at the smile on Yun Chang's face and silenced for a moment before he said: "Ning Qian's worry is not justified, you also Do n’t be too happy, I know you want Ning Qian to have a good home. Although Wang Jinhuan seems a little uncomfortable, but he is very reliable in doing things. Being a husband is a good candidate. However, Wang Shangshu and The concept of Mrs. Wang's door is not light. Ning Qian's birth is always a big problem. If you want Ning Qian to marry Wang Huanhuan, you have to make arrangements. You don't want Ning Qian to be angry with her in-laws afterwards. "

Yun Chang heard the words, but it was a little surprised. Wang Shangshu and Mrs. Wang had contact when Ning Kingdom. In Yun Chang's memory, Wang Shangshu was a father who hurt his children, and Mrs. Wang was also a gentle man. Why? Will it?

Yun Sang expressed her doubts, and Luo Qingyan smiled and said, "You forgot your identity in Ningguo? At that time, Ningdi's favorite princess Huiguo, you make friends with the brothers and sisters of the Wang family. They are happy to see it happen, and they naturally show the best of them in front of you. "

"And you see, before Wang Shangshu and his wife chose Wang Jingyan as their marriage candidate, Wang Jingyan chose Liu Qiyu. Although Liu Qizhen was ordinary, he was the champion, and now he is favored by the Holy Ghost. Shang Jia, the official and the prime minister, and the state cousin, there are daughters in the family who are afraid that they want their daughter to marry such a person. "

Yun Chang knew that at the time of the Ning Kingdom, Wang Shangshu had no friendship with Luo Qingyan, and he knew Wang Shangshu very well. Since he said so, I'm afraid it's true.

Yun Chang frowned, and was a little worried: "What should I do?"

Luo Qingyan saw that Yun Chang was worried about this matter, and he was reluctant to smile, and said with a smile, "You can push him to where you are now, and make a good life for Ning Qian. It's not difficult. But Ning Qian is also a well-known figure in the Imperial City of Ningguo. Many senior officials and nobles have seen Ning Qian's appearance. You can think about it. "

Yun Chang nodded lightly, Luo Qingyan said, it seems that it is the only way to do it.

The two were saying this, but they heard a girl yelling downstairs: "It's raining, put everything away."

It's raining? Yun Chang walked out of the window, and there was a constant ripple on the lake. The rain was sparse, but it was a little bit big, but I was afraid that it would soon rain.

Yun Chang frowned and said, "It's already late autumn, and the rain is still so fierce."

Luo Qingyan, who was sitting on a soft couch, heard the words, but suddenly bounced from the soft couch: "No, the shelter for refugees outside the city has not yet been set up. What should the refugees do in this rain?"

With that said, he didn't even put on his robe, and hurried out the door.

Yun Sang rushed to the corridor outside the door and yelled at the servant behind Luo Qingyan, "Take an umbrella, it is necessary to let His Royal Highness rain in the rain."

The attendant responded quickly, took the umbrella, and took the cape to chase it out, but Luo Qingyan had already gone a long way.

Qin Yi, who was returning from the outside, quickly asked: "This dinner is ready. Where is your Royal Highness?"

Yun Chang raised her head and looked at the increasingly dense raindrops, her brows frowned: "This rain is really not the time."

Qin Yi was even more confused. When she saw Yun Chang wearing a thin dress and standing on the corridor, she quickly said, "The princess, please go into the house, it will be cold in the rain, and it will not be good if it is cold."

Catch cold?

Yun Chang's body shook suddenly, and those refugees outside the city wandered here from their hometown all the way, enduring hunger, and most of them didn't even have a piece of clothing. If you get a rain in this way, you are very likely to get sick.

"Gather the doctors who can be mobilized in the city and prepare some herbs for treating cold and fever." Yun Chang said quickly.

Qin responded, but was a little worried: "Just because of this, our power is almost exposed to most people."

Yun Chang was silent for a moment, then turned around and walked to the house: "Groom me, I will go to the palace, you let Qian Yin first secretly prepare the doctor and the medicinal herbs, and after I ordered, I acted immediately."

Qin Yiren prepared a carriage, and then quickly entered into the house with Yun Chang, quickly wearing a lake-blue uniform skirt for Yun Chang, combing a flying magpie, holding three arms and shaking, and Taken the amount of embellishment and embellishment, put a cloak on Yun Chang.

Yun Sang stood up and hurried down the stairs. The rain outside was getting heavier, crackling and beating on the ground outside the house. Qin Yi hurriedly took an umbrella to support Yun Sang. Yun Sang took the umbrella herself He took it and said, "Let the painting be with me. You are waiting in the house. If your Highness has any instructions, it is better to arrange."

Qin Yi responded quickly, and Yun Chang propped herself up into the rain curtain.

Yun Chang went to the Hall of Arrangement first, and the housekeeper in front of the Hall of Arrangement said that Xia Huanyu was in Weiyang Palace. Yun Chang hurried to the Weiyang Palace again. The wind and rain were outside, but the red furnace was cooking in Weiyang Palace. Xia Huanyu and the Queen of China were sitting together in the main hall, reading a book, and whispering.

Yun Chang rushed to the outside of the main hall to see this scene. The maiden outside the gate saw Yun Chang and quickly said, "The prince and concubine are here."

When Xia Huanyu and Queen Hua heard their voices, they both raised their heads and saw Yun Sang standing at the door of the temple. Even if she had an umbrella, because of the heavy rain and the wind, Yun Sang was showered. Some were embarrassed, her hair was slightly wet, and her face was stained with water. Her shoes and skirt were already soaked. The queen of Hua quickly got up and said, "Why is it such a heavy rain outside, how come into the palace? Come in……"

Yun Chang shook her head again and again and said, "Nothing, my skirt and shoes are soaked, so I won't go in. There is something to report here ..."

Queen Hua quickly took Yun Chang's hand and pulled her into the temple: "If something happens, you must come in and warm yourself first."

Yun Chang didn't hesitate, thinking about this look was also a little disrespectful, so he had to step into the temple, and wherever he passed, he left a long watermark.

Yun Chang went to the temple and knelt down sharply. "Under the guidance, the shacks for refugees outside the city have not yet been built. After this heavy rain, many refugees have nowhere to hide but they have to get rain. His Royal Highness has already I rushed out of the city to dispose of it, but my son-in-law thought that the refugees were wandering all the way here. They could not eat or eat, and their bodies were not good. If they were to get such a heavy rain, they might be very sick. The son-in-law was worried about the body of the refugee. Before entering the palace, he had ordered the doctor in the city and the medicinal materials for treating colds and fevers to enter the palace. This time he entered the palace to ask for the crime and ask for sin. The sins of the imperial decree will be undertaken by the children. "

Xia Huanyu's eyes fell on Yun Shang's still dripping skirt, Fang put down the book in his hand, stood up and whispered: "The prince is thinking for the people, how can a widow blame? Liu Wenan ..."

Liu Wen'an stood aside and responded quickly.

"The imperial decree and the jade seal are in the Tai Chi Hall, and they drive back to the Tai Chi Hall." Xia Huanyu said in a loud voice.

Liu Wenan finished bending over, and then instructed the housekeeper outside the hall to prepare a canopy and prepared two shuttle cars.

After commanding Liu Wen'an, Xia Huanyu looked to the Empress Hua, and her face softened a bit: "I will return to Taiji Temple first. You can use the dinner alone. There are still some political affairs in the palace, and I will come over after finishing the disposal."

The Queen Hua gave a soft reply, and lowered her head and said to Yun Chang: "Once you have the decree, you can go back to Prince's House. Other things can be ordered to be done, so you can change your clothes, and you must catch cold. "

Yun Chang responded quickly, then stood up and followed Xia Huanyu, and together went out of the main hall of Weiyang Palace.

After leaving Weiyang Palace, the car was ready. After Xia Huanyu and Yun Sang got on the car one after another, Liu Wenan only said, "Your Majesty set off ..."

Taking the decree was all smooth. Yun Chang took the decree and hurried out of the palace. As soon as she got on the carriage, she ordered the dark guard to return to the house to give a message to Qian Yin, and asked her to take a doctor and the guard of the Prince's House together. When encountering refugees with physical discomfort, they were quickly sent to the hospital in the city.

The hospital has hot water, clean clothes, and doctors and herbs.

The dark guard responded, and Yun Chang instructed the coachman again: "Go straight out of the city."

The rain has been much smaller, but Yun Chang's complexion has not stretched at all. If it is a torrential rain, it is fine. If it is a light rain, I am afraid that it is the next one and it is difficult to stop.

Before reaching the gate of the city, Yun Sang saw that most of the shops on the way had closed their doors, and the refugees sheltered from the rain under the eaves, but most of them were ragged and wet.

Yun Chang watched all the way, and soon arrived at the gate of the city, and the foot of the city gate was also full of refugees. In the late autumn, the air was cold, and with this rain, it was a little colder. The refugees hid at the foot of the city wall, and several people leaned against each other to warm each other, but still shivered.

Yun Sang saw a woman in the crowd holding a child. The child was afraid that she was not yet one year old and her face was flushed, but the child's mother was unaware.

"Stop," Yun Chang yelled.

The carriage stopped, and Yun Chang quickly got out of the car and went to the woman and said, "This elder sister, your child is ill. I will have some medical treatments, can you show me?"

The woman raised her eyes and looked at Yun Chang, then lowered her head and held the child in her arms tightly, full of alert.

"Sister, I'm not malicious, look at the child in your arms flushed and very painful. You touch his body, is it hot?" Yun Chang persuaded bitterly, but the woman still did not have With the slightest movement, he only murmured, "You lied, my daughter was fooled by you like this, A Qiang is not sick, you go away."

Yun Chang frowned, trying to speak, but heard a voice over there: "Prince Princess."

Yun Chang looked up, but it was Qian Yin who arrived with the guards of the Prince's House. <

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